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“Fuck fuck fuck!” Jack panicked. Not going to the gym backfired tremendously. While his body was not building the unfortunate muscle around his thighs and rear they were still growing just in a different way. His body lost muscle fast when he stopped exercising and after just a week all the progress he had gained after leaving school was lost. He hadn't lived a sedentary life. He was not a gamer, truly. He tried not to sit in a chair all day outside of work. That was his life up until this point and none of it mattered. He pressed his hands into his stomach. Flat, but...
“Nothing...” Give. Softness. He ran his hands down his hips and thighs. Wider and thicker but...
“No muscle.” He blushed and cautiously slid his hand up his body to the worst offenders. Nothing he did could change what was happening to his chest. Each day was punctuated by a hard soreness beneath his nipples, then that painful bump would soften into a layer of fat with a new soreness beneath it. He cupped what he had 'gained' so far.
“These are...” Jack cringed because what he had were small but of a very specific shape. They could not be passed off as pectorals or anything else. After just a week he had gained a perky pair of A-cup tits.

[This isn't good.] he messaged Clovis.
[It's way too fast. You need to get down here quick! I'll front the bills. I'll comp you. Whatever it takes.]

The Minotaur returned with a troubling response for the twink. [An unemployed legal aid can't comp me.]

He slammed his desk weakly. [We have to do something! I can't go out like this. I can't let people that know me see me this way. People know me at the gym, around town, at my hangouts... It's fucked. My life is basically over.]

[You need to go out that bad? Just order FuudHub and get stuff delivered. I know you can afford that, you little drama queen.]

[I am a social creature, Clovis. I can't stay cooped up in my room all day making my ass thick from fast food deliveries.]

[Send a pic of that ass?]

Jack blushed. [Not funny.]

[Sorry. I'm serious, though. Send a pic so I can see what you look like. Is it easy to tell that it's you?]

[There's my face. It's easy.]

[wear makeup.]

Jack was exasperated by the response. [Go wear makeup and say 'oh hey, it's me, jack. I'm just going with this new look.' It doesn't help me look normal, idiot!]

[It's not to look normal, idiot, it's to look like a different person. Alexis. You need to go out, right? It's probably easier to go out as her.] Jack paused. Clovis made a good point. It was far easier to look like a different person than it would be to try to salvage his own look.

'It seems sketchy, though.' Jack thought to himself.

'Wouldn't that mean leaning into it way too much? Don't even know if I could pull it off.'
[Give it a shot. Or don't and endure living less socially for just a bit.] Clovis added.
[You've been a literal girl in game for how long, now? Some of that can rub off on you if you let it. They use this game engine for corporate training for that exact reason. You at least know how to walk in heels, the right posture, how to apply makeup, for sure and I know your voice is good when you try.]

[Shut up.] Jack left his headset and slipped into the bathroom to the makeup he received as part of Clovis's care package. The man was right. As a part of acting in game as Alexis and experiencing all of her regular routines, Jack felt as though he already knew what to do and the steadiness of his hand and the ability to find the exact things in the large case that he was looking for showed that he was quite good, even. When he applied the finishing touches he unintentionally dropped the red lipstick into the sink. It was not clumsiness but shock.
'Fuuuuck.' He thought.
'This isn't good.' Jack turned his face and his cute little body side to side.

'I actually look good.' Jack was staring at a different person in the mirror, rather than who he thought he was. She was not quite his type but she was close. Under his philosophy around women, any hole was a goal and if he saw the version himself he was seeing in a club he would've certainly chased. A little shudder ran up his spine. One of the consequences of the full setup he was wearing happened to be the inability to cum. His member was trapped in a device that offered zero possibility of relief. He couldn't even get hard anymore, but he still felt need. In times like these it did not do him any favors, as Jack was quite horny and prone to acting up.

'Looking at myself in the mirror... If I do stuff it's basically porn.'

