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“What happened back there?” Malik questioned. They were back at Sebek's apartment. He had waited a few hours before broaching the subject so that Sebek would have some time to unwind and reflect. Sebek shrugged, as if he could be seen at all. It was more a gesture for himself, as he was not exactly sure either.

“I dunno.”

“You got put into a compromising position. You should've done what I told you to do.”

“Not sure about that.” Sebek argued.
“I have her contact info and she's bringing me into their group, apparently. So my actions brought me closer to them. That's the idea, right?” Malik sighed deeply through the phone to show his displeasure.

“First, she has something over you. Blackmail. Did you catch that she connected that it was you who was messing with your first mark? She picked it up right away. That shows competence. Competence is dangerous.”

“I can't just go after her because she's competent. She doesn't seem so bad...”

“She's literally using you. That's the second point. You think you're being brought in out of the goodness of her heart?”

“Probably not.” Sebek admitted begrudgingly.

“But why, then?”

“Think about the fact that this guy hangs out with multiple girls. Is he high value for where you are?” Sebek considered the question.

“Yeah, I think so. Good looking. Dad's a soldier. If they're private then they probably are at least mid-level, here.”

“I don't really get the dynamics of private or whatever, but what it seems to be is, the girl is unhappy with their group dynamic. Her goals do not align with yours because without a doubt she wants our mark to herself. That means she isn't interested in you. The bright side of that angle is that, if I'm right, she doesn't care what happens to the other members of our friend's entourage.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you've got an in, but only if we don't have any more freeze ups from you. What exactly happened?”

Sebek looked down shamefully. “I didn't feel like I wanted to do anything bad to her. She didn't do anything to me. In fact, she was the one that got MCS off me in our first encounter. So-”

“Cut the crap. You think she or anyone else wouldn't do to you in a heartbeat what you should've done to her?” Before Sebek could answer truthfully Malik continued.
“She would. They all would. The only real way to trust someone is to manipulate them.

“That's a bit cynical.”

“It's the truth. Only ones you can rely on are yourself and those you have influence over. Got it?”

“Got it...”

“Now who are the others in this group? The plan was to go after our mark, but that might not be in the cards right away thanks to you. You'll need to play the ones you're dealt.”

* *

“Alright.” Mars began, her arms firmly crossed under her breasts. She was wearing a trendy black jacket and a short skirt the day she met Sebek before the initial introduction.

“Here's the rundown. Your job is to make Gary insecure. He's been way too comfortable lately around other women. So, I want you to get closer to the other girls in the group, me included, but the end goal is ultimately going to be to drive Gary and I together.”

“How am I supposed to do any of that?”

“I mean.” She titled her head slightly.
“You aren't bad looking. You're big. Some of that has to be muscle, right?” She reached out and pinched Sebek's arm roughly. What she felt instead of muscle was simply fat. He was not active and though he was naturally quite strong due to his size, he was likely to lose to a moderately athletic human.

“Oh.” She intoned.

“About that... How am I going to avoid just getting beat up?”

“If the other girls protect you as well as me then it wont be an issue.”

“Why would they do that?”

Her red lips curled up slyly. “Because you're 'my' friend and they want the same thing that I do. Being friends with you lowers my value in Gary's eyes. They would want you around as a means of bringing me down. Ultimately, though, if the field is being set by us it wont be in their favor.”

“So they'll protect me because they think it'll reduce your value, but what do you want me to do to get to them?”

“Your problem is, you think you have no value as a man, but I had a hunch after we last met and I did some research on you to make sure you'd be a good fit. On one hand, a big brutish Orc would fit the bill for one of the girls and that was almost enough for me to consider it from the get-go, but your interests made it far more feasible for the others instead.”

“My interests?”

“So, like...” She looked up in thought.
“Don't mean to be rude but we don't jive at all. We share basically no interests and I don't like you, or the way you look.”

“Ow...” Sebek furrowed his brow.

“But that's my strength in this. I was with Gary from the start and he accumulated those other bitches like flies throughout our MGS.” She took a deep breath.

“First, there's Angel. Remember the chick with the pitch black hair and pale complexion?” Sebek thought for a moment, then it came back to him. The girl named Angel was seated on the other side of Gary, the one you had dubbed Main-Character-Syndrome. She held an uninterested stare except when she looked in Gary's direction. To Sebek's memory she wore a tight one-piece suit that showed off her legs. Over that she had on black-denim shorts and a feathered coat. Her straight black hair seemed to mix with the feathered collar of the coat she wore. The girl had a very 'punk' aesthetic overall with finger-less gloves and studs decorating her sleeves and her boots.
“Don't let her appearance fool you. She's a Seraph. Do I need to explain-”

“I know they can 'shed' their wings on command.” It was a natural glamour that they were able to put on. In modern times Seraph's rarely wandered around with their wings out. It was far too unwieldy.

