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As the two women left the medical tent horns began to sound that signaled an attack. Immediately they craned their necks upwards as it was the most likely approach. The Draenei camp was guarded by difficult terrain. Mobile troops that were grounded would have difficulty traversing the passes and that was the same for their side, but as they were on the defensive it was a net positive. The benefit, naturally, became somewhat muddled when the enemy attacked from the sky. They looked up to see 'flying mounts' by the most generous definition they could muster. The scene was more reminiscent of fighting the legion than any other non-corrupted force. The Draenei had wings and were being piloted by goblins with ranged weapons that allowed them a reach advantage, though Tanna could see by the armor and weapons of the mounts that those could likely fight decently on their own once in close quarters. Still, the veteran did not feel threatened.   “Be wary of those things. The new threat.” Vuria warned.   “The ones that we aren't aware of? They're on my mind, but what can we do about what we don't know about?” The warrior mocked.   Vuria rolled her eyes. “That is such a 'you' question to ask. Really.” The mage readied her wand.

Tanna was a bruiser. Under normal conditions she was the type of third tier figure that faded into the background of most large conflicts. She was integral, but not typically someone that would take center stage. That was not to say that she was not skilled. The Draenei warrior was among the best of her kind. She was ancient. Many Draenei chose between mastering various fighting styles or specializing. Tanna wielded a hammer and she did it very accurately with a lot of power in ways that most could not. It was training. Many thousands of years of fighting and training. Her muscles were honed and molded to the extent that she could swing at full strength towards a bulletin board and stop on a tack. That was why as she was fighting she was not worried about harming the mounts for multiple reasons.

For one, the Draenei they were fighting were enemies. They could not easily show mercy without handicapping themselves. The enemy was expecting that from them so they needed to deny those assumptions and fight normally. The second point was that she could control her attacks fairly well. She could disable fighters without pulling punches. A full strength attack in the right place could satisfy the requirement to go all out while also not risking the death of the one she was attacking. Though, she was ready to kill if necessary. That was what was on Tanna's mind as mounts touched down and goblins shot from above. Battle erupted all around her. It was a full attack; likely meant to end their resistance once and for all. On the other hand she was excited because if they could repel this assault an offensive on their end would not be out of the question.   She swung her hammer and skillfully disabled two of the landing flying mounts. The rest took off once they saw and decided instead to shoot from a distance, eliciting a small chuckle from the warrior.  “Already had enough? I don't blame you.” She glanced around at the various Draenei launching successful ranged attacks back at the flyers and nodded.  “Don't worry, we've got plenty for you all up there, too.” Tanna narrowed her eyes and turned as she got a funny feeling suddenly. A small goblin dressed in black stopped in his tracks a few feed away from her and began to sweat. She smirked and wagged her finger at him. He looked weak. Very weak. Compared to the goblins that were fighting up in the air the one on the ground in front of her without any protection seemed frail to a disarming degree. However weak he looked, he was not a Draenei so she felt little desire to hold back.

Tanna swung her heavy maul down on the man. The precision that could strike a pin missed the worried-looking goblin somehow, but her skill meant that her momentum was not easily wasted like it was with the average user of heavy weapons. She carried through the attack and continued to attempt swing after swing in his direction only to miss every time. The goblin was not having an easy time. She could tell he was struggling by the way his body whipped about uncomfortably, arms flailing. Still she just could not hit it. The woman breathed deeply in frustration.  “If all you do is dodge you're fighting a losing battle.” She warned accurately. Dodging without any other action only prolonged encounters. It did not finish them. She was not worried about tiring. Her body was training over twenty-thousand years to be able to last days or weeks of non-stop combat. Even without the light that was still half-possible.   “If.” The first thing the greasy goblin male spoke was in a cocky tone that seemed to mock her. She did not think he had the right and that it was just bluster until he pointed up at his head, urging her to mirror him. Tanna leaned back and felt up around the area. She gasped as she felt some straps around her horns, and then noticed something like reigns dangling freely behind her.

