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Jack rubbed his eyes. “I can't believe my one precious character in this game is being turned into a cowgirl healslut.” He never considered that he would be on the other end of the dynamic. Worse still, he left the game retaining the memories and feelings of being dominated by the large Bull, and he had a hard on. He definitely told himself that it was just residual. It was from the simulation. It was only natural. Part of him still felt it.
“I need to make sure nobody finds out about this or I'm done.” He decided just as the sound of ringing carried through the headset he had rested on his desk. Jack quickly slid it back over his ears only to look at who the call was from and notice it was not anyone in his friend group. He answered it.

“Yo, it's Clovis.”

“W-what? How'd you get this number? Did you dox me?” Jack remarked, his voice cracking from nerves. Clovis sounded... Similar to the way he did in game. Surprisingly so. He was not the stereotype of the weedy guy that created a big buff avatar. He was not Jack, it seemed.

There was a short pause. With a bit of incredulity Clovis spoke. “You doxxed yourself. You signed up to swap contact info between partners. Or, was that a mistake?”

Jack frowned. “No... It wasn't.” He admitted. It was something he signed off on eagerly back when he naively assumed he wold be paired up with one or two pretty girls. He gulped.
“Listen, extortion is illegal and I'm-”

“Uh, what? Extortion?”

“Listen! What happened in game was in game and that's it. That's all. Don't try to tell anyone or- or I'll sue.” It was mostly bluster. He could have technically sued, but it would be far more of an ordeal than he was making it out to be, to the point that it would probably not happen regardless of what Clovis planned to do. Jack just hoped the man did not call his bluff.

“Okay.” Clovis said frankly. He disregarded most of what Jack said and continued.
“That's what I called to talk to you about. I wanted to let you know that what happens in game is in game, just like you said. This is a check up call to make sure you're in a good head-space outside the game, because I know things can get pretty muddy in game.. Basically just calling to make sure you're alright and want to continue our relationship in game.”

Jack was stunned. “Uhh...”

“Oh, by the way. I technically have the right to contact you at any point but if you think it crosses a boundary I can cutoff outside communication and we can stick to having it just be in game. I don't have an issue if that's what you want.”

“Okay? Yeah, that sounds.... Fine.” Jack offered hesitantly.

“I mean, that wasn't really a clear answer. What sounds fine? Is it me contacting you or not contacting you? Mixed signals don't help either of us.”

Jack bristled at that remark. “How's this for a clear signal! I dunno about you but I'm not gay and I don't want my character to be, either!”

A deep laugh was issued from Clovis's side of the call. “Yeah? I'm not gay either. I'm pretty solidly into girls.”

“Could've fooled me.” Jack mocked.

Clovis paused. “Alright, look... You're tempting me a lot right now. I don't want to cross boundaries or do anything you don't want to do. If you want to continue this conversation you're going to have to give me a clear answer on whether or not you want to keep talking outside the game.”

“You're actually hung up on that?” Clovis was being courteous but as a semi-sociopathic frat bro, Jack had no idea why. He had full intentions of taking advantage of the guilds systems and here Clovis was, in the position he WANTED to be in, setting up artificial boundaries and consent outside the written ones. He just did not get it.
“You're allowed to do whatever you want, dude...” There was silence on the other end of the line, followed by.

“That wasn't an answer.”

Jack rolled his eyes and slumped back in his chair. To his surprise, he was still kind of hard. Something about Clovis's voice. The power that he projected by being so nice. He was giving Jack all the cards to play, but it somehow still felt like Clovis was in control.

“You can contact me whenever you want, dude. I'm not bothered. None of this affects me.” It was an argument for Jack more than anything. If he refused, it was a signal that he would not be able to resist Clovis's deep voice. If he could be in casual conversation with him outside it was a sign that he was not affected at all.

“Really?” Clovis sounded as though he did not believe Jack.
“I can be pushy when I'm allowed to be. You should be sure that this is what you want before you allow it. I'll keep checking up on you, but this is the last time I'll ask for permission to.” He warned.

To Jack it sounded like a challenge. He gulped. “You think just talking with you means anything? Might as well become bros outside the game. I can separate it out. I'm not gay, dude.”

“We're not Bros. Also, if we're going to keep talking you're going to work on your voice.”

“My voice?”

“It should be higher. More feminine. There's stuff you can do to your throat but more simply it can be done with just a bit of practice every day.” Clovis paused before adding. The way he said it, Jack could tell he was smiling.
“Eventually I want to hear you moo the way you do in game.” The sentence sent a jolt down  Jack's spine. His member throbbed .

“I'm not-”

“Yeah yeah. Me neither. I'm into girls. That's why I'm into you. Listen, character creation creates an imprint of your mind. There's nothing there that wasn't there from the start. Catch my drift?” Clovis hinted.

Jack grimaced. “You saying I get off on-”

“You're allowed to. For now.”


“Get off.”

“Who would...” Jack unconsciously began stroking his member.

“You'll be wishing you did it more while you can, once you get your real-life items.” Jack struggled to not make a sound as desire filled him.
“Like I said, I'm pushy, Jackie.”


“Sorry, is it tackie, Jackie? Some girls like to use a feminine version of their old name. Others prefer a new name entirely. I know what I'm partial to, but what would be your choice?”

“Hypothetically?” Jack stroked faster, getting close quite quickly and easily with Clovis on the other end of the line.

Clovis laughed the deep, masculine laugh that Jack heard before. He wished he could have been gifted with such a deep voice. As it was, Jacks was not feminine, not to the extent Nyle's was. No, it was just average.
“Yeah. 'Hypothetically.'”

“I'd want a different name...” Jack admitted.

“Anything specific, or just-”

“Just different.”

“You want to use a randomizer or something?” Clovis prodded.

“Sure.” To Jack, the use of a randomizer separated himself from the choice. It made him feel less like he was making it, even if it was just a 'hypothetical.'
“Hypothetically I... Would... Prefer...” He stalled as he navigated to a random greek name generator, since Clovis was a Minotaur and it seemed appropriate.

“Alexis.” He picked the first one.

“That's cute. It means helper. That's really appropriate. You sure it was random?” Clovis asked.

Jack grunted and came weakly over his hand from stroking. “Y-Yeah.”

“Did you just-”


“I don't mind, but you should've asked for permission.”

“Didn't need to because nothing happened.” Jack stated defensively.

“Sure...” Clovis obviously did not buy it, but he did not press any further.
“I'm going to give you some homework. You're unemployed, right?”


“First, don't worry. I'll never make you buy a thing, girl.” Jack blinked as Clovis said that. It was oddly tantalizing to be on the other end of that sentence. The machismo and duty that Clovis showed was getting to him.
“Just need you to practice with your voice for an hour a day and exercise and diet. Nothing too extreme.”

“I already exercise...”

“Great. No more arms. Legs, ass and cardio.”

Jack scoffed. “Seriously? Bullshit.”

“I'm not your dad, Alexis. I can't actually watch you. I'm just letting you know what I want you to do. Understand?”

Jack's face was beet red. “Yeah.”

“Alright. Get cleaned up and meet in game. I need to go run some errands and do some quests.”




Like this particular situation. On tggames there is a game called healslut if anyone is interested.