“Gary picked her up in the library. She was a loner until she joined the group and I'm pretty sure Gary was the first friend she made when coming to the city. I bet she'd like to think that he saw something in her. Well...” She scoffed.
“He did. He saw her tits outlined really nicely in that one-piece she wears underneath her pants and her coat.” Mars waved her hand dismissively.
“She's interested in lots of weird old history and I bet if you struck up a conversation you could at the very least give Gary the impression that she's into you with the right prodding from me.”

“Okay... So, she's into...” Sebek sighed.
“History is a huge discipline.”

“Look, you're going to have to talk to her. You're both into incredibly lame things. I'm sure you'll find a way to get along.” Sebek stared her down. She was slowly making it easier and easier for him to come around to Malik's way of thinking. Mars went on.
“Next we have Eden. The 'girly girl' with the purple hair.” Sebek thought back to the train. She, after your revelation about Angel, was apparently the only elf of the bunch. She wore a low-rise tank-top held up by strings connected to a cloth choker. The top framed her impressive breasts nicely. Gary definitely had a type. She wore a shorter skirt than Mars and was applying makeup when Sebek saw her.
“I know for a fact that she is still into video games. Computer games. The arcade. Gary picked her up at a cafe and she tried to play it off like she was only there to check it out but I looked up her accounts and she is deep into it. Gary doesn't care, but if you can spur her interest by engaging her on common ground it'll probably annoy him.” Offhandedly Mars mentioned.
“She only started dressing the way she did after joining the group. Total poser.”

“Uh, what type of games does she play?”

“A lot of Buzzard games, I think. She's deep into it, though. I'm not an expert in that crap, so I'm not sure.” Mars shrugged.

“Last is the greatest threat to me. The other fucking Beastwoman.”

“Huh?” Sebek thought back. Sitting very close to Mars and presenting as an opposite to her was the brunette Jackal-woman with dark skin. Their ears were vaguely similar, except Mars's tended to droop often. The other Beastwoman's were always standing straight up as though she was on alert. She wore tight leggings and a sports bra. Her whole body was on display when Sebek saw her on the train. She looked like she was a professional athlete.

“Bri. I don't even know why she's interested in Gary. I know for a fact that she likes big dudes. He met her at the faculty gym and had latched onto him ever since, like a parasite.” Mars judged harshly.
“She's the one I wanted to bring you on to get close to originally, but now it seems like there's basically no reason for you two to get along. You got no muscle. You'd lose out to Gary in her eyes, for sure.”

“Okay... So-”

“Still try, though. Why not?”

“What about you?” As Sebek asked that her long blonde ears perked up.

“What about me?”

“Do I need to come on to you to make Gary Jealous, or-”

“No. At least...” She looked to be in thought.
“I'll let you know if I need you to.”

“Got it.”

* *

“So anyway, this is Sebek. He's been helping me with some of my MGS work.” Mars introduced casually, much to Gary's disdain. The human male stared far too closely at him for the longest time. Sebek was worried that MCS had figured out that it was him he had seen on the train. Thankfully, after the long drawn-out stare Gary simply scoffed and turned his head.

“Why the hell'd you bring 'that' up here?” Gary asked.

“Thought it would be fine. Our 'study group' is pretty female heavy. What's one more guy?” Mars brought up. The assembled women all smiled, seeming to have the same idea as Mars. They likely thought her to be naive and oblivious. It was the same thing she thought about them. Sebek's weakness worked in his favor. Instead of rejecting him outright as a threat, Gary begrudgingly accepted it. The Orc had no way of knowing that his little stunt had already done work on the poor human's mind.

“Whatever...” Gary waved a hand dismissively.

Sebek felt the tension in the room. He glanced around the mid-rise apartment. “Uh, is there a bathroom?”

“Of course there's a bathroom, idiot. You think this is one of those low-rise places with shared showers” He chuckled to himself.
“I bet you did. Probably what you're used to, right?” He pointed down the hall next to the kitchen.
“Last door on the right.”

* *

Sebek took a breath and left the living room. The bathroom was just an excuse to wet his face and calm down. He placed an earpiece in as he left the others.
“Didn't expect things to work out this well for you.” Malik said cheerfully.
“Gotta say, we sidelined one mark but you got handed three more on a platter, basically. You can work on all these girls in your own time.”

“I guess...” Sebek mumbled quietly as he reached the bathroom door. It was closed, but there was no light other than natural light shining under the door so he opened it. When he did he was nearly blinded by the sight that greeted him. He was certainly stunned, even when his sight returned in time for him to take in the image of a tall human woman with short dark hair rolling Jeans down her thighs. She was pulling her panties down along with them so Sebek had a full view of her plump rear. She glanced over her shoulder, her mouth falling agape. Still, to the panicked Orc's surprise she did not make a sound. Instead she just smiled and carefully pulled her tight jeans and panties up around her hips. She left them unfastened as she turned around to show that she was only wearing a bra beneath her opened, button-up blouse. She offered a hand to Sebek.

