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Sebek felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked left at the pale hand, then right to see where Angel was leaning over his other shoulder to look at his work. The girl was dressed roughly how she was when he last saw her at Gary's, showing that she did not dress up or down in differing situations. She still wore the same makeup and her dark hair still had the same lightly feathered quality. She wore a different top but kept a similar black-feathered aesthetic. White was naturally more popular but feathered clothing and qualities were popular among Seraphs who needed to restrict their large wingspan in tight public places. For the airborne people they viewed their wings as a sign that they were literally above the other species, in Sebek's view, so naturally they would still want to advertise that fact even when hiding them. Otherwise they would just appear as elves.

“You really are 'that' Sebek.” Angel commented.

“Yep.” Sebek sucked on his lip in annoyance. He was getting a little tired of the same old thing happening with the group over and over again.

“An Orc is smart. Amazing.” He added sarcastically.

Angel leaned back and lifted her hand from his shoulder. “I didn't mean it like that. I just didn't know.” Sebek turned and glanced over his shoulder to see that she looked legitimately apologetic.

“I was commenting that I am impressed, not that I am surprised.”

“So I guess you're 'that' Angel, then?” He retorted.

“The one who's placed below me.”

“For now.”

Sebek snorted. “Alright. What's up? Need something? I'm going to be around M- Gary's later, anyway.”

“What were you about to say?” She asked curiously.


“Come on.” She leaned forward. When Sebek turned his head he could see down her shirt. Distractedly he shrugged.
“Was it a mean nickname? I mean, it's obvious you don't like him. He bullied you on the train that one time. Maybe more times than I know of.”

“Just that one time.” Sebek sighed deeply.
“Was going to say... Main Character Syndrome.”

“Heh.” Angel smirked, a small crack in her usually dulled expression.
“Yeah. I get it. Average human male builds a harem of women from different species that all compete for his affection. Solid observation.”

“MCS for short.” Sebek advised.


After an awkward couple of moments with her continuing to just stand behind him he continued. “You're pretty self-aware about it. Why does he of all people attract so much attention? He's not overly wealthy, he's not filled with confidence; in fact, from what I've seen he's super insecure. He's average looking and...” Sebek stopped himself.
“Well, I could go on.”

“Oh. You aren't part of the group chat.” She said as though just realizing. Angel pulled her phone from her bag and unlocked it before flipping it around so that Sebek could see.

He squinted. “What am I looking at?” It was layers of ordered messages of time, planning, scheduling and regimenting mixed in with other messages from all the other girls.

“All that is Gary. He plans and works around everyone's schedules and always manages to make things work. He organizes study sessions, work out sessions, everything. He also forwardly approached each of us and was generally pretty nice about setting up dates and bringing us along. I think that in combination with his unavailability is attractive. It's why we compete.”

“Wait... Unavailability?”

She lifted a brow. “None of us have had sex with him, to my knowledge. We have self-respect. If we knew he was dating and fucking one over the others we would probably distance ourselves somewhat. The reality is, Gary is just a solid, available guy that works with our schedules and invites us to activities.”

“What about Kai? The Fox?”

“To my knowledge he hasn't had sex with anyone in the group, BUT, I think she got the closest and was bullied out by Mars, Eden and Bri.”

“Do you think he wants to?”

She rolled her eyes. “He's a guy surrounded by women. I think he wants to but Kai was a demo for trying to go further with one over all of us and he found out pretty quickly that going for it out in the open messes things up with the others. That's why if I was him I would start trying to go for us individually, in private. Bri and him have workout time together and he and Mars do friend stuff sometimes. Eden is the furthest off but they play games together; accounting for a LOT of time together, even if it isn't in person.”

“What about you?”

“Me? I'm the odd one out.” She stared at Sebek pointedly.
“You know... Even with me being second behind you, and with him knowing he needs to work on his studies he never asked me to sit beside him during study sessions to show him things he's missing. I think Fara is really lighting a fire under his ass.”

Sebek turned in his seat to speak more comfortably. “Would you want to?”

“Gary's nice but personally, I would want to be with someone smarter than me.” She said it without winking or giving any hint, so it was difficulty for the Orc to discern if she really meant it, or if it was simply an off-hand statement. Given everything she said about why Gary was so successful he inhaled deeply.

