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Mars leaned over to snoop on what Sebek was scrolling through on his phone. The two lived close and therefore took the same train to commute quite often, both before and after their agreement. She would never choose to sit with him over Gary if it came down to it, but on the way to Gary's apartment there was no point in ignoring him, she reasoned. Luckily, or unluckily for him she did not see him scrolling his strange light novel. Instead she saw him scrolling the registry of the public MGS database. It was lucky, because it prevented any odd questions about the non-existent work about taming women he was reading. Unlucky because a wall of text would probably be easier to pass off.
“Why are you creeping on the registry?” She questioned, wearing an expression like she just saw a bug.

“Uh.” He gulped and thought for a moment about an excuse before simply deciding to tell the truth.
“There's a person I used to meet...” He corrected himself.
“To see around the Library.”

“You saw them?” Mars was barely interested. She switched her attention from Sebek once she determined that there was nothing worth scrutinizing.

“Yeah. We spoke a few times, too. She disappeared maybe a week ago. Like, dropped off the face of the planet.”

She showed slight interest after he mentioned it was a her. “Some chick you got a crush on?”

“N-no.” Sebek's green cheeks flushed. He had a slight crush on the girl. She showed herself to know a lot about Net architecture and programming.”
“It's just that she was always a notable presence most of the time I was there studying and then she... Was not.” It was incredibly sudden. He had only recently gained enough time to truly get worried and think about it.

“Okay.” Mars glanced back at the scrolling registry.
“You're looking at something with thousands of faces, so probably not a great method. Why didn't you get her number or something?”

“She mentioned that she didn't have a phone.”

“L.O.L” She smirked cockily.
“You believed her? That's obviously an excuse. A bad one, too. Who doesn't have a phone? They're literally everything. You must've made her feel so awkward!” She laughed for real as she covered her mouth, rather than spell it out with lingo.

Sebek furrowed his brow. “She didn't seem uncomfortable and I don't think she was lying.”

“Who was she? What'd she look like? You obviously don't have a name if you're struggling to search.”

“Yeah, I never asked.”

“Loser. You have no game.” Mars mocked.

His phone pinged from Malek. [She's not wrong.]

“Okay, okay. Stop. She was a Fox. Long red hair. Small body.” Sebek described.
“Grungy clothes...” He added as an afterthought, just in case it helped.

Mars's jaw dropped and her blonde ears shot straight up. “What the fuuuuuuck?”


“Search 'Kai.'” Mars advised. Sebek did so and it pulled up a few names but from that smaller pool he was easily able to scroll and find the profile of the Kai he was looking for. Female, same age as him and in some of the same programs as him with with a focus on technology versus communications and business.
“Is that her?”

“Yeah.” Sebek smiled.

“Not thanks! You know that bitch has stolen from literally every person in our group? Not only that, she totally catfished Gary!”

Sebek stared at her skeptically. “Catfished or-”

Her face became red. “Yeah, she catfished him! Because why would he want to be with a Fox? That Fox in particular.” Mars just kept going off angrily.
“You know most people assume Kai's not really a 'she.' Most people. Because that's the thing with Foxes. They're messed up in the head for some reason and you can literally never tell.”

“As opposed to Rabbits who seem perfectly stab- Ow!” She punched his arm the moment he began talking back.

Mars counted on her fingers. “She stole, she catfished Gary into liking her before peacing out and she even blackmailed a few other girls in the group. She probably disappeared because we were trying to track her down.” Mars constant said 'she' quite facetiously in a way that annoyed Sebek. It diminished his interest if it was the case but he was not quick to side with her, as he was also on the receiving end of some nasty generalized preconceptions. For all he knew, Kai was a very typical female. He looked it up and the odds were in her favor, and on top of all those points she looked extremely beautiful which made it difficult for him to believe she was anything else. There was one thing that troubled him.

“So... She was 'with' Gary?”

Mars crossed her arms frustratedly and slumped back in the train seat in a way that annoyed people in front of her in the aisle.
“She obviously wants Gary. He's attractive. Mid-rise wealthy. That's what she was most interested in, I think. When she realized that the rest of us in the group were going to stand in her way she decided to take what she could from us before leaving.”

“Ah...” Sebek frowned, because it sounded like she was with Gary, but was bullied into leaving and took her revenge on the way out. It was a shame because he disliked the idea of Gary having her more than he expected. The fact that the girls were the reason she might've stopped coming to the MGS building made him even less guilty over what he was trying to do.

* *

Sebek and Marsi entered later than the rest of the group, as per usual. They lived the furthest away, from what he was able to gather. They were seated in the living room.
“You guys are late.” Gary criticized.

“Maybe they were distracted on the way here.” Bri offered with an unsubtle wink. The Jackal girl elicited a piercing glare from Mars and light chuckles and smirks from the rest. Gary did not seem to notice the jab. He was staring down at a tablet with some of his MGS work on it. When everyone was done being catty he glanced up in annoyance.

“Okay? Is everyone done fucking around? You.” He pointed up at Sebek.

“Me?” Sebek was worried about what the Main Character Syndrome was going to do.