“Gary doesn't usually bring boyfriends home.” She saw Sebek's surprise at that expression and looked up in thought.
“Sorry... Guy friends?” She asked, touching a finger to her lips.

“That- That's typically what they'd be called?” Sebek agreed. He nervously took the woman's hand and shook it.

“I'm Gary's mom. You can call me Fara, though.” She winked.

“Smash.” Malik said distractingly into Sebek's ear. It did not seem out of the question. Her tits were practically on display, only covered by the black bra she was wearing. Fara looked down, as if just realizing it herself.

“Oh, sorry. Usually he just brings around girls so I don't typically have to be too modest.” She offered a little shrug and left that sentence hanging as the two stood feet apart in the bathroom.


Malik shouted in Sebek's ears. “All the signals say go! Step in and close the door.”

Sebek gulped, stepped into the roomy bathroom and closed the door. The mother smiled subtly and picked her phone up off of the shelf next to the sink. It worried Sebek. He immediately backpedaled.
“I-I'm sorry! I-”

Fara held up a hand and chuckled. “I'm just messaging Gary that I'm out of the house but I'll be back in a bit. He doesn't notice me coming and going.” She tilted her head curiously.
“You excused yourself to use the bathroom, right?” As she asked that in a whisper she turned the phone to Face him. The text began writing itself, seemingly without any input from her.

“Is that a Neural Interface?” Fara smiled widely and nodded. She kept her mouth shut and opened a notepad. On the blank page Sebek saw her begin to type more words with her mind.

[That's right!] She handed Sebek the phone gingerly.
[Sorry, don't want to make a sound.] Sebek stared at the screen, then past it to the woman dropping to her knees in front of him. He had no expectations for what was about to happen so it came as a surprise when she forwardly traced the outline of his bigger-than-average- Orc cock through his pants before pulling his zipper down with her teeth. Sebek found it hard to tear his eyes away from the woman's erotic expression as she fished his cock through his fly, but he saw more words filling the notepad on the phone.

[Your dick smells gross, like you don't shower too often. Or you sweat a lot.] She commented with Sebek's cock in her hand. She inhaled deeply. He looked down guiltily only for her to add.

[I like that a lot.] She giddily sucked the head of his member between her lips and stared up, her cheeks becoming concave as she inhaled and allowed her lips to be pulled over Sebek's hardening dick.

[The taste is so intense and it's just sooo much bigger than my husband's.] Reading that made Sebek even harder. The thought that the guy fighting his people over in Warren had a wife back home that was worshiping a young Orc's cock. It was poetic in a way. Especially poetic that the guy he disliked that was racist against his kind had a mom that was showing herself to be very accommodating.

[It's hard to think straight when this thing is in my mouth.] Sebek breathed slowly and leaned back against the door. He jumped as a knock erupted behind him.

“Dude, you better not be blowing up my bathroom!” Gary shouted.

Fara giggled into his dick quietly and shrugged. [Don't mind him.]

“Uh, s-sorry. I had a big lunch.”

Gary groaned. “Make sure you use a freshener or something. Ugh. Fucking Orc in my bathroom. Will have to get this whole place cleaned.”

Fara gripped Sebek's hips and pulled his cock deeper into her mouth like a vacuum hose. [I'll clean your dick nicely.] She offered. Sebek shuddered and felt like he might be in heaven.

[I'll wash your balls, too. Your sweaty green skin is like a delicacy.] To Sebek It felt like justice to have Gary complaining on the other side of the door while his mom sucked him off enthusiastically.

[You dumb barbarians are so hot... I just want you to fuck me senseless.] Fara begged through text. Sebek's heart sunk. Fara seemed nice but she really was Gary's mother. She was every bit as racist as him, just too a differing degree. All she saw Sebek as was an object. She wanted his body. She imagined him from the moment she saw him as a dumb, green brute. A pig. A force of nature that was meant to sweep her off her feet and entertain her. He was just a toy to her. He did not like that. She likely did not think much of him as a person, but that could change. Sebek for the first time felt driven in the moment. As Fara sucked down his cock he pressed two fingers, one to each of her temples. She paid no mind and kept going. Sebek waited for the right moment.
[The idea of you making me your little barbarian house-slut is so hot. It makes me so wet.] She wasn't being serious. She was aroused and entertaining herself with the most taboo thoughts in the moment that would leave her as soon as she was done with him, but that could change.

“Locked.” Sebek whispered, arcing electricity into Fara's brain.


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