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The kidnapping was not going precisely as the gang of orcs expected. The operation seemed to call for all of their enforcers, a decoy squad and the leader himself to show up. They were trying to take a fledgling Demon Noble, after all. Globul stares down at the small girl who is too preoccupied with her game to even acknowledge the fact that she is surrounded by orcs. “What do we do, boss?” One of the subordinates asks. They all take a step back as the girl removes her headphones and looks back.

“Please keep...” She speaks in a tiny voice, gulping before she finishes her sentence as she notices all the men in her room. The feeling they get from her however is not intimidation but social awkwardness as her face goes slightly red. She looks. “Keep- keep it down...”

Globul's eye twitches. He knows they don't have much time. “Hey... You like games?” He asks.

“Yeah?” The girl nods, beginning to look up at him.

“You don't like being interrupted or talking to people?” He cautions a guess based on how she has been acting.

She becomes a bit more serious, nodding emphatically. “Yeah!”

Globul scratches his chin lightly, thinking. “We could, uh... Take you to a small room with the best gaming equipment and make sure that you don't gotta talk to anyone you don't want to.” He offers, wondering if she'll actually go for it. It is a wide deviation from the plan, but an opportunity presented itself to him and he was going to take it. “Right?” He glances back to his subordinates, seeming to ask if it is something that they could do pretty easily.

One of the orcs offers a thumbs up. “We got our hands in all sorts of electronics stores.” Globul gives the man a weird look. “S-stealing. Boss.” The orc clarifies. Globul shrugs.

Dolores's eyes light up. “Really?” She contemplates the offer. “Could you get me games before they come out for the public?”

Globul does not think so, but she does not have to know that. “Yeah! Also... We can give you a special room with the bathroom in the corner, so you don't even have to stop playing the games when you go.” The girl seems utterly taken with the idea.

“Yes yes! Let's go!”

Glibul paces back and forth in the alley. “You know, now that I think about it, she might just kill me. Who says she's gonna care about some little shit niece?” He takes a deep breath. “It's fine. It's gonna be-” A dumpster flies past him in the alley and crashes against a wall at the end. He looks, seeing a fiery woman with pink hair wielding a sword. Despite the imminent feeling of danger he has, his eyes focus on what she is wearing. He can see her nipples peaking out from under her poor excuse for a top. The orc boss smiles. In this moment he knows he needs to stand firm, so he faces her as she stomps towards him on six-inch heels. Her movements are too fast for him, so all he understands is that she had closed the distance from where she was in an instant. He sees her sword extended, stopping just short of breaking his outer layer of skin at his neck. He gulps, the movement of his adams apple shaving a few hairs of, due to the closeness of the blade to his neck. “Well, if it isn't the Hell Bitch Ingrid!” He opens his arms, daring her to take his head. He's already done worse to her by stealing a member of her family so what is a mere insult compared to that.

“Where is Dolores?” She asks in a steady, but seething tone.

“She's fine. I-”

“Show me.” Ingrid demands.

The orc huffs. “Fine... We got her in a secure location and we're ready to do nasty shit to her if you act out like you are now.” He lifts up a tablet and shows Ingrid a feed of a small, Grey room with a bed, a gaming chair and a computer. Dolores is in the chair, paying close attention to the game she is playing. Ingrid's eye twitches. Globul chuckles, amazed at how well-behaved the little noble was after her kidnapping. “As you can see, she's fine. So long as you cooperate.”

Ingrid sinks deeply into thought. Her sword does not move an inch from the man's neck. After a minute she sighs heavily. Her shoulders slump as she lowers her sword and sheaths it. “What do you want me to do?”

“Just want you to be yourself... Minus the part where you wanna kill me. You're not allowed to fight back or you know what happens, right?” She nods. “Good. So lets start over. Go out and walk back into this alley.”

Ingrid gives him a confused look. “What?”

“Just do it...” Globul says impatiently, feeling a bit more confident and in control. Ingrid nods slowly, leaving the alley. A few moments later she enters it again. This time more peacefully. Globul immediately corners her against the wall of the alley. “Hey, sweetheart. What are you doing all the way out here?”