The rationality behind ' I am frustrated and horny and unable to do anything about it,  so let's tease myself more.' Was not quite there. However Jack was everything but rational when he was horny. He left the bathroom and returned with two items. The first was the black plug and the second was the black, realistic-looking dildo. Jack may have been feeling pretty irrational but he was not going to make the same mistake twice. He read.

There was very little to read about the plug. It was simple and served a very basic purpose that he was not sure of it. It expanded and shrunk, it vibrated, it had wi-fi connectivity. He had no idea why someone would want that. The Dildo, from what he read, was another beast entirely. The first thing he noticed initially was explained fairly clearly in the guide. The dildo was so realistic that it was not hard, which struck Jack, because what was the point, then? He saw porn of girls using them and they were always flexible, but pretty solid. The cock was around 8 inches flaccid and very floppy. The balls were large and when he touched them they felt real and very much like something was sloshing around inside. The thing was so complex that it had instructions and Jack looked deeper into the guide and found an explanation. It was a training dildo and the only one he had every heard of to have activation instructions.

'Haven't heard of too many, to be fair.' He shrugged to himself.

Jack followed the instructions. “Find a clear area where I am able to comfortably kneel. Sit in that position and stick the item to the wall, making sure to position it at most 3 inches above my head...” Jack found an empty spot in the bathroom that was still in sight of the large mirror. He went through the steps and stuck it to the wall. It sat limply above his head. He was startled as it began to speak the moment it was active, but he should have expected it as it was in the next part of the next instructions.
“Continue activation by speaking to the device, huh... Feels weird talking to a dick.”

“The dick feels weird talking to you, too.” It was Clovis's voice. Jack panicked.


“Me? No, not actually. My programming uses voice mimicking for a selected user, along with an AI that is meant to respond naturally to conversation within set parameters. You look... Incredibly horny. I'm guessing you want to cum?”

“What?” Jack gasped.
“You can see me?” He squinted.

“I don't need to see you to hear the desperation in your cute voice.”

“What the hell is this?” Jack cleared his throat and tried to speak more normally.

“Don't like that. Speak a bit more softly. I wont accept your activation otherwise.”

“What the hell? You're not supposed to be able to talk back to me, right? You're mine...” Jack commented.

“No, that's exactly what I'm meant to do. I'm a training tool purchased by your soon-to-be partner. My purpose is to train you in oral technique, submissiveness and general behavior.”

“This is bullshit.” Jack grumbled, about to stand up. He was stopped in his tracks.

“What's bullshit is your twink ass trying to sound tough while you're little attention starved dick has already given up on getting hard and has resorted to twitching and begging for any type of attention. It's bullshit to assume you'll be able to cum on your own without my help.”

“Bullshit!” Jack gathered the courage to shout.
“Fuck you, I've gotta get online, anyway.” With that he left.

“Uh huh.” The dick grunted skeptically in it's similar, yet robotic tone.

Jack lasted right up to the point when he reached his computer and saw his character, Alexis. His in game character was his type. Period. She was perfect and just seeing her was enough to make him feel extremely needy. He really had not cum or felt any type of pleasure in a week or more. It was brutal. He walked back into the bathroom, found the same spot and and sat on his knees. He begrudgingly asked in a much nicer, practiced feminine tone.
“Tell me what I have to do?”

“That's sweet. Barely a minute. I can tell you're going to be a fun one to break.”

“You're a toy talking about breaking a real person...” Jack mocked.

“You're about to listen to a toy as it tells you to take that plug and push it all the way up your ass until it hits the base. Don't worry, I'll make sure it's small for your first insertion.” It paused as Jack grabbed it and noted that it was extra thin.
'This thing communicates with the dildo? Makes sense. But it doesn't have instructions.'
The toy clarified. “I'm programmed to explain for your tiny twink brain that the instructions for the plug are within the same booklet as my own... You dumb slut. Reading instructions and implications of installation is suggested.”

“Jesus! The hell? Why are you so insulting?” Jack opened the book and once he knew what he was looking for, found the parts concerning the plug. He was glad he found it.
“Full anal conversion device?” Once he read the instructions he noticed that the plug felt a bit hollow and naturally produced lubricant on the outside and in. He checked the base and found a hole in it that he could slide his fingers into snugly. It stretched easily.

