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*Special Thanks to Griz T. Orc for the Esther Image. Check their Patreon out here: https://www.patreon.com/indecentsmut

“I don't see why I wouldn't want that.” You offer incredulously. As if it was even a question of whether or not you would at least want the option. Having a permanent familiar that would stay loyal seemed like the ultimate goal. As it was, having them become free after you leave is a huge loss in resources. Especially the two sisters sitting like begging dogs obediently beneath you. As far as you knew they traversed the forest and came back, so they must have some capabilities. You decided you would have to suss out what they could do for you later.

“I'm into it. I was just trying to make sure you wouldn't suddenly get uppity at the thought of some immoral experiments.” You stared at the apparent Seraph suspiciously.

“Aren't your people supposed to be religious icons, or something?”

Serane laughed. “Well, yeah. Religion, like I said, is just a clever application of magic. My people are naturally gifted in Aura and we look pretty. It's natural that early peoples would see us as symbols of some form of deity.”

“The way you're talking it sounds like you don't believe any of it...”

“I kind of believe, but mostly just as an extension of powerful entities that can not be explained. We don't know what dictates certain forces and we apply explanations to those that align with religious thought, typically. I'd rather figure out what they really are. Elemental powers. Cosmic forces. Core beasts themselves... Why are those things? Good questions, right?”

“You sound like an odd example of your kind.” You did not mean it as an insult, but it came out sounding somewhat like one. She bristled at the remark and eyed you.

“Actually, you're wrong. My people are not very religious at all.” You blink.
“Yeah. Humans get the idea that we're messengers or harbingers or go-betweens between them and something else. We're just living in this world like everyone else. Sorry.” Serane shrugged.
“In fact, we have more of a vested interest in figuring things out than anyone else for reasons that you agreed to help me look into.”

You nodded slowly. After a few seconds of silence you attempted to bring things back to the original topic.

“How would it work?” You reached down into your bag for the unripe fruit you kept and squeezed it in front of her, causing juices to seep down onto the floor.
“Would it be like this?”

“Like that? No, probably not. Those fruits are actually completely empty. People think they have some residual information left over in them but that's just superstition for the most part.” She perked up. “But, it's an interesting idea... Yes, yes.” The Seraph was deep in thought, pacing back and forth behind your two begging familiars. They were so deeply loyal and uninterested in the conversation despite the fact that it concerned their permanent well-being. So long as you did not order them to do anything that would cause them to harm themselves it was fine.

“What is it?”

“The fruits are a useful material when unripe.” You stared at her blankly.
“That means, when someone was just snatched up and transformed. Between when they are normal and when they are fruit the material becomes closer to a resin. Not edible, but very modifiable.”

You nodded and stared down at the thing. “Apparently people fuck these.”

“Yes, that too.” She waved dismissively.
“Back of my mind at the moment. Point is, the fruits don't completely lose their core, they just become something like a 'Simplistic Core.'” You nodded slowly, pretending to understand what she was talking about. Serane caught on right away and rolled her eyes. She tapped one of the wooden bed frames.
“Not having a Core is actually very strange. That is why core beasts are so unique and rare. Materials have Cores. Metal, Wood, Water, and even Earth or Fire. Most of the base elements have simple information attached to Cores that decide their properties. There are even special materials that have aura attached to them. Those Properties are then mixed or changed very easily by people shaping those materials. Alchemists, blacksmiths. Since they are simple, more information can be added without them breaking. It's like a type of 'memory' for objects. That is how magical weaponry and items are created.”

“Oh.” You suddenly understood perfectly based on context clues.
“Use the resin as a base material and then...” You motioned for her to continue.

Serane smiled. “We would need to test if the Resin has a high enough quality to accept a person's personality information from one core to another. There's quite a lot there. If it's too small then there would be a lot lost in the transfer. Do you care about that?”

“Kind of. Any loss is a reduction of value.” Your opinion on the matter was purely pragmatic.

“I couldn't agree more. My theory would be that the resin is created as a residue of complex information being lost and absorbed, which should actually make the quality fairly high since the initial value was fairly high. We would have to see.”

“Great. When can you start?”

“Never.” Serane said with a shrug.


“Well, Hero, I'm a doctor not an crafter. You'll have to find someone with technical knowledge to work the resin in such a way.”

“That's frustrating. Where the hell am I supposed to find...” You paused.
“Oh, actually, this might be perfect.”

* *

Esther stared at you blankly. “You plan to melt down the byproduct of a fallen student so that you can use it to absorb the personality of another student that you familiarized without consulting us?” The girl summarized in annoyed tone. Her petite hands rested on her wide hips, black claw-like nails tapping her skirt.

“Students.” You corrected as the only counter to what she was saying. It was all true.

“Sorry, sorry. Students.” Esther shook her head.

“Where'd you get the idea to do that? This is all pretty technical.”

You did not want to reveal the Seraph, even if it was just to your accord, so you deflected. “You said at the start that I would've been better as a Coda.”

