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“I didn't get either of these two because I was dealing with you.” The woman commented bitterly. The screens lit up and each showed a feed of Janna and Kai hanging out together at the bar. Kai stood up eventually and moved to find the bathroom, splitting the two screens to each focus on one of them.

“Let me go. You'll regret it.” Yeong warned. Testing his binds, they were essentially steel despite their flexibility.

“Useless. It's Dryder Silk. It can't be stretched or broken by blunt force and I made sure to search you. Very. Thoroughly.” She rested both hands on either side of his shoulders and kneaded them painfully, like a child that didn't know how to massage so they just pinched and applied pressure randomly.
“But what are you gonna do even if you do get out? You're a martial artist, right? I've beat Masters before and you're no Master.”

“My mentor is a one of the Great Master's of the east. If you do anything to me you'll regret it.” Yeong did not like invoking his Halmeoni's title, but it felt necessary in such a dire situation. Great Masters were the movers of the Murim world that existed as living weapons of mass-destruction. Because of their strength they were not controlled by governments and tended to be territorial like Great Dragons. Nations that happened to have one within their borders treated them kindly in hopes that their favor would fall upon them in a time of need. Yeong knew from experience however that they rarely cared much for politics or worldly matters.

The woman clicked her tongue. “Well... Why isn't she here?”

Yeong cringed. It was a good question that efficiently called his bluff. A Great Master traveling into another's territory was going to obviously cause something akin to an international incident. That was the reality, but he just hoped that she didn't know that. She did not, but it also did not matter.

“Sounds fun. A Great Master is better than a Master? We don't have one of those, yet.”

“Idiot.” Yeong spat.

She slapped his cheek harshly from behind and pointed over his shoulder at the screen while leaning on him.
“Quiet. Show's starting. Looks like Fox is gonna get the bathroom trap and Elf is gonna get insta'd.”

“The hell does that mean?”

“Geek the mage. Never heard that phrase?”

* *

Kai entered the women's restroom to find a very fine, clean room lined with stalls on one side and a wall mirror over some basin sinks on the other. It was a surprisingly trendy setup and the place was spotless, even sweet smelling in a way that made her feel comfortable, unlike other public restrooms. She was pretty satisfied until she approached the first stall and saw a 'closed for cleaning' sign. She walked down the line of four and found each and every one had the same sign until she reached the last.
“Thank god.” She opened the door, shimmied her pants down around her thighs and plopped down on the seat. As she was normally inclined to do, once she sat down she leaned forward resting her chin on her hand and reached out into the Net Surrounding her like someone would if they were simply surfing their phone on the toilet. Her eyes widened.

“Wait, wha-” She detected the incredible concentration of electronics far too late to be able to react adequately. The stall flooded with gas that made Kai feel incredibly giddy.
“Wauw... Wa's going on?” She uttered drunkenly.

“How about a makeover?” An operators voice

Kai smiled and swayed on her seat. “Souns fun. What kind?”

“Full body.” As it said that parts were removed easily and painlessly as though pulling wings from a fly. Precise instruments worked miracles on the girls body to Tek replace some and Tek out others. The gas acted like anesthetic for the ad-hoc surgery and Kai barely seemed to notice or care as her arms were replaced with doll-like limbs. Her chest was modified with a plate that looked extremely life-like and carried a pair of impressive breasts. She looked about as Tekked out as her mother and by the time the process reached her face and placed a synthetic sheen over it, she looked even more unreal and uncanny. Her eyes glowed with a pink light. She sat stunned. Her tail wagged behind her.
“Alright. She's done. Memory Drain got hit almost instantly. Installing software. What do we think for her?”

Another voice came through in the background. “No history or rep. No grudges on books and barely any footprint for any of our clients. We'll just overwrite everything and sell her in one of our pet stores.”

“Got it. Beastfolk slave, basically.”

“Yeah. The people that buy these ones like to train them themselves. Any knowledge would just diminish that for a buyer.”

“Perfect for a stray like her.”