Ingrid glares at him. “You know what I'm-” He gives her a look, as if to say. 'play along, or you know what will happen.' She rolls her eyes. “Tell me... What might I be here for?” She asks stiffly.

“Well, you must be looking for work if you're coming all the way out to this part of the city.” He lifts a brow at her, waiting for her to reciprocate.

“I am looking for work. Yes.” Ingrid says, unable to feign interest at all.

“Well shit, you're failing your interview already. Sound more excited.” Globul warns. He is far better at feigning worry than she is at pretending to be interested.

Ingrid nods a few times, then adopts a fake smile and says. “Yes, I am looking for work.”

Globul leans back, crossing his arms. “Huh... What'd you do before?”

“Hell Knight. Executive...”

Globul looks shocked. “The Hell Knight wants to work in an orc club?” He looks to Ingrid expectantly.

Ingrid stares daggers at him for a brief moment before she is able to control her expression. She reminds herself that she only needs to play along until she finds out where they are keeping Dolores. “Yes, I do want... That.”

“You could sound a little more enthusiastic. Maybe I don't wanna hire you.” He turns his head stubbornly.

“I-I want the job!” She says quickly and desperately.

Globul lifts a brow and turns back to look at her. “Oho. Alright.” He rubs his chin. “We're gonna have to train you properly.”

“What do you mean? I am already extremely skilled.”

“See, that's a problem.” He sighs. “Anyway, you're fine with being trained like a common woman?”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes, I consent to the-” She is interrupted by a light tap on the cheek. It doesn't hurt and she barely felt it. The real problem is the act itself. She fumes, staring at him like he is crazy. He simply points to the tablet with the picture of Dolores. She grits her teeth, holding back her wrath.

“Bad girl.” her gives her other cheek a light tap, causing her rage to flare up even more, almost to the point of actually catching fire. She manages to remain calm on the surface, however.

“Tell me what I've done wrong.” She manages.

“You got no right to give consent.” He grins widely, looking down on her. She is far more powerful, but he is still taller and bigger. Even if it is just for show it has an effect. Ingrid feels small, even if it is only for a moment. “You've decided to become one of my women. This means that I decide your future.” Ingrid looks up. She begins to think that it may be best just to kill the man and go on a rampage. There is after all no guarantee they will let Dolores go. “It also means I'm free to let you and that girl go if you cooperate and make me enough money to fulfill the ransom amount.” Only he knows that the ransom amount is arbitrary.

Ingrid's eyes widen. She considers it a very good deal, considering she has zero expectations for this male, his training and the requirements for the job. “Y-” She feels another light tap on her cheek.

“You think it's a great deal and you take it, Ingrid. You also accept the training. Remember, bitch. Your future is decided by me.” He pauses for a moment, enjoying her expression as it twists in an attempt to remain calm. “Now that I've filled your empty little head with the right answers, you can tell me what you think.”

Ingrid gives him a look of disbelief. “I was going to respond in such a way, regardless. For my own reasons...”

He looks down at her, smiling patronizingly. “Of course you were. It's just a sign that the training is already working its magic. It's cute that you think you thought of anything.” He chuckles, patting the top of her head.

Ingrid becomes confused. She is fairly certain that she had those plans before he even said anything but she leaves open the tiniest possibility that he is not just messing with her. She decides to proceed with caution around the man. “You are suggesting I did not think of those things independently?”

“You're gonna start feeling confused a lot. You're gonna realize you have a lot of fake memories and a lot of real memories that you think are fake.” Ingrid furrows his brow, deciding that there is no chance this man has that power over her. Still, in the back of her mind she knows there is a small chance. Globul points on the ground in front of him. “First things first. You ever taken care of an orc dick before?”

She shakes her head. “Obviously not.”

He shrugs, suddenly looking uninterested. “That's unfortunate. I woulda thought you'd be an expert, or at least have an interest, given it's in the job description.”