The Goblin girl smirked. “That's right. I did. Don't remind me how much that meathead home lucked out.” She nodded her head as she thought over the offer.
“You came to the right girl. Goblins specialize pretty heavily in Alchemy. We practically invented it.”

“Really?” You had heard the term before but never really understood it. With Serane's lecture it kind of clicked. Alchemy; it was the merging of science and magic for the purpose of transferring the properties of one item onto another. It was how Royal knights could wear cloth as solid as metal and how soldiers could wear lighter metal armor that barely lost any efficiency in stopping blows.

“So you can do it?”

“Pretty easily.” She assured you as you handed the fruit over to her.

“Is it done through magic, or...”

“Magic is a tool. The only difference between using a wrench or magic is that one is more efficient. They both 'do' the same thing. It's all interacting on the same plane.”

You smiled and nodded. “Magic is just more efficient.”

Esther exhaled through her nose. “Nope, it's a trick question. The wrench is more efficient. Magic is just easier.”

“Why is the wrench more efficient.” It seemed counter-intuitive to you.
“Couldn't you turn the bolt just as fast? If it's easier then it should also be more efficient.” You argued.

The Goblin's lips curled up smugly. “How long do you think it takes to screw a bolt with magic versus with a wrench, then?”

You wracked your brain. “Can't be more than a second difference. But at that point we're talking semantics. Magic is easier. You said it yourself.”

“Hmm... Interesting.” She added flippantly.
“Well, the difference is about 10 years to turn a bolt with magic versus with a wrench.”

You stared down at her in disbelief. “Bullshit.”

Esther only grew more and more smug. Her little face stared up at you with the glee of someone who knew they were right.

“The time to teach someone to screw a bolt with a wrench is about a couple minutes. The time to teach someone to screw a bolt with magic is about ten years. Do you get it?”

You groaned and immediately understood the trick inherent in the question. “Ten years to train in magic and learn to turn bolts with it.”

Esther laughed loudly. “And what an absolute WASTE of time that would be? For the purpose of small scale labor, simple tools that can be used by anyone outpace magic 100% of the time.” She was exaggerating, but you got the point.
“My kind understood that before anyone else. Tinkering to create tools that can perform the same function as magic is more valuable than learning magic.”

“So why are you here after having learned magic?”

“Connections, remember?” As you were speaking she had placed the fruit in a container and, ironically, used magic to reduce it down to a viscous purple liquid.

“Thought a wrench was more efficient.” You taunted.

Esther muttered while looking down at the liquid. “If we're talking at a large scale, yeah. If you have magic you're obviously better than a guy with a wrench...”  She looked very intrigued by the liquid.

“What is it?”

“Seems like this is pretty versatile. I'd have to ask Merit since she's from the region but I'd be surprised if using them like this wasn't already a thing.”

“The material?” You eyed the goop closely. It climbed the vial as she turned, then slowly crept back down once it was returned right-side-up.

“Yeah, this should work. It's already pretty high quality by the look of it. I'm getting hints that it could be treated to increase the quality even more.” Esther commented. Suddenly she looked up at you harshly.
“To be clear, what you're suggesting is to use this to suck the personality out of familiarized people and reshape the resin into products like fucktoys... That can think.”

“Yes?” You answered simply.

“And feel.” Esther blushed.

Without missing a beat you mentioned. “Yeah, you're about the right size to be a fucktoy, as well, by the way.” You were a far hornier and more forward version of yourself than the man that spoke privately with her initially. You were learning fast. It was part of what made you, you. You smiled as the thick goblin girl did not immediately say no or act indignantly. She seemed to be struggling to find the words to respond to what you said.

“Virgin, right?” Esther looked down and offered a short, embarrassed nod.
“Lift your arms, I'm gonna wreck you.” You could tell she was about as horny as you. It must have been all the sheer repression she faced. As Esther lifted her arms, causing her plump breasts to lift and adjust as well, you reached down your uniform pants and pulled your cock free. You easily picked the short stack up by her slender waist since her body was quite nicely shaped into something of an hourglass already.

As you had her up above your twitching cock she finally decided to speak. She gathered her words and muttered. “The hell do you think you're doing picking me up like this?” It was a test, because even though she was spouting words like she was mad, her gaze was sultry and needy, like she wanted it. The only question was how much and to what extent.

You chuckled. “Well, I'm bigger- her large ears twitched.
“I'm stronger-” She began to salivate and offer a strange look back at you.
“You're not great at magic. You're just a little thick brainiac; so how we're going to work from now on is I'm just going to bully you, pick you up... Fuck you whenever I feel like it basically because I can.”

Esther began to shake and twitch. You could vaguely make out clear liquid seeping down her thick thighs as they tensed and pressed together. Her hips wagged in mid air as she squirmed erotically in your grasp.
“That...” She gulped.


“That is so HOT!” She offered a slightly crazy look.
“Is it wrong that I want you to bully me so hard?”


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