* *

Janna was still at the bar waiting. She looked like she was about to get up to go look for Kai since she was taking so long. As she did a slight, silver-haired boy approached her. She thought boy, but he was likely around her age. He simply looked quite young. Rather than looking the way someone normally would when they approached her he seemed dejected and reluctant. She was typically not very amicable towards those that approached her randomly but she felt comfortable around him. He was non-threatening and seemed charming before even saying anything.
“Can I help you?” She asked.

“You can. Uhm...” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. The boy spoke quietly so it was hard to hear. Janna leaned in and turned her head to accommodate him, rather than ordering him to speak up.
“You can help me out by signing this.” He held out his phone. It was open to a virtual form.

“Oh, sure.” Janna was not stupid. She was quite savvy. Joseph did most of the contracts and legal stuff for her but she had her own awareness of what to do and what not to do. For some reason, though, when the boy asked her to sign it did not occur to her that he did not have her best interests at heart.
“What's it say?” She asked after scribbling her signature crudely with her finger and adding her print.

“The club has sole rights to your body and your image. You agree to work here. Your payment is agreed by both parties to be the sexual favors you perform and receive.” He did not seem pleased with himself. “Sorry.”

It hit her too late, even though he spelled it out for her. “Sorry?”

“It comes with an initial signing bonus, too!” Said a fat voice from just out of range of her vision. She had no charitability towards this voice or its owner so Janna turned quickly to confront him. Before she could open her mouth, within a second a hand was around her neck. Before that second passed she was dropped with one strong, fat hand onto her back. It knocked the air out of her. She lifted her legs to keep his body at bay as he leaned over her but he was so heavy that it only ended up pinning her own legs back while angling her ass up as they pushed uselessly up against his chest and shoulder.

“The hell do you think you're doing!” She yelled hoarsely.
“That contract wont hold up in any-” Her eyes became unfocused as he pulled her panties aside and unceremoniously fed his cock down into her waiting cunt. She groaned lewdly as his entire length pushed in and widened her sex forcefully. She felt like she was getting pierced as his tip slammed against her insides once it could go no further. There was a pang that she could feel on the other side of her abdomen that had her reeling.
“U-ugly bas-” She was unable to finish that sentence. Janna threw her head back as he pulled out. It felt like all of her insides were going to be pulled out as his huge cock pulled free, then plunged back in.
“Uh..” Her head spun as he transitioned into a jack-hammer like rhythm. His body fully fell over hers as though they were locked in some type of wrestling move; her feet settled into an immovable position up against his shoulders. Only his hips moved to slam down into her over and over again while keeping her pinned completely. For her it was a warm, smothering sensation. Her skin felt good against his and his sweat smelled good. Janna knew at that point that she was out of her mind.

The man looked up casually at the silver-haired boy. He was standing by awkwardly. “You actually were a fan, huh?”

“Y-yeah.” He rubbed his arm, trying not to look but unable to help himself from casting brief glances at the scene of his idol being ruthlessly pounded in a breeding press position.

“Sorry.” The fat man chuckled as Janna mewled below him. She began spurting as she came for the first time. He did not sound sorry in the least.
“But this instant loss technique coupled with a drugged drink is unbeatable.” He counted down from three on his fingers.
“Any second...”

Janna screamed as her body was rocked by a second orgasm in quick succession. “I love you I love you I love you! Fuck me like this all the time, daddy! I'm your slave, I'm your slut! Oh gods my body's on fire! Make me pregnant! Impregnate me daddy! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!” She begged, frothing at the mouth. Between each begging, mewling statement was a pleased gasp or moan. As the drug finally fully kicked in her whole body felt like it was being fucked at once by just having him pinning her so completely to the ground. She was cumming all over to the point that she could not think.

* *

“Well, that's the jist of it all.” The woman offered while shrugging.

Yeong was dizzy. He could not take seeing those things happen to those two girls because of him. “So what... You kill me now after breaking me with those images?” He asked in a low tone.

“No way. You made someone mad and you made me mad. You had your chance to die, idiot. Now you get to be punished.”