“You wanna hit somewhere private?” Sebek asked forwardly. The Seraph smiled subtly at him.

* *  

Sebek's heart pounded as he followed her to the back of the library. They were headed to one of the pods. They were silent rooms made to seclude people completely from outside distractions, but realistically they were just for fucking and masturbating. His phone pinged.

[You got an in. When you've got a girl on your dick it's the best time to cascade. She'll be obsessed with you.] Malek advised.

[I don't want to.]

[What? We've been through this.]

[I get it, but this girl seems like she's into smart guys. She might be into me without needing all this stuff.]

[You should just use the magic on her...] Malek warned.

[No offense, kid, but you don't got 'it.' Plus, these people hate us.]

[I can do this. She seems interested.]

[If you're confident, use incite.]

[I told you, I'm not going to.]

[Incite is magic that enhances emotions. If you think this girl is into you she'll be really into you and it'll be temporary. If you're worried that she isn't... Well, let's just say you'll be happy those booths are silent, right? Heh. I know you aren't into risks. The safe bet is to use what you know. Make it safe. Make it certain.] Sebek knew what Malek was doing. He was making a bet that Sebek would not have enough confidence to enhance Angel's emotions. If she really was not into him and just leading him on... If she was actually disgusted or doing it as a prank then those emotions would take over under incite. He shut off his phone .

The door to the small pod opened and the lights came on. She stepped in first. It was only big enough realistically for one person. To allow him inside, as well she had to move the chair out and slide slightly under the built-in desk on the floor. As he shut the door behind him she commented.

“Damn, I can really smell you in here.” She very rarely raised her voice above a monotone so it was hard to tell when she was being snarky or genuine. It had doubt biting at his resolve. She showed little enthusiasm and very little sign of lust. She was in an attractive position, but she had to be to fit in there with him. He felt it was likely he would cause her to become berserk if he incited her and wondered if it would be best to not use it, but he had to acknowledge that at that point he may as well do what Malek advised.
“Well?” She asked, half-annoyed. A reaction that was utterly indecipherable to him.

He clenched his fist and activated incite on her. He looked down nervously as he watched her shake. Her lip quivered and he still was not quite sure what Angel was feeling. The best bet was to just ask.
“How're you feeling?” He asked cautiously.

“I-” he regretted the question as soon as she began to answer. She gulped, furrowed her brow and stared harshly up at him.
“-am feeling like I am going crazy.” She inhaled deeply.
“Because I finally meet a guy that can challenge me and he's a damn, smelly, Orc.”

Sebek screamed internally. 'Fuck fuck fuck! She's really mad. Super bitter! I should've known...' He pawed awkwardly for the handle of the pod. Best case scenario he could lock her in until she comes down.

She breathed heavily, seething in appearance. “I never thought that I would be able to have-” She reached up forwardly, causing Sebek to flinch. Instead of striking him she ripped his pants down to his thighs to reveal his trunk of a dick. Her eyes lit up.

“The thing I fetishize over AND the thing I WANT from a man all in one amazing package.” Her hot breath washed over Sebek's cock. Suddenly her appearance finally cracked open. Her shaking lips curled up into a mad little smile. Her eyes bounced and twitched within widened lids. Her body was shaking... With excitement.

“I thought I was going to be able to contain myself... This is so strange.” She commented. Angel bounced and moved and stared up at him like a girl begging to use the bathroom. The reality was far more arousing.
“Can I?”

Sebek nodded. “Y-yeah!” The fact that she felt ashamed in her lack of control and was waiting for permission was almost enough to make him hard all on it's own. It grew in her soft hands as she lifted the shaft in one hand and cupped his balls in her other. She smooched it near the base loudly, leaving a very thick red lipstick mark. She saw it as she pulled away and panicked.

“F-fuh- Sorry! My lipstick...” She frantically wiped her mouth.

He waved her down. “No no no! It's fine. Make as many as you want.” He never thought he'd see lipstick marks in the shape of two big red lips on his dick. It was not a bad look.

Angel smiled and leaned back in, planting more red kisses up Sebek's green length, each one a bit more faded than the last. As she kissed up and down it her hand rubbed around the head, using  his gushing pre to lubricate it. She stretched a little once her lipstick fully faded. Her makeup was running from her eyes from sweat.
“I'm going to suck it now.”

