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Lad exited the club to appraise the team on what he saw. “We have to find a different way in.” They looked at him with raised brows.
“Well, some of us should.” Gait stated frankly.

“But really, it sounds like a few of us can get in by claiming we're interested while others sneak in through the sides.”

“W-wait.” Lad said nervously. As good as the plan was, it seemed to play into the club's purpose somewhat appropriately. He saw the interior. He saw how many girls it had and how skilled they must have been in past lives.
“I don't know if that's a good idea. This is serious!”

Their eyes lit up. “Yeah! We saw. It's crazy that some girls are into this. We're not and we're strong so we should be fine. It'll be like a two-pronged attack. Viza already found another way in.” Leto announced. Viza stepped forward and hooked her arm under Lad's.
“Finch, Gait and I are gonna go in since we're strong. You both will sneak in. Got it?”

“Got it.” Lad knew that even with his trait, there was no way to stop them from doing something that they set their mind to, especially if they thought it was for his sake. He had to trust in them and trust that Viza had a decent back entryway.

* *

Leto approached the bouncer with Finch and Gait flanking her. “We're interested in the Bad Ends.”

“Ho ho.” The Gnoll grinned.
“Thought so.”

“So..” She tapped her foot impatiently

“Can we be let in?”

“Here?” He chuckled as he pointed back at the door to the club proper with his thumb.
“No no. This is for customers. If you want the Bad End Challenge you enter in through the warehouse.”

“The bad end Challenge? Leto repeated.

“If you girls go in the front door and we do shit to you, that isn't fun for anyone. There's gotta be stakes.” He explained.
“How this works is, you enter into the warehouse. It's a maze of Ending for you all, but at the same time most of them are avoidable. At the end of it all is a 100k Credit Prize.”

Their eyes widened. Suddenly there was a lot more incentive to go through it. Not just for Atika or Lad or Viza.
“100k?! Yeah. Anyone ever gotten it before?”

The Gnoll rolled his eyes. “Yeah, a few...” He sounded like he was being sarcastic but it was difficult to tell with Gnolls.

Gait chimed in. “Point is, we go through it, we get the 100k.” She stated obviously.

“If you get through it.” He nods.

“Can we work together?” Finch asked.

“I'd suggest you do, yeah.” He offered in a warning tone.

“Okay...” Leto shrugged.
“Sounds good, right girls?”

Finch leaned in. “If we can work together I kinda think we shouldn't have split up. Would be a cakewalk with all of us, right?”

“Too late now. They're already inside. We've gotta move to so we can support them once we're through.” Leto advised.

“We're looking for side exits too, then.” Gait smirked, cocking one of her guns. She looked to the Gnoll.

“Can I shoot in there!?”

He laughed. “You can shoot whatever you want. I use it as a shooting-range sometimes if the applicants get rowdy.”

* *

“What are we doing now that we're in?” Lad questioned in a whisper. Viza was staring straight ahead. The interface within her eye held all the information for her hacking attempts. The woman was not completely Tekked out but she had everything she needed for the most park. A jack for hooking physically into devices and an internal computer that allowed her to parse and manipulate programs within her mind, rather than using any manual input.

“Look for Atika and support the others.” She answered sweetly, as though it was not a dumb question at all, given they were already inside. His trait meant that the team was always somewhat inclined to baby him. He was more like a mascot than a member, but he wished he could change that.

“We're in the guts of the building now, so we should find something that we can use.” As she said that the walkway they were on gave way to a small electrical room with a few different pods and parts and machines. Viza glanced around.
“I'm sure there's something in here that can turn us into obedient sex dolls...” She offered causally, as though there was nothing wrong with what she just said. She began gazing over the walls intently.

“S-sorry? What?” Lad watched her look around as though she was searching for something. While staring curiously at her Lad jumped as he felt a long tongue on his ear, followed by two strong arms wrapping around him from behind.

“This is the Hacker Trap.” The cold voice explained. Lad shook uncontrollably in her arms. He could not move.

“They find this place of their own accord. A 'secret' entrance. Right.” The woman scoffed.
“She doesn't even think any of the things she's saying or doing are weird. Isn't that funny?”

“W-who are you?” Lad asked.

“Spyder... Who are you? Why don't I feel like ending you?” She asked curiously. He could hear her sniff him all over.
“So strange. I've never, ever, ever met a human I didn't want to kill.”

Lad breathed a sigh of relief. It could still work. “Can you please help my friend.”

“Oh, sure.” She waved while holding him in a still surprisingly tight grip with one arm. He noted that on her hands were sharp, black nails.

“Hey! Girl!”

Viza turned around. “Oh, hi. Yeah, what's up?” She did not find the sight of the woman holding Lad to be strange. She even seemed somewhat comforted to see Lad with such a woman.

