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[You've been awful quiet recently.] Sebek sent.

[While I disapprove of your methods, it seems like they're slowly working. So long as I'm seeing results I can't complain too much.] Malik responded.

[One thing. I think it's pretty bad to let that Seraph girl in on so much without using any kind of Sociamancy on her. What's the issue with using it just a little bit to make sure she doesn't flip?]

[The issue is, she likes me. It feels like she wants to be with me on her own. This is the first time this has happened and I don't want to taint any of that with magic.] Sebek furrowed his brow and elaborated.

[I don't want to have to question what parts of it are real.]

[That's a soft mindset. You don't know if any of it is real. You don't know what's going on in her head or what she's planning. That's the point of this power. You make sure everything on the outside aligns with the inside.]

[I just disagree. She's nice. We had sex on MCS's bed.]

[You only say that because you haven't seen what I've seen. The ability to see the thoughts behind the expression someone has is eye-opening. I've seen individuals act perfectly, imperceptibly kind while holding ulterior motives. For men of our species, men like us, it's a given. You can't see it but it's still there. She's acting nice? Great. If she's really feeling what she's saying then you can align those thoughts. If she's actually thinking them then there's basically no change. If there's ulterior motives it'll fix that.]

[What you're asking me to do is NOT bet on myself, here.] Sebek countered before turning his phone over in response to Gary craning his head over.

“Who're you messaging, dude?” It was an accusatory tone. Sebek could not help but feel like Gary was staring particularly harshly at him. Usually the human did his best to ignore Sebek and only regard him when he had to, but Gary had been offering suspicious glances to Sebek throughout the session. When Sebek thought about it, it was likely for good reason. Eden, the Elf, was so dejected in Sebek's presence that her ears were drooping. The girl was low energy, to describe it lightly. The Jackal, in contrast, was constantly passing glances in Sebek's direction. Angel and Mars were the only ones calmly doing their work. Mars was as happy as could be with the situation because for every session Bri and the other girls were more distant from Gary. Sebek had of course sat in Bri's place for every session to best offer assistance.

After contemplating an answer, Sebak just shrugged. “Nobody. Don't worry about it.”

“Okay, let me see.” The boy demanded. He was trying to sound intimidating. It would have worked previously. The Sebek of their first meeting on the train had very low confidence. Recently, however, he was bolstered to the point that his self-assurance could barely be contained within even his large frame. This was perfectly illustrated when Gary reached over.

“No.” He Sebek stated firmly, placing it out of reach.
“I don't need to show you my messages.”

“Uh, yeah?” Mars was the first to comment with a  chuckle.
“Why's it matter? Just leave the Orc to his games or whatever.”

“Not games, messages! It matters.” Gary retorted without providing the context that would allow anyone present to understand. He leaned over and forcefully reached further in a way that overstepped every boundary that Sebek felt he had.

“Give it here!”

“No!” The Orc finally acted his size and pressed a large hand into the human's chest while turning to place his weight over him. It happened very fast. Gary stared up in shock as he was easily pinned to the couch. With Sebek's hand on Gary's chest he could feel the boy's heart thumping faster, oddly. Sebek took a calm breath and loosened the hand. Glancing around subtly, Sebek and Gary could both take in the individual expressions of the girls. Bri was wide-eyed, her mouth agape at the interaction. Eden nervously had her hands folded together; her expression was one of concern. Angel was of course just slightly amused and Mars was surprised and a bit annoyed.

Gary cut his losses and while his cheeks flushed a deep red hue, he threw his hands up and questioned in an attempt to save face.
“Whatever. Why're you using your phone while we're studying, anyway?”

Sebek sat back down and let out a sigh. He could've given Gary something. Anything. As he was looking around the gallery of shocked faces, however, he realized that he no longer needed to give anything to the human.

“Is that what WE are doing?” Sebek asked forcefully.


“I'm asking. Are we forbidding electronics use during these sessions, Gary?”

“W-well...” It was awkward, as he had very one-sidedly accused Sebek before considering that he and most of the others were periodically on their devices.


“Y... es. That's what we're doing.” Gary decided.
“So give-”

Sebek held out his hand. “Give me your phone.”

“What? No!” Gary protested.

