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The door opened behind Yeong. The sound of a loud argument between two girls washed out to fill the warehouse until Lacie fully stepped out and quietly closed the door behind her. She approached him from behind and wrapped her arms around him. Her lips kissed up and down his neck and offered a pleasant tingling feeling wherever they touched. The woman was 'toxic' in a literal sense, but in all the right ways. He tried to shrug her off but her grip on him was tight.
“What is that?”

“Aphrodisiac.” She responded simply.
“Stimulant. It's in my saliva. I can make you feel really, really good.”

Something about that struck him. “Could you leave that? Let it be just you?” He clarified.
“I know there's the Tek, but... No drugs. Just you and your body.” Her grip loosened with that question, giving Yeong room to turn around and face her. She looked confused.

“Just... Me? You don't wanna feel good?”

He looked at her curiously. “I do, but I don't think you need much help.”

She smiled brightly. “Well... I'm flattered, but it's in my system. My saliva and my body... It produces the stuff. I can't stop it.” She reasoned out loud.
"Plus! It's better, it makes me better at making you happy."

“Damn...” He felt a bit sad to hear that. That meant that it would almost be impossible to have a genuine experience with her. No matter what, she was always tinting his reaction with a temporary high. He knew that it was all for the business and to the average customer it was amazing, but for him, he felt like it was harder to connect with her.

“What?” Lacie was growing uncertain under Yeong's scrutinizing gaze.

“Do you think you could like someone for real?” He knew for a fact that she did not like him. He did not know her true feelings at all. She could hate him for all he knew.

Lacie gulped and strained to answer before forcing a smile and responding with a giddy. “For sure! I really like you, Yeong!”

He exhaled a light chuckle. “Liar.” She tilted her head curiously, not the least bit upset about being called out, just confused again.
“It's fine. You're pretty.”

“Thank you!” She practically bounced in response to the compliment.

“But how much of 'you' is in there?”

He was a bit surprised to see her right eye twitch. For a moment her body moved faster than he could detect, but it was just a convulsion. He heard a faint crack and grind as her hands balled into fists, then released. She smiled, her eyes wide.
“You should, like, totally mind your own damn business and just fuck me like everyone else does!” She offered in a chipper tone but the words did not match at all. Her body slid effortlessly into his personal space like a snake sliding up to it's prey.
“I want...” She pressed her breasts into Yeong's chest and took his hand in hers. To his surprise he could not beat her strength. Instead of doing anything sinister she moved his hand to her rear, then took his other hand by the wrist and moved it up to cup her breast.
“You. I want...” She leaned in, her intoxicating breath washing over Yeong's mouth and nose. It made him dizzy. It was designed to.
“You to want me-me- MY body.” He idly groped her breast and her ass, triggering her to moan erotically.

“Your body...” He sighed at the clarification.


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