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Kara was not completely certain about the Hero joining her to work for Cerius. It could certainly have their way paid off faster than if it was only her doing the work, but she had sort of hoped that it would be just her doing the work. Being responsible for the party moving forward and sacrificing her time and autonomy for the Hero's goal was supposed to be a way to show him that she was able to apply herself without flaking. Waiting hundreds of years to see him and train him apparently was not enough. She was only faintly bitter, though. There was a second aspect to the Hero joining her in her work that left a bad taste in her mouth. She was under no illusion that her way of life was for everyone, especially not on her partners side of things. It was partially why she pushed him away to begin with. If the Hero was with her on her terms it would not have been particularly good for his development. She thought on a whim that if instead he was more like her he would not be a victim of her. They could stand as equals and she may even have a kindred spirit in that version of a Hero. Unfortunately Kara realized very early on that the Hero lacked a certain sense of detachment she had. He was sensitive and not just quick to learn, he was quick to accept new situations and adapt. It was a curse as much as it was a blessing and it was what lead to her stepping between him and a large Gnoll male rather abruptly.

“Are you stupid?” She asked the Hero as he was about to open his mouth and accept a coin onto his tongue.

The Hero rolled his eyes. They were painted. He made the dancer garments look good and they were only looking better the more enthusiastically he wore them. He was a Bonafide Harem girl with the way he was wearing them just before Kara interrupted.
“What? Making this go faster?” he rested a Sassy hand on his hip.
“You wanted to spend weeks here, I guess. Seems obvious. This place is like a paradise for you, right?” He added in a catty tone.

Kara stared him down with a blank expression. “You have no idea what you're talking about aaaand.” She leaned in close to inspect his eyes. The Hero's pupils were big and unfocused.
“You're under the influence. Great. You've been accepting 'Favor?'”

The Hero scoffed. “It's what you do when you want to make money fast here.”

“It's what you do when you want to never leave here, idiot! The girls that work here could be rich off Favor, it doesn't matter if they never go outside and only buy stuff from the shops in the Circus.”

“Listen. I get it. You wanted to be here for weeks and fuck loads of guys. I can do that too, now, but I'll be doing it for a purpose.”

Kara hurt. It stung that he did not know what her actual intentions were. He had no idea, seemingly. She reminded herself that a large part of it was the Favor and the main culprit was likely the man behind her. As soon as his big, dumb Gnoll face entered her mind she felt his large paw roll over her ass and up her hip on a path towards her breasts. She was still a worker, so she could not exactly be indignant at such an advance, nor could she be exceedingly rude.
“Let me guess... You've been feeding him coins and grooming him to act like your own personal kitten? “

“What's wrong with that? She's only human. But I got a thing for Foxes, too. Surprised one of your uppity kind is working in a place like this.” He chuckled deeply, from his round belly. The Gnoll was not a prime specimen. He was an old, spent male that gave credence to the belief that Gnoll's were somehow better than everyone else. That they were meant to inherit the world and everything in it. She knew the moment he called her kind uppity. Everything else she needed to know about him was said by the fact that he hung around girls that could barely say no. With his dumpy appearance, ragged fur and offensive odor it made perfect sense. His large body invaded her space. He was a full foot taller than her, as most Gnolls were. His drooling maw hung over Kara's head and almost dripped on her.
“I know! How about a threesome with enough Favor to feed both of you to your goal in no time!” He continued to jingle the coins in his paw in an attempt to lure them.

“Okay!” The Hero agreed, showing himself to be easily lured.
“No!” Kara asserted at the same time the Hero was giving himself away. Their voices overlapped.

The Hero stared her down. “You literally don't want to make money...”

Kara stared back. “You literally have no idea what you are doing!” She claimed.

“Better than you.” He crossed his arms.

“I'm sorry?”

“How much have you made? I've made way more. Count it.” He offered. She did not have to count it. She knew for a fact that he was right if he was accepting Favor. Another nagging thought crossed her mind. He was basically gone if she did not step in and do something.

“I'm cutting you off.”

“What!?” The Hero pouted.
“You can't do that!”

“Yeah!” The Gnoll agreed.

“If she wants it and I wanna give it, you can't stop her.”

“Then I'll take all your favor from now on, without question.” Kara announced. She sneered at the Hero.
“You! Get back to the Party.” She snapped.

“But-” He tried to complain but she cut him off.

“This is what you wanted, right? I'll make enough to get us out of here in no time. It's no problem for me. Least I could do, I right?” She spoke facetiously and mockingly towards the Hero to drive him away. He looked up at the Gnoll for a lifeline but the man just shrugged.

“Hey, if she wants it that bad she can have it. Sold to the bitchy Fox.” He raised his hand mockingly as though officiating an auction.