“Yes. I do most of the work. I have the highest placings among all of you. I'm just going to start leading these sessions because yeah, you're right. All of you are very distracted for some reason.” As he said that with only a slight hint of irony Angel stifled a giggled. Gary opened his mouth but Sebek quickly interrupted.
“No you don't get a say.”

“This is my-” Gary added quickly after that.

Sebek cut him off. “Your apartment? You own it yourself? Or...” Sebek lifted a brow. He had confidence. It was a gambit that was strong but could have failed if he was not sure that Fara was going to side with him. He thought Gary would put up more of a fight on that point but for some reason he seemed hesitant. As expected though, eventually he did offer up a complaint.

“It's more mine than it is yours.” Sebek was surprised that he went with such a passive argument. It was a half-concession rather than the strong rebuttal that Sebek wanted. Still, the Orc decided that he could still rub it in a little more. As if on cue Fara rounded the corner into the living room.

“Actually, for the purpose of your studies I'd say that the Orc makes a very good point.”

“M-mom!” Gary protested.

“Mom nothing. Sebek is helping you out a lot and by extension he is also helping me and your father.”

“You can't be thinking about giving him a key...” Gary groaned.

Fara sighed. “I would but it's hard for me to figure this stuff out... Does anyone-”

“I can help.” Sebek stood up and approached the living room panel. In most moderately expensive homes the functions of who was allowed entry, who was the primary resident and all other functions of owning and living in a home were managed through an electronic panel.

“Wait wait wait.” Gary held up his hands in a stopping motion. Fara and Sebek ignored him.

“I don't know how to-” She whispered playfully loud enough that everyone could hear.

“Are you the primary holder?” Sebek asked.

“Secondary, but I think my husband gave me the permissions? There's a lot of stuff I can't do, though. I just never learned.” Fara claimed.

“I'll take care of it. Make me Secondary and I'll fix whatever you want. Then you can switch it back.”

“Su- Oops! I accidentally made you primary holder?”

Sebek feigned a sigh. “You also downgraded yourself somehow? Mal's sake how'd you manage this?”

“What's that mean?” Fara asked.
“Can I fix it like this?” She continued playing the part of a non-tek savvy woman exceptionally well. Even Sebek was surprised and a little frustrated with how she so adeptly navigated the panel in the most damaging way to herself and her family possible.”

“Mom stop fucking with things!” Gary demanded, standing finally.

“N-nope. Stop pressing buttons pl-” Sebek blinked.
“How did you simultaneously give all perms to me and take them away from yourself?”

“Is that bad? Here, maybe this will unlock them?”

“That's the-” Sebek cringed.
“Yep, you really did just lock all the changes somehow with the perms you had left?” Sebek continued to be amazed. It would take some serious expertise to fuck up so badly.

“Mom what the hell!?”

“Relax, dude. I'll just unlock them on my end since she gave me-” Sebek paused and chewed his lip a bit.

“What?” Gary asked.

“How did you take away MY perms to change and assign perms? That shouldn't be possible. You must still have some. Just don't press anything we need to unwind this a bit.”

“Oh! I think I found it!” Fara announced. She pressed one more button, completing her masterpiece.

“You... Downgraded yourself and your son to guest.” The entire group looked on in horror at the systematic mangling of permissions.

“What's that mean?” Fara asked cluelessly.

“It means if anyone came over and checked, this is 'my' place... I can lock or unlock and do everything except hand out keys or change perms because you somehow took those perms.” Sebek shook his head lightly.

“Mom what the FUCK!?” Gary demanded.

“Language!” She scolded back, effectively silencing him.

“We'll figure this out. Right?” She looked to Sebek.

“Basically just means I 'own' this place for now... I'll have to leave it unlocked or let people in. I can have it attached to my phone so just call me asking for permission whenever.” Bri raised her hand. Her ears were shooting straight up.
“Yes?” As soon as he asked she stood up and leaned forward, handing her phone off. As she did he could see her small tail wagging extremely fast.

“Remember?” She stared at him expectantly.

“Right.” As he took it Eden reached up and shakily passed her own phone off. Sebek could barely contain a smile. It occurred to him that he could do whatever he wanted at this point. He slid the phones into his pocket and placed a hand up on Bri's head between her ears, and one on Eden's head from behind.
“Good girls for reminding me.” Bri looked like she was going to overheat while Eden felt as though she was going to melt from intimidation. The groundwork he had laid for both was paying off quite a bit.