“Sit beside me here.” He ordered. Sebek blinked and did not move initially out of shock.

The Jackal, Bri leaned forward and stared at the small love seat she occupied with Gary. It was barely big enough for 2 small girls and a human male.

“How are we going to-”

“You move.” He snapped back before motioning more forcefully for Sebek to sit down. The group was a bit confused as the Orc reluctantly swapped with Bri and sat down. It was a tight fit for both him and Gary, who shifted over awkwardly. Sebek's weight on one side lifted the human and seemed to be constantly pulling him down to Sebek's side, regardless of how far he shifted over. As soon as Sebek sat down and saw what Gary was looking at he understood.

“Oh.” It was something Sebek could definitely assist with. Very simple work for him, but he knew Gary's standing and knew that the human probably had serious difficulty with it.
“Okay.” Sebek shrugged. It was technically perfect. It put him in a good spot. As he was about to begin instructing Gary, Fara poked through the window into the room that looked out from the large, upscale kitchen. She was not quite as riske as when Sebek saw her last but she was dressed in a manner that one would not find out of place in Milf porn. He could only see her upper half with her arms folded tightly under her tits, but those breasts were held tightly to her chest like a mold by a small black top.

“Hello. All your friends are here?” She asked, offering a sly wink to Sebek over on the couch.

Gary held his head in his hands as she began speaking seethingly. “Yes...”

“How about some food. Drinks?” Fara offered.

“Mom!” Gary uttered in frustration.
“Everyone here can get up and get it themselves whenever they want. We're trying to study.” He emphasized 'study.' rather forcefully, as if trying to make a point to her.
“That's what you want, right?”

“Hmm. Right, sorry, sorry.” She pouted, offering Sebek a subtle look. He immediately felt a straining in his pants.

The Orc cleared his throat. “I could use a drink.”

“I can get it for you, dear.” Fara offered cheerily.

Gary stared up in disbelief. “Mom, don't move.” He looked to Sebek.
“Get it yourself, dude. She's not your maid.”

Sebek shrugged and argued under his breath. “If that' what you want.”

“Hurry up. I've got this fucking thing I'm stuck on...”

Sebek chuckled as he walked towards the kitchen. For someone practically begging for help the human still could not manage an ounce of humility. As the Orc entered the kitchen he was treated to the sight of Fara's ass wagging temptingly in tight black yoga pants.
“How you feeling?” She whispered in a purposefully low tone. It was low enough the the elf and beastwomen in the living room could hear that something was being said, but not what was being said.
“Pent up?” She gave a short glance down to the bulge in his pants.

Sebek gulped and took in a deep waft of the woman's desire. He could smell that she had been masturbating and was extremely ready.
“Yeah...” He copied her tone.  
“I could nut.” Cautiously Sebek moved behind her and looked out into the living room. No one was paying attention.

“Make it look like you're grabbing things... Cup above my head in the cupboard.” Sebek nodded and confirmed the cupboard. The fridge was within reach as well. Fara was bending over very intentionally in the perfect spot. He puled her tight pants down below her ass with one hand while drawing his cock free with his other. They did not need to have a lengthy session. Sebek did not need to last or try to make it good for her because Fara did not want that. What she wanted was to help him nut quickly before moving on with his day. He pushed two fingers into her cunt to confirm how wet she was before positioning himself behind her. He exhaled as he guided his cock inside. Sebek could see out into the living room. As Fara let out a soft moan Bri's ears twitched and swiveled, though she did not seem to be paying attention.

Once he was in, Sebek started pushing into the mother's cunt by just moving his hips as he searched through the cupboard slowly for a glass to buy time. To anyone that looked over it just seemed like Fara was bent over the window, humming as Sebek collected what he needed behind her.
“Yo, what's the hold up?” Gary asked irritably.

“I'm... Looking for a glass.” Sebek called out.

Fara gave a cheeky shrug and tried to mask the pleasure in her tone as she remarked. “You didn't want me to help so I'm not helping.”

“Whatever...” Gary shook his head. The group continued working as Sebek offered more subtle pumps into Fara from behind. He found the glass just as he felt himself about to cum. As he moved his glass to the fridge and pressed the button to dispense water he let himself go inside of her  The woman breathed satisfaction despite not cumming herself. Just the feeling of being filled by him and having pleasured him was enough. Sebek drew his spent cock out as the glass became, from his perspective, half full. He pulled her tight leggings back up over her ass with a somewhat revealing snap that caused a few to look over.

“If you break anything you'll have to pay for it, dear.” Fara covered with a coy smile. Sebek rewarded her with a pat on the ass before he had his full glass and took a long drink while waiting for his erection to fully die down. It never could in such a short time, not completely, and was therefore still a fairly obvious outline as he returned to his seat. Setting down his glass beside the tablet allowed him to look over and catch Gary staring rather obviously. When the human looked up to see that Sebek could see, he offered defensively:

“H-hey! Fucking... Don't put your water down right beside the equipment.” As if that was what he was staring at. Sebek shrugged and moved the glass further back.