The Hero's shoulder's slumped. He walked off and once he was out of sight she breathed a sigh of relief only to have the smelly Gnoll get even closer. He shoved a gold coin into her face and pressed it against her pursed lips before asking. She was shocked but not surprised. What the Hero was on his way to becoming was a living slot Machine. Favor was Cerius's immense Aura separated from him and minted down into coins. In terms of all the Favor in circulation she suspected his power as at least on par with Coda, as he was about as old, only for some reason he gave up being able to use most of it in favor of circulating it around as a currency.

“Come on, Fox.” The Gnoll teased.
“Say 'Ahhh.'”

Kara tilted her head back and mimicked his intonation. Her mouth opened wide and her tongue fell out over her bottom lip. She had never taken a piece, so she was curious what it felt like, anyway. It must be nice, she thought.
“Ahhhh....” He abruptly popped the coin between her lips and pressed it down onto her tongue. It immediately dissolved and momentarily dissolved her sense along with it. Her body tightened. She held her hands up in balled fists, gritted her teeth and exhaled deeply. With that exhale her body relaxed It was as though she was fed an orgasm and the afterglow was lingering like a pink fog on her mind. Like Cirius's Aura and realm itself she felt lively, sensitive and prone to say yes.

“I don't take baths often so I need a girl that loves the way I smell.” He stated, making her ears twitch as he spoke the words so close to them. After that he affectionately rolled his paw over them as though he was petting a dog. She shuddered. Under the influence of Favor his touch felt better, but that was not the only thing. The man was not just speaking for no reason. As the Favor was added to her net worth within the Circus the request was weighed against what was paid. The sign that it was deemed enough was the sweet smell of his body odor seeming a lot like nectar to her. She actually loved it, but knew why. It was the coin. The only thing that kept her sane was the knowledge that it was the Favor driving her to lean in and inhale erotically near his chest. She could rationalize it, then. As she inhaled he casually slotted another coin between her lips as though Kara was a vending machine that dispensed her own self-respect. He snickered and added as it dissolved and fed her another  mind-rocking mini-orgasm.
“I need a girl that doesn't know the last thing I paid for.”

She exhaled the hot musk that she had inhaled deeply. “Fuck...” Kara was not aware of all the tricks, just the general principles. The Gnoll was undoubtedly a long-time patron of the Circus and knew all the little loopholes. The memory of the request he made about the odor poofed from her mind as she swore, since she knew exactly where things were headed. After it was done, the only thing she knew was that the memory of some purchase had been removed. She knew what he had done, but not what it had changed about her behavior. She began to get increasingly paranoid trying to think of what it could be as she thought guiltlessly of basking in his odor.
“W-what the hell did you request before that? Was it something about-”

“No spoiling it.” He wagged his finger, jovially, his wide maw curled into a wicked grin.
“And remember, every coin I spend on you is another one that isn't spent on the other girl.” That statement was enough to calm her down. So long as the Hero got out it would be fine. She was not sure that she was in any actual trouble. There were tricks to pull with the Favor but she did not think it was actually powerful enough to control her fully. Kara knew she was too strong to allow that to happen.

“Hey... Has anyone ever told you that you smell amazing? You wear, like, a cologne or some other scent?” She just could not help but comment, since it was on her mind so prevalently.

He laughed. “What you just admitted is you love the smell of my sweat.” Kara was floored by the revelation and assumed it to be a lie.
“But relax, it's fine. Nothing wrong with liking the scent of a man.” He sniffed demonstratively.
“I like the way you smell.”

“Thanks...” She did not feel flattered, but accepted it regardless.

“Oh.” He popped a coin into her mouth. “This one's kinda specific.”

“Y-yeah?” She shuddered, her eyes rolling back as the coin dissolved on her tongue.

“My name's Hraud.” He groaned. “Gods, hope this one isn't as expensive with you as it was with him. Running out of Favor. May need a refund from the other one to make it up...”

“Okay, Hruad. No refunds...” Kara advised.

He sighed. “I know, I know. Close your eyes.”


“Just do it!” Kara shook her head and closed her eyes reluctantly.
“Okay. So... I want a girl that, when she first sees me she becomes a Hraud-sexual, you know? She isn't into guys, she isn't into girls, she's just into me and she can't imagine anything else being as attractive as me!”

Kara shrugged. “Obviously not enou-” She gagged a little as he abruptly shoved several rapidly melting coins into her mouth and closed it like he was forcing them into a machine. They all dissolved quickly enough to not choke her and permeated her with a lingering lightheaded feeling that went beyond what she felt before.

“Okay! That and I want a girl that doesn't remember the last thing I requested! That's all my Favor.” He grunted in an annoyed tone.