“I think it's a good call.” Angel stated, handing off her own phone. And just like that Mars and Gary were outnumbered.

* *

“I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore.” Eden admitted privately to Sebek after the session.

“What?” He was slightly nervous until she clarified while opening her blouse to show off her generous pair of C-cup tits. The girl wasn't wearing a bra. It was obvious to most of them during the session, though it was not brought up.

“Elves are inferior. Orcs are Superior. I- I can't take it anymore! Being such a stupid, defenseless female elf in a world where Orcs are going to dominate no matter what I do is nerve wracking!” Her pale face had become bright red. Her purple hair was in a mess. She reached up and gripped her head anxiously.
“How do I convert? Do I fuck you? Do I submit to you sexually? It's gonna happen eventually, anyway so-” As she stepped forward Sebek placed a hand on her face to keep her at bay.

“Woah woah woah! You don't HAVE to do any of that.”

She took a step back. “Huh?”

“Becoming an Orc is a big deal. It's a big step. You're renouncing your Species and joining mine. Not just that but you're swearing yourself into a community. Do you have any questions?”

She stood by awkwardly rubbing her slender arm for a few seconds. “Uhm.” Eden shrugged.
“Does renouncing my species actually do anything? Like, physically?”

“It's not completely certain. For anyone else if you just declared yourself a beastfolk it wouldn't work. But... There have been several reports from women joining the Orc community that soon after their pledge they feel different. Like their Core changed. In Orc belief, all Cores are Orcish as a base, so it's less about changing and more about acknowledging what you are.”

“Huh... I'm an Orc already.” Eden stated. With his hand already close to her head Sebek locked those thoughts in place with a jolt of static that had her tense up momentarily, followed by instant relaxation.
“It feels right. I feel less anxious, now.” She breathed deeply.
“Should I, like, look up how to behave?”

“Yeah, that would help.” Sebek offered, glancing back at the door he was guarding.
“You good?”

“For now, yeah. See you next time.”

* *

He re-entered the Master bedroom to see Angel hold spread one of Bri's thick, muscular thighs while Fara lay on the other side holding the other. The girls were occupying themselves by kissing and groping at each other idly. On either side they would press their lips to Bri's cheek while the other locked their lips. The girls alternated like that a few times. Angel's hands in particular were running up and down the Beastwoman's toned belly from her navel down to a fine tuft of dark fur above her sex.
“Ready?” Sebek asked.

“I-I-I've been ready, dammit!” Bri uttered, her legs and nethers quivering with anticipation.


“I broke my hymen training when I was younger, so not really.”

“Huh. Still counts I think?” Sebek commented. The other two women nodded in agreement. He unceremoniously leaned over the girl and pushed his rock-hard member inside. As she suggested there was very little bleeding, if any, despite his size. Bri lamented that for all of her training and all of her attempts and being stronger than anyone else, a thick cock pushing into her caused all of her strength to fail. The Orc had no training and basically no strength, yet the sex made her come to a jarring conclusion. There was only one muscle that truly mattered between a man and a woman and Sebek's was powerful. It added up to more than every inch of muscle fiber in her body while he was railing her.
“What's up?” Sebek grunted.

Bri's eyes were rolling back. She was shuddering. “Not- not fair that I got a built-in weak point.” Sebek smirked. Angel and Fara shared a laugh. Fara stopped holding the girl's thigh to instead reach up and grope one of her perky breasts. Her hand rolled over it while her fingers tweaked the girl's nipples. Angel reached down, her hand running over the small tuft of hair above Bri's sex to reach the sensitive nub above her stretched out cunt.

“You have no idea.” Angel stated, rubbing it.

Bri lost her mind as Sebek steadily fucked her. Her lips curled up into a happy grin. “This is th- tha best study group!” She exclaimed as her body tensed and convulsed in one of her most intense orgasms to date.



I figured Sociamancy can do one person at a time. I thought altering the AI of the home would apply to all the occupants at once. Maybe begin with Gary and the hubby.

Tanya Wormald

The home is mainly the security system. Though, I'm sure the thought of having to ask Sebek for permission to enter his own house is having some affect on Gary.


Going to be honest I kind of forgot what X-ing over was had to look it up to remember it was the Lara Croft/Samus Aran story……kind of would be nice to have something other then sebek every now and then