* * [One Month Later]

Yeong woke up each day at 2 AM. Her Tek body allowed her to sleep just 4 hours a day even after long work hours as though it were a full nights rest. While her family was asleep the dutiful maid cleaned the home of everything the children and parents and their associates left behind the night before. She just hoped that there were no bodies as that cleaning tended to take all morning. She hoped her master would tell her when it happened so that she could get to it while it was fresh, rather than being surprised.

Yeong would clean until it was time to wake the children up for their private school. She prepared their breakfast and saw them off with a respectful bow. An hour more of cleaning up after their breakfast she would prepare Caroline's mimosa and put Tomas's coffee on. She took great pride in her preparation of each. She would stand by as the two woke up at their own pace and would assist them however they desired. This typically meant being fucked relentlessly by Tomas throughout the day until he either had to work, go out, or sleep. She prepared all meals and eagerly awaited any other task he had for her.

Her ears perked as Caroline spoke around lunch time. “I'm going to the club to meet my boyfriend, sweetie. I'll take the maid to get serviced.”

“Yeah, that's fine. I'll order a hooker or something.”

“Mara's sake, Tommy. Let your balls rest for two hours. She'll be back in a bit.”

“Hey. I know how long you two can go for.” Tomas pointed accusingly.

“Whatever. Don't wait up, then.” She sneered dismissively.

* *

She rode with Caroline in her monster of a vehicle. The way she drove was by sitting almost on the floor and steering with a video feed on her phone from the dash cam. She was quite adept at it and only got in dozens of accidents a year. Luckily, driving a small tank did have it's advantages. Despite the sketchiness of the drive Yeong sat politely and comfortably, staring straight ahead with her hands folded in her lap.

“Okay. So I'm gonna go upstairs.” She explained as she hopped out at the valet.
“And you're gonna go to the back and get your hinges greased or whatever the hell they need to do.”

Yeong smiled and inclined her head. “Re-training to ensure my personality and all of my skills are up to date. Any operating system updates are added and on top of that I am tested to ensure there is no sign of awareness leaking in from what is left of me screaming out inside of this body.”

“S-sure. Go do that.” Caroline waved Yeong off.

Yeong split up with Caroline. She immediately turned towards the stairs leading up. Yeong took a few steps forward and stopped. She saw something. It was a pale elf woman with Tek implants. She was performing a demonstration for a new customer. As she bent over and allowed herself to be fucked from behind a video was playing of her sitting at a bar. Yeong gulped and against every part of her body screaming out against it she moved off the path and touched the holographic image.

* *

Yeong breathed heavily and shook as he found himself in his body standing behind Janna. She turned around. He looked to his right and saw a surprised, silver-haired boy.
“H-hey. Where did you c-” Yeong punched him hard in the stomach, knowing the context of what happened. Still, despite knowing, he could not stop himself from pulling the punch slightly out of some unnatural sympathy.

“Woah! What the hell, man!?” Janna questioned. He realized she was already drugged and took her wrist. He pulled her along to the bathroom, found the fourth stall and kicked it in. He covered his mouth and pulled Kai from the gas right before the procedure was going to commence.

“W-w-wadarya doing in the girls room again, ya creep?” Kai questioned drunkenly. Yeong was breathing heavily and madly. “Snap out of it!” He slapped Kai harshly. She blinked and still looked out of it, but felt the dire situation more clearly and looked to Yeong with a questioning gaze.

“Huh? What's going on?” Kai asked.

“He's going crazy...” Janna rubbed her eyes.
“But does anyone else feel really horny?” She asked in a breathy tone.

“Kai! We're in one of those situations. Find my phone!”

She blinked. “G-got it!”

* *

Kai hacked the cameras so that they could hide in the club without Yeong having to fight their way out. As opposed to his previous excursions into the security feeds, every corner of the place. Every side hall and room was covered. It was colored, it had sound. It felt like real life and was a testament to how much footage the club collected automatically. Kai guided him through a maze of halls past dozens of traps. Finally he reached a hall where he saw his body being dragged by the pale woman he lost to before.

“Fuck...” He groaned. Her head turned on a swivel almost. She stared him down with wide, surprised eyes.

