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The moment Atika left the  Doc she slipped around the side into an alleyway to find a target. Docs existed everywhere in Orr and performed every procedure from lifesaving surgery, to cosmetics, to Tek installation. She ended up opting for the latter and could not wait to test hers out. She spotted something right away. A large dumpster. It was not full but it was still heavy to the extent that it would take a large machine to lift it. She stepped close, drew her arm back and punched the bin in it's side with all of the strength she could muster. It turned out that all she could muster was quite a lot, even with discount Tek. There was very little wind-up but still the bin buckled at the side before sliding a few feet down the alleyway, making a screeching sound and leaving thick drag marks in the cement.
'Holy!' She thought.
'Why don't more people get discount Tek? This shit is awesome! I could stand toe to toe with a Minotaur, no problem.'

Tek was the average persons answer to the super-powered monsters known as incarnates. Beastfolk were naturally strong in most of their forms and humans could compete when properly trained. In contrast to that the grouping of species known as Incarnates; Gnolls, Wolves and Minotaurs, were in a league of their own physically. Smaller Species never stood a chance and even with the advent of guns, Humans and Elves were lacking. Tek narrowed the gap and made an otherwise average Human Jobber like Atika stronger than a Gnoll on a good day. The woman had very little to spend out of her last cut, but thankfully discount Tek was a way for a low-riser like her to be able to afford. As far as she knew the downsides to the discounted versions of popular Tek were very obscure and rarely came up.

It was taxing on her memory, but she got as much as she could before it would realistically begin affecting her. Her skeleton was replaced with something tougher to allow the body to surpass certain limits.  It also created an effective framework that would allow easier modification and upgrading down the line. Rather than undergo expensive surgery she had modular sections that would accept new Tek more intuitively. The upgrades that she treated herself to initially were arms, legs, spine and a package for increased reflexes and senses that included an internal computer. She was almost at her limit with that but the best part was, she basically did not need anything else. New parts could be swapped in as she got more money and it would not tax her limited memory any further.

She messaged one of them. Their hacker. [Took the plunge. I'm fully Tekked out, now.] Atika grinned. That message had been sent with her mind; a nifty perk of the internal computer.

'She's gonna flip.' She thought.

[Woah! Discount Tek?] The hacker responded.

[How'd you know? I'm sending this through Neura-Con, even.]

[ChesAn Neural Connect? Nice! I got one, too. What protection package are you using? I got Garde Cybersec. The ChesAn package has loads of holes for them to spy on you. It's basically malware that kills other malware.] She explained.

Atika returned the message. [I skipped that. It was almost more expensive than the device itself and I just assumed you'd be able to cover against any threats.] She felt smug for that choice. Having a hacker on call was like a cheat code in the modern age.



[Serious? You HAVE to protect your Tek. You're probably walking around with an open connection right now and you have Neura-Con active... It's risky.]

Atika scoffed. 'The hell is she talking about?'

[What's the worse that could happen?]

[Just get back quick and I'll see what I can do to patch you up.]As she received that message her vision went black like an old bootup screen. White text began to scroll past her eyes showing the boot phase that she experienced when everything was first installed. She read some of the text as it scrolled quickly. Numbers were flashing by showing that they were going from 0 to 100 percent.
'New software installed? I didn't approve that...' When her vision returned in what felt like moments her eyes focused in on a large male in a dirty white shirt, an open jacket and black pants. He reached a fat hand up and ruffled her dark, shoulder-length hair.

“What the hell do you think you're doing!?” She questioned. He grinned and stared at her with a crooked expression as she reeled her arm back to punch him.

'Smaller than a trash bin but just as dirty.' She decided. As she let her arm fly forward a few things happened. First, she got a message from her hacker.

[Yo, what happened. You were offline for like an hour.] Atika was confused at that.

'An hour? What?' More confusing was the fact that  'she' seemed to respond automatically to the message.

[Oh, yeah. It's chill. Was just figuring out how to work this thing. LOL.] As her fist flew she had a bit of time to think because it was slowing down. 'Th-that wasn't me...'  her punch did not slow in terms of time but actual speed. It was losing power. As it got closer to his face it stopped completely before dropping. It was as if her arm had fallen asleep.

'Th-that wasn't me...'  In her mind things were happening far faster than outside so she tried sending a message herself. Her access was denied.