“W-what? What you lasht...” Her eyes were still closed and her fingers and toes were both curling from the lasting orgasm-like experience she was feeling all over her body. She inhaled deeply, aroused by Hraud's scent.
“Wh-what wash it?” She felt drunk in the afterglow of it.

“Is it important?” He asked with a chuckle.

“It mighd beee...” Kara slurred.

“Really? Because you're such a strong willed girl that everything I ask you to do is so damn expensive!”

“Oh sh-sh-shit! Yeah!” Kara smiled widely and very confidently. It may have been the drug-like effects of the favor but that made a lot of sense to her. She was very, very strong and very good, so how could he do anything significant to her. It tracked with how the Favor worked; cost was based off of the person's ability to resist coupled with the severity of the effect. She would naturally be the most expensive and she could bet no one would have enough to tame her, not even Cirius.

“You can open your eyes, now, by the way.” The Gnoll could barely contain his laughter as Kara nodded and opened her eyes. The moment she did her world had shifted. Because her eyes were closed the request triggered as she saw him 'for the first time.' Because she could not remember the severe request made of her, her confused, drugged mind fell into a tailspin of cascading thoughts and feelings that all triggered from the lack of knowledge that she was manipulated in such a specific way..

“Uhh.” She gulped. Seeing him shattered her. Kara had enjoyed the company of both men and women and others in between and she had liked all of them. She felt attraction to them. The bodies of the women and men around her and even the Hero could qualify to her as being 'hot.' The moment she took in Hraud, however she lost the ability to even consider them in the same way an extremely straight man had no ability to consider another man. Only, she had lost it for men and women and the only thing in the entire wide world that entered into her mind as something that could possibly stir her arousal was the old Gnoll in front of her. The change had the effect of biasing her, but she still had some reservations. He was the only one in the world that she could be attracted to, but it was still just attraction and she still had the same annoyed question.

“What'd you do?”

“I practically live here, so I got a few tricks up my sleeve when it comes to dealing with you whores and I know Cerius doesn't care so long as the Favor keeps circulating and growing.” Hraud explained.

Even in her drug addled state she knew that was a dodge. She swayed a little back and forth before asking.
“So... What'd you-?” Hraud cackled and opened his thin leggings, allowing his large, sheathed Gnoll member to flop out from within. A trunk-like thing with large, sloshing balls hanging beneath. A red tip was growing steadily from the foreskin and revealing something that likely had not been washed in a week. Yet the Fox immediately became distracted by it and not in the way someone is distracted by a cockroach like she usually would regard him. It was distracted like she passed the most temptingly delicious treat in a bakery window and could not help but go inside and buy it. It was not just a cock, it was THE cock. It was the member belonging to her sole subject of attraction, so it was quite important to her for reasons that she had difficulty conceptualizing because she still HATED Gnoll cocks but she loved his. It was strange and impossible to rationalize. She buckled and leaned in to give his shaft a big, loud, wet kiss as the cock it's shot out of it's protective sheath and hung over her head.. Kara lifted it at the base with one hand while her other slid between her legs and pushed two fingers into her sex. It was the two-pronged attack of his scent request and his final request that made her drool for it. Her body screamed out for it and as she basked in the smell and the taste and the look of it. The worst part? She believed it was her. She only had her own horniness to blame. Kara fully believed that her promiscuity and degeneracy had come to a heady with one gross old Gnoll that somehow lucked out in being the end of the line.

* *

“Do you... Love Hraud?” Kara asked the Hero nervously.

“Why are you asking?” He offered a cautious stare, obviously not expecting the question. He had been seeing him more regardless of what Kara asked. It was a conscious decision. He could have simply given it a rest but he wanted to continue his work and more importantly his relationship with his favorite customer.

“I- I think I do.” She responded truthfully. The things she was worried over were the Hero being hurt or shunning her for the admission. It was the truth, however. What she did not expect was for him to bounce up and down cutely in his little harem outfit.

“Ohmigosh! I do, too!” He announced.

“Really!?” Somehow neither of them felt the least bit upset that the other had fallen in love with the same gross old Gnoll.

“Meeting Hraud and being with him made me realize that I don't actually find you or anyone else attractive at all.” He stared at her guiltily.
“I don't know why I got on you to leave so quickly We still have a lot of time that we can spend here, even if we probably have enough.” He stopped and looked at Kara pleadingly.

“Oh, right. Totally.” She agreed.
“It's just...”

The Hero sighed. “He told you, right? He spent all his Favor on us and went broke, basically. I feel real bad.”

“Maybe we could give some of it back?” Kara offered.

“Then he'd just pay it back to us anyway and we'd feel so good in the process. It's literally foolproof!” The Hero shuddered at the thought.

“Cerius takes his cut but... I mean, why not? We have more than enough right now to help Hraud out.”