“You need to stand on the mark.” Spyder advised.

“W-w-wait! No! Not what I meant! What are you doing!?”

“I've seen them wander around in this room for a while before finding it. Like a fly trying to find the honey in a trap. Good call.” She was smiling as she spoke. The woman did not sound as though she was smiling until Viza stepped onto the circular mark.

“Viza! Move!” Lad begged. It was too late. As she stood still and arm came down and plugged something into a port behind her ear. She did not fight it. She even bent forward and moved her hair aside to allow it access.

“I've found it, Lad! I'm in. With this port I'll be able to download my personality to a sex bot that will spend a lifetime in service to the club!” She said excitedly, as though breaking through a difficult firewall.

“Hackers can get a special ending, they tell me. It's because they've got their minds merged with their machines and all that. If you ask me, it makes you all taste terrible so I prefer natural creatures.” She shrugged.
“I don't like this part as much because I don't get to see what's happening to her...” Spyder shook her head. She was leaning casually on Lad, her hand was cupping his chin firmly, forcing him to watch.
“It's so quick.” The arm withdrew. When Spyder held out her hand it tossed her a small little drive.

“What's that...” lad asked, horrified.

Spyder tossed it up and down in front of him. “According to the nerds. This is your friend. Her thoughts, feelings, memories. Everything that made her her.” She watched the arm descend again.
“Here comes the new personality. Two-dimensional but I guess it fools some people?”

Viza's eyes lit up. She twitched as she spoke. “N-n-no office I consent to being a sex slave! Can I offer you a blowjob? I love d-d-dick!” She offered excitedly as though she was a doll that had her string pulled.

“I guess this one is injected back into society as a prostitute. The family don't ask questions usually. It's weird. If they go missing it's a huge deal but suddenly if they're just out in the open having sex for money, even if it's the same thing they stop caring? You all are such disgusting creatures.” Spyder sneered. She tossed the drive back to the arm. It pushed it into an empty pod. After a moment, one of the sex dolls stepped out. She was smiling brightly and had pink hair like the one he had met before. She was still an elf with a beautiful body and pale skin. Tall. It is like it was adjusted to fit her just enough to be recognizable. While smiling she looked at Lad and said in a tone that did not fit her words.

“I am so sorry, Lad. I messed up so bad. I should have done more research.” She was speaking with a  bright tone similar to the woman he had met earlier. She posed like a concierge as she spoke.

“Is that you? Are you okay?”

“I can move but I do not feel like doing anything drastic against my Masters. I am aware but I feel completely powerless. I have lost my connection to the Net. I am no longer useful.” She bowed deeply.
“I apologize. It has been a pleasure.”

Spyder whispered in Lad's ear. “We let them wander around like that and work while their original consciousness is in tact. They can say whatever they want and even ask for help. The customers love it. Fucking them like that is apparently a huge rush.”

Lad frowned. He watched Viza walk past and disappear.

* *

He was taken to a small, cramped living space. There was a messy bed, a television and a camera. Spyder just stared at him intently. She sat with her long legs crossed. Her dark hair and black eyes were hard to decipher. She wore around her neck a huge metal collar. 'Wearing' it, he decided was the wrong terminology. She looked trapped in it.

“Are- Are you a prisoner here as well?”

She tilted her head to one side curiously. “Hmm.”


“So weird that I don't want to kill you for suggesting that. I always kill people after they suggest I'm a prisoner. “

Lad breathed evenly. His trait was working so he had nothing to feat from the woman, though he was extremely worried for his friends and sister.
“Can you please please please help me in a way that does not get my friends 'ended'.” He begged, holding his hands together in a praying gesture.
“I'll...” Lad paused to think.
“I'll be your friend.”

The woman smiled. “Why does that sounds so appealing.” She leaned forward and got right up in his face.
“I want it... For some reason. I've never felt like this before.” She licked her lips and leaned back.
“They are your friends?” She asked curiously.

“Yes!” He exclaimed with relief.
“They are!”

“Are they all equally important to you?” She asked.

“Well...” He was ashamed to admit it.
“Leto, the silver haired woman. She is my sister. She is extremely important to me.”

“I understand.” The woman nodded.
“I will see what I can do.” She stood up and walked out of the room abruptly. The door slammed shut behind her. Lad stood up immediately and tried it only to find it locked.

“Damn...” He hoped that the woman had his best interests at heart.




I am really enjoying this side story, even better when it's so organically connected and mixed into the main story

Tanya Wormald

Thank you. I have trouble keeping myself interested in one single thing for an extended amount of time so I inevitably divert my attention in different directions. So I eventually just came to the conclusion that I should weave all of those diversions back into my main project. I'm glad people seem to like it.