“G-go right ahead.” Sebek offered.

She wrapped her lips around the head and began to gently roll them further down the length, then back. He was enamored with the way her lips stretched out around his dick as she pulled back. Her cheeks were concave from the suction. Every few seconds Angel self-consciously brushed strands of raven hair behind a pointed ear and looked up for approval of her skills. She was not left wanting. Sebek was in throws leaning back against the door of the pod. After a short minute of sucking that felt like forever she finally began to use her tongue to circle the head aggressively. She responded to his throbbing member by wrapping her hand around the shaft just below her lips to stroke while she sucked and licked his sensitive crown like a lollipop. Her other hand rolled his balls around in her palm. It was enough for him. She relaxed as he gripped her head when she was close and pulled her head down. She gagged but held herself down valiantly as he pumped a full load into her stomach. Angel gasped as she pulled back and let his cock pull from her lips with a loud 'pop.'

“My first 'Orc Meal.'” She commented, a bit more flatly. She was coming down off of the incitement.

“Don't say that... It's cringe.” His cheeks flushed. For all the things his Species had lost to time and interbreeding according to Malik, the 'Orc Meal' phenomenon had somehow managed to remain. It was a fact that an adult Orc was capable of producing a full meal for an adult woman per day at the very least. Orc nutrient absorption was efficient enough that with the right diet they could confer upon a partner all of the nutrition they would need. Calories, protein, vitamins. In traditional Orc culture the number of wives an Orc could take was restricted only to the amount of women he could support 'on his own' while eating within his means. The average could produce enough for one while some could produce enough for up to four or more. Sebek viewed it as being somewhat embarrassing to think about, since he lived in a household with a woman that, despite not being 'traditional', never seemed to eat meals with him and his father. He did not think about it until later.

“How many can you support?” She asked, showing that she had done some research on her own.

“I- I never measured.” He lied. For Sebek it was an astounding three to four, depending on what he ate. The number meant nothing to him, as up until recently he could not even get one woman. Even if he did, he had not planned to participate in such a practice.

“Okay, well... Can you check?” She looked up at him insistently.

“Sure.” Sebek relented. It was difficult to refuse a woman that was earnestly asking how many meals per day she could substitute for his cum.

“Think I could be an Orc girl?” She asked hesitantly.

“I mean... You want to be?”

“I want to be, but I'm not sure if I should. It's hot, but I'm not sure if that's all of it. Maybe I am just aroused by you and not into the whole package, you know? You have everything, but at the same time, I am not positive if what I want right now is what I should have as a lifestyle? Does that make sense?”

“No... But, you want it right now, right?” He flexed his fingers and began to reach forward. She nodded. It would have been so easy, but he pulled back at the last second.
“If you want it, we can work on it together. Maybe do some private studying. I could... I could put you through to someone that's got experience with an Orc man and she could tell you what it's like and what to expect.” He decided it to be a mistake, but still did not want to go through with it with her.
“Can you keep a secret?”

“Yeah.” She stated flatly, as if it was not even a question.

“Promise?” Sebek stressed.

“I swear to the creator.” She said solemnly.

“I'm fucking Gary's mom and she's totally into it.”

Angel gasped. Even in her natural, neutral state her eyes widened and showed a wash of emotion. “W-what the fuck? Is that who you want me to talk to?”

“God no! She's terrible... I'm-” Sebek blushed and covered his face out of embarrassment. The girl showed genuine interest. Not simply fetishization, though that was a part of it. Most of all he got the impression she respected him and he wanted to show some in return.
“I'll give you my mom's number. If you're actually interested in MY culture and not whatever weird fetish version of orcs you have in your head you can ask her any questions and we'll talk through anything else. Orc women love answering questions from girls not in the community...” He mumbled awkwardly.

She looked shocked. “That... That's so sweet. Okay, yeah. I'll do that.” Angel was still floored.
“I can't believe you're fucking Fara... Gary would be soooo upset.” She cringed.
“Oh... His DAD would be furious! I think he'd kill you.”

“That's why he shouldn't know.” Sebek made a zipping motion over his lips. Angel looked up seriously and mimicked the motion.


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