“You're already a mount. You just don't know it yet.” He warned in return.  Tanna shook her head. The Reigns whipped annoying against her armor. She thought back to when and how he could have managed to get those things around her horns. They were quite majestically curved so it would've been no easy feat to slide leather straps around them without her noticing. She realized that in the moments when he dodged he was whipping his arms about. The Draenei thought at the time that it was just awkward movements but instead they were precise, purposeful throwing motions. She did not feel different and she did not feel threatened. Once she was satisfied she knew what she was looking for. Tanna knew she would not get fooled by the same trick twice.   She began a renewed effort to hit the weak-looking goblin. He was undoubtedly being bolstered by the light in some way. Some odd mix of roguishness and holiness. She was watching for his movements as he dodged but instead of seeing his throw and dodging it she instead missed the fact that the reigns whipping around freely were a huge detriment. He grabbed them with the same sleight moves as she was anticipating a throw and used her own speed to whip himself around. She gasped as she felt something wrap snugly around her neck and begin to jingle. Straps that were loose quickly looped through the collar she was placed in and were pulled snug. “D-dammit! Little freak!” she uttered disdainfully. She felt him let go of the reigns foolishly. He could've possibly finished her based on the stories. Tanna thought that he may have wanted to play with her instead. That was his mistake.

“Shouldn't speak to your Master like that.” He said frankly. She followed the voice to try and center her gaze on him but somehow lost him. It was then that she noticed her vision was narrowed. She reached up and gasped as she felt and finally saw blinders on either side of her eyes that removed all of her peripheral vision.

“In fact...”  “In fact what!?” Tanna snapped back, turning rapidly to try and find him. She felt a hard metal piece pull into her mouth to sit just as snugly as everything else. She bit down on it hard in vain and blushed deeply. She could no longer speak except to mumble or groan.

She was still feeling tough and capable right up to the point that she felt the snugness of her armor rapidly fade in contrast to what was going on with her new additions. Straps snapped from being cut right up to the point of breaking. All it took was for her to move to finally tax them enough to fall off. She felt very naked for good reason as her tits and ass were exposed in the middle of the battle embarrassingly. He gave her ass a rough smack to illustrate just how helpless the skilled warrior was. Tanna flinched and whimpered  She had no armor but she was thankful to still feel her hammer in her grip. “Getting tired?” He asked. She mumbled some insults and swung in the direction of his voice only to have her heavy weapons suddenly fling from her hands. It was something that had never happened before. Not once in many thousands of years of swinging her hammer around. Her heart sunk as she looked down only to see hooves in place of her hands. As the story she heard was recanted briefly in her head she remembered the fact that it was so fast as she fell forward onto them. Tanna had lost her range of movement and was standing on all fours. She had gone from warrior to animal in a few short, anticlimactic seconds just like the scout had said. Non of her training or muscle mattered any longer. Her ability to strike precisely would never matter if she could not hold a hammer or even lift her arms above her shoulders. It was over.

There was a snug feeling around her belly and shoulders, followed by a weight on her back, then a smaller weight that shifted it's feet into two foot-holds dangling from what she rapidly realized was a saddle. It was at that point her body was no longer hers. His heels dug into her sides and she drove forward without thinking. She was effective at walking and moving in the state she was in. It was effortless and stranger still she felt some pride in that. Macey began to drool over her bit and her tail wagged as her brain simplified and her soul, the thing that made her an actual living being, fizzled and popped away into the ether like corn on a fire. As her brain shrunk to a size only big enough to accommodate the understanding of training and commands, twenty thousand years of training and experiences melted away like the drool leaking so plentifully out over her bottom lip. She had ceased to be. Instead she was merely a talent at the top of a tree that, if it were to be deselected, would see her fade into complete nothing until chosen once more. It was uncertain if she would even keep the same name or if it was randomly selected like that of a ghoul or demon when summoned by their respective Masters. Those thoughts no longer occupied Macey anymore, however. They could not. She was just a feature of someone elses class.

Vuria shook at what she saw. She had successfully defeated the goblin that came after her. He was suspended in front of her unable to move, but she was witness to her partners loss.



I love this type of battle where one combatant is very evasive and slowly wears down on the bigger warrior. This chapter reminded me of one of my favorite images from soystarr


It would be nice if the goblin lost or an encounter with a goblin that opposes their actions. Maybe team up with a drenali that appears to be its mount with a conflict from going between mount and sentient.