“W-wait...” She notices she has his attention. He looks to her expectantly. Reluctantly adds. “I h-have an interest in taking care of orc dick. Just... Not experience.” The last part is true.

He nods, as though what she just said wasn't forced whatsoever. “Is that so?” He steps back, tapping on the tablet. “You know, Ingrid. I think I'd enjoy training you and you seem like a good fit for my club. I just need to record a demo for my associates and see what they think.”

Krag, the orc on the other end of the tablet tunes in. A former bigshot that lives a relatively simple life. 'What do you got for me?' He messages.

She looks at him disdainfully while he is staring down at the tablet. “What?”

He points at the ground in front of him, returning the message.'Mother candidate. You mentioned wanting a personal breeding slut?' He acknowledges her for a moment, just to say. “Relax, babe. Just listen to my instructions and you'll be a shoe in for the position.” He offers a concerned look. “But... If you don't listen and my associate doesn't approve, who knows what'll happen.” She closes her eyes for a moment and exhales lightly, dropping to her knees. When she opens them she sees the orc standing over her, the tablet camera pointed right at her. “Smile! You're on camera.” Ingrid gives him a blank stare. “That was a direction.” He states flatly.

Ingrid smiles, though it ends up looking quite forced due to her teeth gritting. She tilts her head to one side. “Like this?”

'She's great.' Krag messages from his location, able to see Ingrid through the camera.

Globul laughs. 'I'm gonna mess with her a bit, first. Warm her up for you, so just enjoy.' He could demand more sincerity but he decides it is a bit sweeter this way. “That's great, honey, you're a natural. Keep smiling just like that.” She nods. “Good, you're such a sweetheart.” Ingrid imagines herself cutting into the orc with her sword and burning him alive. “Wow? You actually look a bit more pleased. I wonder what happened?” He comments. “Anyway, before I start recording, do you want me to feed you lines for the interview, or do you wanna just wing it.” She opens her mouth to speak. “Now keep in mind, I know exactly what'll impress the guy I work with.”

“So you are saying that I should let you feed me lines, or-” She sees his grinning expression and rolls her eyes. “Yes, obviously. Please feed me lines...” She asks.

“Great! Good choice.” Globul leans forward and whispers in her ear. Ingrid's cheeks flush. “And then-” He adds more, causing her to shake and ball her fists tightly. “Finally you just gotta-” She tries to steady her breathing as he continues whispering direction into her ear. “Got all that?” he asks, finally, leaning back and holding up the tablet once more.

“Got it.” She says, wearing the same fake smile.

“Alright, hon. We are rolling. Tell me a bit about yourself and why you want this job.” He makes a rolling motion with his free hand.

Ingrid throws up two peace signs and stares into the camera. “H-hi. My name is Ingrid. I am a Hell Knight and a Demon Noble looking for work as a club worker. I want this job because I have always thought orcs were underrated a-” She is merely reading off her lines. It comes off as stilted. Globul gets an idea and quickly interjects.

“Oh yeah? How's that, sweetheart?” He asks.

Ingrid gulps, her head spins as she is forced to go off script. She knows that all she can do is try to go off of what he fed her early and try to keep it in line with that. “I think-” She tries to pause to think but he rushes her with his hand signaling as if to say 'get on with it.' “I think orcs are smart and strong. The pinnacle of manliness. So-” She only pauses for a second before continuing. Globul's plan works in luring Ingrid into a more conversational tone. “So I don't understand why orcs have such low status among demons.” Even though it is a lie, she still feels dirty saying it.

“So it goes without saying. You wanna treat me and other orcs like we're superior?”

Ingrid's face becomes even more red. They are still off script. She is only hesitant to push back because the camera is still rolling. The pointing of a camera in her face and the pressure of Dolores and the interview, she realizes, are having unexpected effects on her composure. “Y-yes?”

“You don't sound certain?” He says in a disappointed tone.

Ingrid curses and tries again. “I mean... Yes! I have not in the past, but I would like to start treating orcs like you are superior.”