“What is she, Kai. I need a boost. I'm super rusty and I couldn't beat her at my best.” He begged hurriedly as the woman inspected the body curiously, then Yeong. She dropped it and began moving steadily towards him.

“Sh-she's not tekked out at all! She's natural! The only thing I can see on her is... is...”

“Hurry!” She tilted her head to one side curiously as Yeong begged.

“You seem like you've experienced something worse than death and escaped.” Her lips curled into a warped smile.
“Any pointers?”

“Only thing I can do is deactivate the collar, Yeong, I'm sorry!” Kai offered in a panic.

“Do it.” He said in a brief, tranquil moment. He could see the only options and factors laid out before him. She was between him and his phone. More importantly she stood between him and a change to the horrible fate he experienced.

“A-are you sure? It's NOT going to help you, Yeong. It's a limiter.” He thought back. The woman was extremely close now. He knew based on the speed he saw before that she was already close enough to effortlessly knock him out if he did not react fast enough. The only advantage he had was the narrow hall, but it also meant zero escape from her superior strength.

“Do it.” Yeong repeated in a sweat.

“Do what?” She asked in a humorless tone. After she did the large collar she had around her neck beeped red three times and separated. Both sides clanged loudly to the ground and red alarms blared. She stood stone still, stunned. The woman looked unsure of what happened or what to do.

“You asked if I had any tips?” Yeong said, his heart pounding out of his chest. She was so confused that she did not answer. She shook like Yeong. Her mouth opened and closed as though she wanted to speak but no words came out.
“When you get out, get revenge on each and every person that did it to you. That's my plan.” He looked at her. There was a long silence before she finally relaxed her posture. Her lips curled up and she let out a little scoff in disbelief. The woman pulled on her lip hard. She seemed to be in thought.

“Huh...” She offered finally with a little shrug. Yeong tensed up as she kept moving towards him. He stood still and waited for the inevitable only to find that as she came within striking range she did not stop and instead walked past him.
“Good tip.” She said simply without looking back. Yeong ran forward and lunged for his phone.

The world shifted around him until he was sitting in the room of the warehouse. It was slightly nicer. The holes had been patched and there was lighting and equipment lining the walls. Lacie was making something on a portable skillet, Janna was reading magazines and Kai was zonked out in the corner surfing the Net. Janna looked over at him.

“You good? Looks like you saw a ghost.” She commented.

Yeong smiled weakly. “Yeah, I'm good.” He stood up and stared down at the contacts on his phone. The whole party was in there with the addition of a contact listed as 'Dri-Lad.' He thought back to the boy and the pale woman when he saw the contact, for some reason.
“Gonna grab some air.”

“Sure. Dinner's ready soon, I think so don't be too long. That bitch over there is going to literally eat everything until it's gone.”

“Hey!” Kai refocused to combat the accusation.

“Am I wrong?”

As the argument began Yeong calmly stepped out and walked down the walkway. He ran his hand along the indents in the rail where Lacie pinned him back with her immense strength. He descended the steps until he was outside and as all of the memories of acting as the obedient maid and fucktoy of an imp gang-boss for an entire month; of seeing his friends essentially die because of him... It all washed over him at once. Yeong collapsed against a wall and broke down in uncontrollable sobs.

* *

He got back and took a seat as dinner was served. Kai looked at him. “Was it raining?”

“Yeah.” Yeong lied.
“Sea air, as well. Bad combination.”

“I hear that.” Janna said with her mouth full.
“This spot sucks.”

“Been thinking I need to probably try and step it up.” Yeong explained. They all stopped to look at him.

“We need to get serious about this.”

“We're making good money.” Janna offered.

“If we're going to go after bigger targets I need to be able to handle bigger threats. Otherwise...” He looked down at his meal, a pit in his stomach forming. His hand started shaking so he stuck it under the table.
“Anyway. I think I'll find someone to help continue my training. I've peaked at what I can do by myself for now. I'm due for another breakthrough.”

“Got it. Who are you thinking?” Kai asked curiously.



Damn it was hoping to get a bad end


Like how NTR quest hero and NTR academy hero are 2 very different people personality wise. So watch was the middle of the road coding outcome