* *

Bri approached Sebek after the meeting. “Yo.” The Beastwoman had her hands in the pockets of her sporty shorts. She had on a loose jersey over her athletic little body. Her ears turned like weather-vanes as they spoke in the busy lobby of Gary's building.

“Hi.” Sebek returned awkwardly.

“Don't think I have your number in particular.” She commented.

“You... Want it?”

The girl let out a short laugh. “If you want to give me your phone.” She was trying to play it off. Sebek handed it over. She lifted her own and copied the contact symbol to add one-another. Once she was done she handed it off.
“Cool. Cool.” Then they stood awkwardly for a few seconds before she finally asked.

“Do you work out?”

“No.” He admitted.

“Really? Because you got big arms.”

Sebek motioned towards himself in general. “Big... Everything, you know?”

Bri rolled her eyes. “Well, yeah. But I mean, you've got some natural muscle, right?” She reached up without asking and pinched his arm.
“Wooow.” She remarked.
“See, you don't work out but you're probably stronger than an average human.”

“I guess Beastfolk and Orcs are similar like that.”

“This takes a lot of work.” She stretched her arms straight up and flexed, showing off her tight curves. As she turned, her small tail was wagging ecstatically from showing off.
“You could, too. Work at it, I mean.”

He scoffed. “Yeah, no. I barely have any free time right now.”

Bri made a face at him like she was disappointed. It gave him an idea. “So I'm guessing you really like encouraging people to work out.”

“Yeah!” She nodded

“My aim is to encourage lots of people to be healthy and make choices that are good for their body. I want to be a personal trainer.” He moved past the trap implication that she was outright interested in him, given what she said. A more brutish man could have taken what she said the wrong way pretty easily; that is the key situation where Sociamancy could fail badly. What she had interest in seemed to be an idea of him. An idea he could not match easily.

“I'm guessing you help Gary train?”

“He's interested in going to Warren, but with Garde. They have way higher training standards, though. He's making crazy progress for a human.” Bri was excited to speak on his progress and training. He could tell based on how much she offered so easily.

Sebek rubbed his chin. More ideas came to mind. “You control his diet and workout?”

“I can't make him do anything but he listens to me because I know my stuff. ”

“Got it... And you think my body is better than an average humans?”

“Well, as good as physically good as a trained human's, I'd say.” She offered truthfully. The fact that she was willing to say it seemed to suggest a lack of pure bias. If anything, she was somewhat in his favor. As he was about to begin he thought back to a technique he was taught.


“The cascade?” Sebek questioned.

“Yeah. Basically, you can lock thoughts in place already. It's risky but if you feel confident you can also perform a sort of cascade of locks. Basically you start from one innocuous position, then use that to leverage it into something more interesting and so on and so on.”

“It's risky because who knows what reaction they're going to have after the first.”

“Exactly. Each lock after the first in short succession makes it more difficult because you're working with soft clay, so to speak. You gotta do that work to take them somewhere rhetorically.”

“Got it...”


“Lock.” Sebek said out of the side of his mouth as he reached up and shocked Bri. She jumped a little and stepped back defensively. He locked her thoughts in regards to an untrained Orc being as good as a trained human. Keeping her in that mindset made the next part easier. He knew he had to choose his words carefully and cover his ass to keep her in the right mindset overall or else things could go bad fast.

“Yo... What are you-”

“What shampoo do you use? You've got really pretty hair.”

She lifted a dark brow. “Oh. I just use conditioner. It's not a big secret.” The bronze skinned girl tilted her head and felt her own ears curiously for anything special.”

“You like trained guys?”

“Where's this coming from?” She asked before answering in quick succession.
“Yeah, more or less.”

“But isn't it true that an untrained Orc is probably just as good?” Sebek implied.

Bri looked up in thought. “Well...”

“Way more potential.”

“If you say it like that, they're better.” Her eyes flitted up as another spark arced into her temple as Sebek subtly brought his finger up without her noticing. She looked to the left after he lowered his hand in confusion.
“What was-”

“Mosquitos...” He slapped his neck, as well.

“Fuck... So gross. Hate that this place lets out in low-rise sectors for non-residents. What were we talking about?”

“How good untrained Orcs look.” He added with a smile.
“Because of our potential.”

“True.” She agreed.
“I'd love to see you at the gym.” Bri offered casually off the back of the locked suggestion.

“Like I said, I don't have much time on my hands, but if we're being real, a dumpy Orc like me is probably fine without any training at all. Like you said, it's just the potential, right. Strong enough as is. At least as good as a trained human, right?”

“Oh, yeah. I guess-s-s.” She shuddered, her fur standing up as she was rocked by a harsh shock.
“Okay! That was not a mosquito!” She stared at Sebek suspiciously.

“Might be static.” He admitted after lowering his hand and locking. He could see something in her eyes that was not there before. It was a result of the cascade. A good result overall. The idea of a dumpy, out of shape Orc like him being hot was no longer very far off for her.




Sebek could get Bri to change Gary's diet and workout. I did notice Gary was spelled as Garry once.