“That's nice, but I think we both know there's a difference between treating and believing, so-”

She preempts the inquiry, surprising even herself by adding. “I BELIEVE orcs are superior.” She then keeps going. “Superior to Hell Knights... Superior to nobles!” Globul blinks. Even he is surprised by the answer. He nods, smiling approvingly down at her. He sees her olive-skinned face is now bright red and she is panting lightly. While she is still holding up two peace-signs, her hands are shaking somewhat. She averts her gaze from the camera, trying to save her sanity by pretending that it did not come naturally. She convinces herself it didn't and adds in a small voice. “Was that... G- A good answer?”

“It was a  great answer, sweetheart. I'm proud of you.” Globul says in a genuine, yet still somewhat demeaning tone. Ingrid's heart pounds in her chest for a brief moment as she receives the praise.

“Now, concerning the job requirements-”

Ingrid jumps the gun. “Taking care of orc dick is a passion of mine!” It was the line, but spoke too soon and too naturally. There is a brief silence, then Globul nods.

“That's great! Another perfect answer. Obviously I'm going to need to have you show me while we go over the final details.” Ingrid gulps, watching him draw his cock from his pants. Final details were not a part of the script, but she can not focus on that. Her eyes widen as he pulls his cock free and holds it in his hands. It is almost as thick as her forearm and a bit longer. “I'll hand this bad boy off to you, ingrid.”

“O-okay?” Her hands are released from having to make ridiculous peace signs, but the alternative she is facing now seems much worse. She reaches up cautiously and grips the center of the monster cock. It begins to harden and rise in her hand. She is a strong woman and even she is impressed with how the sheer power of the member seems to be able to fight back. She wonders if it could hold her weight on it's own.

“Now, Ingrid. I'm gonna forgive you for not already being an expert on orc cock so just kinda feel it out. Have fun with it while we talk about your pay and hours.” As he says that she begins stroking it curiously. To her surprise, a stream of pre erupts from the top and begins dripping down over her palm. “Oh, you gotta get that before it hits the ground or you're licking it up, babe.” He warns her. Ingrid's panics and presses her lips and tongue to the base of his cock, getting ahead of the stream of pre that is about to reach his balls. She regrets it immediately as her head is now swimming in smells and flavors that are foreign to her, and unfortunately not completely unwelcome. Her eyes water as she inhales deeply and rolls her tongue up, catching the stream of pre.

“See that.” Globul comments, obviously pleased. “That is love at first sight. No one would believe this bitch doesn't worship orc dick.” His words get to her and almost enrage her, but then his hand comes down on top of her head, fingers weaving into her silky pink hair. “Such a good girl, Ingrid.” He says softly, immediately bringing to the surface confusing, conflicting emotions in her. Her heart beats quickly, but she is still angry. As she is feeling these things, the pre keeps pumping steadily from the tip, filling her mouth. With nowhere else for it to go, she reluctantly gulps it down and groans. There is a sudden warmth between her legs. “No one would believe she isn't already an addict.” He chuckles. Ingrid blinks, remembering an unusual feature of orcs and their semen. She cringes, wishing she could spit it out, but she knows that is not allowed and will lead to her having to lick it up off the floor, or her killing someone. That would leave Dolores' fate up in the air. She convinces herself that she can manage to avoid addiction, and that the orc is merely lying.

“Back to business. Your pay is going to be-” He stops, tilting his head to one side in thought. “Actually, let's negotiate.” Ingrid surprised. First by the fact that the precum has stopped flowing from his tip, allowing her to lean back and just stroke it with her hands. She is surprised secondly by the idea of letting her negotiate her hours and salary. She smiles, opening her mouth to speak before being quickly interrupted. “So you go ahead and suggest how much you wanna get paid and how many hours you wanna work and I'll try and react and let you adjust it if you want until we reach a final answer.”