The man laughed as both of her hands returned to life and slid down to his belt. She also squatted in front of him humiliatingly with her legs spread wide. She had bin stripped down to just her panties. Atika's noticeably larger tits were subtly bouncing as her nimble, Tekked out fingers accurately and effectively undid his belt and pulled his pants down. When her body was done moving without her permission the man's cock had flopped out a few inches from her face. A dark, veiny member that looked and smelled as though he had sex recently. She could turn away but her body was keeping her in place just inches away from the smelly member, at most.

“What's going on!? What are you doing?” She gulped as her arms gripped his waist and pulled herself close enough that her face was mashed into his cock and balls. The girls eyes rolled back as the smell washed over her. Her enhanced senses were not doing her any favors in her current situation. As she gagged the thing sat comfortably on her face.

'What am I doing?'

“Relax. I'm just killing time while your new body is fabricated.” He stated.


“You think I'm gonna let myself and my customers be serviced by this cheap junk?” He flicked one of her arms. They were not pretty but they were functional. The only parts of her body that were not really Tekked after she left the Doc were her tits, her ass and most of her face and torso. She still had to have some flesh, including her organs. She did not have the memory to go too far. 'Customers?' Atika finally took the time to look up past his cock and balls to notice a completely different scene compared to what she was in. The streets were naturally dark down in the low-rise sectors, so it was hard to tell, but she was definitely inside. Definitely under lights and definitely in a semi-crowded environment.
“Oh! Speak of the devil!” The man flicked her old Tek with a loud 'ping' sound again. Atika glanced left and right in a panic to see her Tek arms being detached. She fell forward, feeling her Tek legs being pulled free as well. The release that should have only been possible with her approval was easily triggered by someone else. Luckily she was not a nugget for long.  The jobber felt the feel of new limbs as soon as they were attached.

As she rose once again on fresh legs she noticed that her functional Tek had been replaced with something far more 'pretty.' Realistic skin across the whole surface, aside from some thin joints that added to the aesthetic the designers were going for of 'living doll.' Her new limbs were soft and lacked both the appearance and presence of any actual power or muscle. She was weak. The one thing they were good for was immediately tested as Atika gritted her teeth. Her new limbs moved on their own to cup his large balls with one hand and skillfully stroked his cock with the other. The soft palms were silky smooth to the man's member and she squeezed it just enough for maximum comfort. It showed exactly where most of the design space in the limbs went into.
“Th-this is bullshit!” She screamed.

“There is no way this is-” Her body leaned forward and her hands moved from stroking his cock to squeezing it affectionately between her perky tits. She rose up and down while his member slide between them.

“No way this is legal!” It was hard to talk shit as her body provided the illusion of a woman affectionately offering a titjob to a lover. It was jarring to have such strong feelings while doing such a thing. It messed with her to no end.

“No way what's legal, sweetie? Keeping you here until you pay off the debt you incurred by installing that Tek?”

She gulped. “I didn't do this by choice! You-” He slammed something down into her port. It was the last domino to fall for her bodies fading Memory. A simple drive that installed more invasive software and activated as-of-yet inactive parts of her new body. Atika twitched, her head tilting to one side.
“Y-y-y...” Her eyes rolled back and more egregiously his cock slipped out from between her breasts. She shuddered deeply before finally recovering as best she could. When she did she was met with his demeaning stare.

He ruffled her hair. “Don't be rude!” The man commanded. For some reason she felt a pang of guilt and an urge to beg for forgiveness. It was strong. She lowered herself and prostrated between his feet.

“I'm sorry, sir...” She uttered pitifully, her naked rear shaking.  
'What am I saying? This scum... What? Wait, what's going on?' She was having trouble remembering things other than emotions. She was mad but could not remember why. She was sorry but she could not understand how.

“There's the girl I remember.” He patted her head.
“Listen. You overdid it on Tek, girl. Fake tits. Great limbs. Service upgrades and Softs...” He clicked his tongue.

“You're over your memory cap. Just a bit. It's affecting your ability to remember and think clearly. Like, for example...” He grinned.
“You can't seem to remember I rescued you and allowed you to work here. Ungrateful bitch!”

She cringed. “I'm so sorry, sir!” Atika leaned forward and kissed the top of his shoes sensually for forgiveness. She felt the urge to humiliate herself in apology and it was simply the first thing she thought to do.

“Where's that bubbly, hard-working girl I hired? Are you gonna be able to get back to work or are you too useless to even do that anymore?”

“N-no!” She shook her head.
“I can work! Let me work for you, sir!” She begged.

'He's really mad this time... I can't believe how bad I fucked up. Fuck me...' She thought.




Wonderful little story, really showing how fast things can go bad in Orr

Tanya Wormald

Thank you. Going to try to do more of these short-form stories that are more in line with my earlier work.