“So wait, what's the point of this?”

“Do you not like reading?”

“Can you just tell me? You are required to warn me, right?”

“Sure.” The dildo sighed.
“It's a kit that makes anal better for you and your partner. For you it expands, straightens and protects your insides from damage from large and odd insertions while also providing more sensitive nerve endings that make it feel more similar to a vagina. For your partner it makes the hole tighter and also allows it to produce lubrication for more spontaneous and continuous fucking. It also cleans more effectively for other types of entertainment.”

Jack felt like he understood. “I-I can cum with this, right?” His heart beat quickly.

“Yeah, but-” Without letting the thing finish Jack slid the thin, lubricated plug into her rear with some pain and effort. He was far too desperate to care if it hurt so long as it made him feel good. His hole did ache a little, but it was the feeling that came after that was truly jarring. He felt cramps in his gut and keeled over.

'Fuck...' His eyes rolled back.

“Did not let me finish. Typical horny slut behavior. Tsk. It's BioTek. In non-technical terms that means 'I hope you wanted a permanent pussy for an asshole.' Jack was sweating. He lifted himself up off the floor and nervously felt his rear. It was drooling and in an anxiety inducing moment he did not feel the base that was there to stop it from going all the way in and getting lost.

“Sh-shit! Did it go inside? Am I gonna have to go to the hospital?”

“Were you listening? It IS your inside.”

“What!?” For the first time ever Jack was able to push his fingers into his tight, slick pucker easily. When he did he lost muscular control briefly and his cock twitched from the electric-like feeling.
“Oooh... What is this?” He could not stop himself from pushing as many fingers as he could inside. He bit his bottom lip hard, feeling himself getting close to an orgasm. It was something he had craved for a week and he did not care that he was going to reach it in such a humiliating way.
“D-damn.” He grunted. He was able to get close but unlike the building, unstoppable freight train that were his usual masturbation sessions, fingering his new hole was more akin to a stock graph where each spike was followed by a swift decline back down. He could not get there.

“You're going to need something bigge-”

“Good point!” Jack hungrily rose and turned his back to the wall. He scooted back and tried to guide the realistic member into his ass. It felt like he could take it. It would be his first time and it would be humiliating but he was starved for pleasure. The femboy whined as each attempt to stuff the member into his rear resulted in it sliding up or down his crack; almost like it was getting softer in response to his attempts. It was thick and big but he was far too tight to be able to get it in and the toy was not helping.
“H-help me out here!” He demanded.

“Shut up!” The toy demanded.


“Hands off!” It ordered firmly. It was Clovis's voice. He lifted his hands shakily as though he was surrendering.
“Sit!” Jack turned around and plopped down haphazardly.
“Sit pretty.” It ordered more calmly. Jack took a deep breath, straightened his posture and rested his nervous hands on his lap.

“Good girl. We are going to get through this activation. Got it?”

“Got it.” Jack offered submissively.
“But I'm not-” He was speaking meekly enough that the toy interrupted.

“Good point.” It predicted what he was going to say.
“What do you want to be treated as?”

Jack opened his mouth, then stared in the mirror at his made-up, forlorn expression. He really did look like a different persona in the mirror. With the dildo on the wall it looked like a scene out of a porn that he would watch. The femboy shifted uncomfortably.
“Are you good for practice?”

The toy paused. “Practice for what?”

“I want to go out and seem like a different person so that people don't recognize that it's me and think I'm weird. I kind of... Like to go out, hang out and talk to people at bars and the gym. Pick up girls. You know?”

“Goal noted. Hesitance and tone noted. Re-calibrating to subtle domination and gaslight procedures.”


“I am asking you to state your name.”

Jack furrowed his brow. “You said something about-”

“State your name.” It reiterated.

He sighed. “Jack.”

“I'm sorry for being so short with you, Jack. I am a goals oriented system. I was pre-calibrated without your direct input. Now I will be fully devoted to aiding you in your goal.” It explained more gently.