Ingrid nods. “Very well. How about part time. The pay can be competitive with-” She stops, seeing his expression turn. “W-well. Full time seems reasonable and I could work for slightly under-” He lets out a clear sigh. Ingrid's head spins. She can not imagine what he wants from her. All she can do is going lower and more in terms of wages and hours. “Eighty hours per week and-” Ingrid cringes, seeing his expression unchanging, despite the increase. The situation is not aiding the warmth between her legs and the tenuous state of her psyche. “Twenty fours hours, seven days a week! No pay.” She utters, sweating. She is horrified to see that he does not seem impressed. “W-what? But...” She looks up pleadingly, but he does not look like he intends to give her any hint. “Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, no breaks and... And I'll pay you w-with extra services?”

Globul smiles, and pats her on the head. This causes ingrid to sink down where she sat. “Such a good little negotiator we have here. Yeah, that sounds reasonable.” She lets out a short laugh just under her breath at the absurdity of it all. “But we aren't monsters. You'll get as many 'meals' per day as you can milk from us.” He smiles widely down at the new hire. The Hell Knight on her knees in front of him, idly stroking his cock, already has a defeated look about her. “Welcome to the job.”

Ingrid stares at herself in the mirror, able to see her full, shameful reflection. As per her bosses request she is wearing pink high heels, black stockings that reach halfway up her thighs and nothing else between those and a cute pink collar. “All I have to do is endure this and they will release both me and Dolores.” She tells herself, beginning to take a deep breath, only to stop short as she senses smoke wafting around her.

“That's right.” Globul states, walking up behind her with a cigar sticking out of his mouth. “All you gotta do is entertain customers with the rest of the girls. Though... You'll be the only demon noble we got on staff.” He chuckles, swinging his arm down to smack her ass. Ingrid, due to the training she had received from Globul for a few days before she started, offers a trained smile. The image of orcs in her mind had warped somewhat. Before she disrespected them outright, now she feels a sort of admiration and awe as a demon, for the way they are able to claw up from the bottom. “You're gonna have to take care of customers now. Not just me. That means-”

“I know what it means!” She snaps, stepping away from him.

“Do you?”

Ingrid looks down bashfully. “T-taking care of them... Getting drinks and taking orders. Things like that.” Globul gives ingrid a look, expecting her to continue. She cracks and nods, adding. “S-sucking their dicks...”

Globul nods approvingly “How cute. You want to take care of orcish customers?” She nods. “You think you can do it?”

“I will take orders and carry them out flawlessly.”

He claps excitedly. “That's great! Go on, then.” He points towards the door where loud music is thumping.

Ingrid leaves the back room and enters the lively orc club. The patrons are exclusively various kinds of orcs and all of the workers are attractive women. Mostly humans, but there are some demons as well. A woman wearing something similar to her in cow print approaches, handing her a tablet. “What is this?” Ingrid asks.

“It's your menu. It has all the items that are available. It's your job to tell the customers what is on it.”

Ingrid nods. “Of course...”

“Well... Good luck.” The girl waves and wanders off to carry out her own duties.

Ingrid sees the tablet light up with a table number. She struts over to it, not sure what to expect. When she reaches table number 5 it is a table with four orcs. “hey, doll, can you tell us the menu.” They seem oddly excited when asking about the items the club is serving. Ingrid nods and looks down at the tablet as it displays her the options. Her eyes widen. Ingrid gulps. “What's wrong, sweetheart? You gonna tell us what's available?”

“B-blowjob, hand job, anal... T-tit job, vaginal...” Ingrid bites the inside of her lip, nearly drawing blood. She knew it would be bad, but there aren't any food items whatsoever and the acts are far beyond what she had done in training. “Impregnation.” She realizes the clubs entire purpose is serving woman, at that point. There is no food or drink. There is just girls, meant to serve orcish desires. She cringes as she reads the last item again. It boggles her mind that her impregnation is menu item.

The orcs look at each other, seeming impressed by the selection. “Wow! Great. I'll take the impregnation. What else is good here?” He asks Ingrid shamelessly.

“N-no...” She steps back, hugging the tablet to her voluptuous chest.

“Eh? What do you mean no!?” The orc says angrily. He presses a button on the table.

In less than a minute, Globul appears beside her, looking over the group of orcs. “What seems to be the problem?” He drapes his arm over Ingrid's shoulder and pulls her closer to him. The men sit down, seeming hesitant to make a scene.