* *

Hraud bent over Kara's back and pushed his cock into her ass. Her tail stood up initially, but then began wagging wildly. His Gnoll member was cleaned efficiently by the mouth of a Hero and lubricated by that Hero's saliva, so there was no issue getting it in and thrusting comfortably into her soft ass.
“Wow!” He grunted.
“You girls are soooo nice to me!” He cackled excitedly, staring down at the piled, golden Favor in front of Kara.
“Giving me everything you made? Genius. That means you get to stay with me a bit longer. I know your pals were asking about how much you have. Now you don't gotta lie and tell them you don't have enough. Now you seriously can't leave and you have to stay and make more.”

“Y-yes!” Kara panted. His thick shaft was expanding her asshole in ways she had never felt before. With the sex she had been having with him, it felt like her body was designed specifically to be fucked by him. Specifically to pleasure him. In fact, both she and the Hero believed and felt it to be the case, though they did not remember why.

“But...” He began.

“B-but?” Kara asked, her rear bouncing back against his pelvis as his cock hilted completely inside. His cock was so big that it's presence in her rear rubbed and stimulated her cunt, as well. It was an unbelievable feeling and she wanted to masturbate but that, like many other acts, was against her own very important code of ethics that definitely did not arise out of any specific request, as she could not remember such a thing.

“You're gonna have to leave eventually.”

“No...” Kara whined. She was lamenting the thought of leaving him. The Hero was just as despondent in the background.

“But, there's a way you can get rid of all that nasty responsibility!” He giggled giddily.

* *

Kara and the Hero knelt in front of Cerius. The Raccoon was rubbing his chin curiously. Hruad stood between them and had a large paw rested on each of their heads.
“You both want this?” Cerius asked. They each nodded.
“You can't take it back. Once you give it up it become a part of my Aura and I am definitely not going to give it back.”

“We understand.” The Hero insisted.

He shrugged. “Well, I wont decline a boost in power. You must know what to say, then?”

They nodded again and smiled weakly. Both said at once. “Please Mint us!”

Kara and the Hero felt a pulling from within their very Core. Their eyes widened and they stared down.  Kara felt it in particular. Her power was being drained. All of the progress she had made during her long life was being converted into a very large stack of coins with Cerius's smiling face on them. She looked over and saw the Hero's ended up being even bigger, surprisingly. Cerius grinned and took a handful off the top.
“My cut...” He looked at the Gnoll with a wink.
“The rest is yours, as per usual, Hraud. Goodness, it's a good thing everything that happens here stays here. Coda would throw a fit!” Hruad giggled and shook Kara and Hero excitedly. They were not shells. They were... Normal. The things that made them better than average, extraordinary, powerful. All of it was subsumed and added to the growing pool of Favor that represented Cirius's strange Aura.
“My! I wonder what you're going to do with it all.” He asked Hraud facetiously.

“You know.” Hruad mentioned.
“Say 'aaah' girls.”

Cerius's eyes lit up as the Aura was returned to him by being expended within their bodies. It would never return to them as anything other than pay, but what would they use it for? Things purchased in the circus.

“I must say, you picked ways to use those that are extremely damaging to my workers. If it did not benefit me so extensively I may be motivated to close some of those loopholes...”

“You know I'm an addict too, you old Racoon.” Hruad chuckled sadly.
“I'll never leave here, either....”

* *

The only request from Hruad she ever remembered receiving was to 'forget the last one.' So, though she felt odd and knew he had done something to alter her, she had no idea what. She just hoped that he would not touch the things she knew for certain: She loved working in the Circus, she never wanted to leave, she loved Hraud and his amazing smell, loved making lots of Favor but hated keeping it, so why not funnel all her pay into her Gnoll daddy. Each coin he spent on her was another specific thought he stripped from her rapidly emptying head. She was already a cute, attentive little bimbo that wanted after nothing but the next cock she had the privilege to suck. She only wanted Hraud's, of course, but she would tolerate others if it was for him. She was incredibly happy and she knew she was, because she could not remember the last request he made with the thousandth odd coin he dissolved on her tongue. If her near-permanent drug addled mind could put together enough reasoning power to understand what happened, she would not even care. She would thank him because she was lost. Another vending machine in the growing Circus.



Tanya Wormald

For context, This is the first Publisher Tier Chapter. The Request was a Kara Bad End that fit in with Canon. This is a Bad End that results from the Hero working with Kara for Cerius and continuously immersing himself deeper in that world and it's Patrons. Since the request was for Kara's perspective the Hero's perspective is light within the story.


A first foray into commissioning you that proved beyond all doubt that you deliver pure quality. If you are a big fan of Wintergreen then I can only recommend grabbing a slot for yourself!