“Woah! Seriously?”

“I'm on your side. There will be no more unpleasantness from now on.”

“Well... That's good. Does that mean you'll help me get off?”

“Is that really good for you? Helping you 'get off?' It brings you closer to being more of a bitch in private while ignoring your ability to pass in public.”

Jack gulped. “I-I feel like if I don't get off somehow I'm gonna be in a permanent state of horniness and frustration...”

“Noted.” For the most part it directly and obviously ignored that concern. Jack deflated slightly in response.
“What is your preferred name for posing as another person outside.”


“Alexis. That is a beautiful name, Alexis.”

Jack bristled at that. “But you're going to call me by my real name in private, right? So I'm not a bitch at home?”

“Is that what you'll say in public when someone calls you by your name?”

Jack blinked. “N-no?”It had a point.

“I accept your apology, Alexis. Know that even though I acknowledge your name to be Jack, my purpose is to train you to meet your stated goal”

“Okay.” Jack smiled weakly.

“Alexis would you please cup my balls and grip the shaft to finish activation?”

“Is there no other way to do it?” Jack still bristled at being called as the other name by the toy, the same way he did with Clovis, but he ignored it.

“This is the only way.” As it said that Jack hesitantly cupped the realistic balls and gripped the shaft. He had never held such a big cock before. He gently kept it in that awkward grasp until told otherwise. Commentary came quickly after.
“You have very soft hands, Alexis. Your grip is perfect. You are a very, very good girl, I can tell.”

Jack shook his head and cringed. “Could you not call me a-”

“I just called you a girl. You can not get offended simply from that.”

“No, there was more than that, right?” Jack stated.

“I said that you are a girl, Alexis. You will meet more of a reaction than that in public.”

He felt like he was being lied to. “There was more behind it than that, though, toy...”

“You are reading into it too much. If you behave this way outside people will ask questions.”

“Am I?” Jack questioned himself and decided to just drop it.

“Alexis, stroke the shaft and massage the balls to progress activation.”

“This feels a little...” He did not get to finish saying sketchy before he trailed off. He stroked the member and to his surprise it began to harden in ways he needed it to back when he was desperately trying to stuff it into his ass. Thankfully he was far more calm now.

“Kiss the tip to complete activation, Alexis.”

“Is this the last thing I have to do?” Jack took a deep breath. For the first time he noticed how the toy smelled. It did not smell like silicone or rubber, it smelled like sweat with a distinct hint of sweetness that made it not too bad to inhale. He leaned in and kissed the tip right over the tiny hole while stroking it's shaft and massaging the balls. Warm, thick fluid began to gush over his tongue once his lips locked around the tip. His eyes widened and the seal broke slightly.

“If the seal breaks the process must begin again.” With flush cheeks Jack reluctantly held firm as his mouth filled with a not-too-bad tasting fluid.
“Swallow gratefully.”

'Gratefully?' Jack thought that was a strange request as he gulped the fluid down.

“Gratfullness, low. Lovingness, low. Attraction, low. Rating. Under ten percent. Release kiss.”

Jack gasped, finally able to pull his sticky lips from the dripping member. He smirked smugly. “You can't move me on my attraction to a dick. Sorry...”

“Stroke faster.” It asked.

“Huh?” Jack did so curiously. As if in retaliation it began to twitch and said.

“Commencing face plaster scan. Tilt face back and hold still.”

“Tilt-” Jack felt hotter, thicker fluid coat his face in ropes. It glued an eye shut and began to seep down his face.
“F-fuck!” He got up and climbed right into the shower.

“Reaction, not ideal.”

“Damn straight! I just finished doing all this makeup and now it's fucked... I'll have to do it over if I want to go out.”

“Reaction... Better.”




Permanent ass-pussy, huh? Love it. Can't wait to see what else his new 'trainer' has in store. I wonder if that viscous 'fluid' is doing anything...?


It will be interesting to see what device around his cick balls will do when he finally cums.