“Well. This worker said no when we ordered.” The customer explains.

“Huh.” Globul looks down at Ingrid. “Is this true?” She nods shamefully, realizing she has already failed to do the job correctly. Globul sighs and shakes his head. “This wont do. Terribly sorry boys. It's this one's first day.”

They chuckle. “It's all good. That's why Impregnation is an option, to begin with.”

Globul smirks, keeping Ingrid tight to his side. “That's right. Ingrid, how are we gonna make this right?”

She shakes her head. “I don't know...”

“New to customer service, huh. You need to offer the man what he wants, on the house.” Globul advises.

Ingrid cringes. “What?” He gives her a look. She immediately realizes what she must do for her neice and for herself. She sighs and looks to the orc at the table. “Impregnation is the menu item you wanted?”

“Dunno if I want it now, even if it is free.” The orc announces, causing the table around him to laugh. “What right does this bitch have to be the mother of my kid?” Ingrid looks at the man disdainfully. “See? Look at that. She should be begging for it, but now she's giving me dirty looks?” Ingrid clasps her hands into fists tightly, shaking.

A swift smack to her behind snaps her out of her haze of anger. “Ingrid. To make this right, you need to figure out what it would take to get this man to impregnate you.” Globul orders.

Ingrid looks up at him. “W-what? Seriously?”

“Yes. Anything he wants. Do it.” Globul says, looking down at her seriously. “Otherwise your niece will start her training here as well.”

Ingrid shakes her head. Globul steps back and watches. “Very well...” She looks to the orc male and begs. “Please impregnate me.”

“Nah. Not interested.” He says, leaning back in his both. The other orc men clear out to different tables while the situation is being sorted out. “Do you even wanna be the mother of my child?”

Ingrid looks to Globul who gives her a thumbs up. She turns back and nods. “Y-yes.”

“That doesn't sound convincing at all...” he looks to Globul skeptically. “Listen, when's this Hell Bitches shift over? This'll probably take all night, if it's about extracting an ounce of sincerity from her.” He comments harshly.

Globul chuckles. “She's on 24 hour contract.”

“Shit, really? Listen... I don't think this is gonna work, bud.”

Globul gulps. “H-hey. Let's not get hasty, Krag!” He looks to ingrid angrily, who is caught in the middle of the situation. “You gotta do whatever it takes to get this man to impregnate you, or it's over.”


He interrupts her. “Look, if you can get him to do that and sort this mess out, I'll consider your dept paid!” Globul says desperately. The other orcish man smiles.

“Now that's customer service. What do you say, slut?”

Ingrid's eyes light up at the opportunity. “Y-yes!” She doesn't even have to really think about it. It is an infinitely greater deal to have to convince this one lowly orc, rather than having to service orcs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for who knows how long. She considers it a lucky break.

“So she's gonna spend all hr time hanging off me and begging me to impregnate her? She's gotta convince me. I'm not easy.” The orc claims.

“Of course.” Globul says, lifting his hands in appeasement. “Go ahead and take her with you!” The orc stands up and pulls Ingrid over to him. He turns and begins to leave. Just before he turns his head slightly to wink at Globul, who offers a thumbs up.

Ingrid never thought she would have to work so hard to earn an orcs attention. The man, who she found out is named Krag, Lives in a small dirty apartment in Yomihara. The entire night after she was brought there he had her clean while he went out and ran errands. She stares down, wearing only an apron over the stripper uniform he never allowed her to take of. “To think... A Hell Knight like myself would be cleaning up after some orc.” She sighs deeply, leaning on the broom as she drags it over the dusty hardwood floor. “I'm sorry, Lord Black. I'll return soon... Dolores, too.” She stops, hearing a notification on the wall tablet that he has. It says: 'I'll be home in a minute. Greet me properly, if you want me to like you.' Ingrid grimaces. “What does that mean...” She sits down and thinks for a full minute, remembering a few things. She gets up and dusts off her apron. “Right... I'll do that.”

When the door opens, Krag is greeted by a surprising sight. He smiles widely. “Oooh. This is nice.” Ingrid is looking up at him while averting her eyes off to the side out of embarrassment. The demon noble is on her knees with her hands folded nicely on top.

“W-welcome home...” She manages.

“Heh. Alright, come on up and give us a kiss, love.” He points to his cheek. Ingrid slowly stands and seems to be forcing herself to lean forward. She shakily plants a kiss on his cheek, then quickly draws back. “Well shit, don't act so excited...” He groans.

Ingrid huffs. “I apologize. Maybe we should talk about what it will take to convince you to impregnate me, now?” She does not want to have to keep guessing.

“I think that's a great idea. First, I'll only knock a girl up that worships me.”

Ingrid gulps. She obviously taken aback. “Worships?” It was actually not too far off from what she was told to do in her training. Worship the customer. She could never get it quite right, of course.

He grins. “That's right. Is there a problem?” Ingrid does not have anything to consider. When it comes down to it, all she has to do is let this orc see what he wants to see, then collect on the promise that Globul made after he impregnates her. She smiles and shakes her head. “Good. Let's see how well you can do.” He looks around the apartment. “Get yourself fired up and finish cleaning everything in here. I'm gonna head back to the club and fuck some girls that want it.”

Ingrid is about to say to herself 'good riddance' but realizes the mistake quickly, before Krag is able to open the door. She rushes forward and grabs his arm, pulling between her sizable tits. He looks back at her curiously. “I want it!” She says, trying to sound as genuine as possible.

He turns back around, pulling her into him with his large arms. “Really? You want me to fuck you?” She nods, blushing. “You want me to ruin your little Demon Noble pussy?” Ingrid removes her gaze and gulps slightly. In no way does she want that, but she has to present a picture he would find appealing. She looks back up at him and nods. He laughs. “Listen up. I'm a pretty traditional orc. When I fuck your pussy, I am going to own it. You'll never fuck another man.”

Ingrid cringes. “Never? But...” She sighs, telling herself that the lie is worth telling if it brings her back to Lord Black and saves Dolores sooner. “Very well.”

“Not 'very well.'” He mocks her tone. “I want you to beg me to do this to you...” Her commands, looking down at her confidently. She hesitates. After a minute with no answer he shrugs and begins to break away from her. “If you don't want to-”

“Wait!” He stops. “Krag...” She is looking down, her face is bright red and she is shaking.

“Yes?” He asks.

Ingrid looks up, forcing a smile. She lifts her apron as well to show the outline of her cunt through the little tight thong she is wearing. “I want you to fuck me and own my pussy-”

“For how long?” he interrupts, flustering Ingrid.

“F-for all eternity!” She blurts out.

“Do you have another love?” He asks, stepping closer so that his is looming directly over her. She is unable to bring herself to lie about such a thing. She gives an honest nod. “Thank you for telling the truth, but you're going to have to renounce them in favor of me.”

“I-I can't.” She whines.

“Well that's too bad. I guess I gotta keep you as a house slave that never gets fucked or knocked up. Never gets freed back to her... Supposed love.” He notices he hits a nerve and keeps pushing. “Gosh, must be pretty weak love that you aren't even willing to do something so easy in exchange for the ability to get back to him in the end.” He opens his mouth to keep taunting her, but is interrupted.

“Stop!” She inhales deeply. “I don't love that man! I love you, Krag. I want to have your child, not his. I want to spend eternity serving and worshiping you.” She says it all practically in one breath, wiping her misty eyes. “So right now I would be grateful if you owned my pussy and let me bear your child.” She is surprised to feel his arms wrap around her, hands getting a solid grip on her ass. He slowly lifts her up and she instinctively wraps her legs around him. 'It's happening.' She thinks. 'I'm going to be free so long as he knocks me up!' Those are her thoughts before she is abruptly impaled by his cock. She gasps. Her jaw drops as she looks down and sees his cock, with the thickness and length of her forearm, fully sheathed inside of her. “N-no...” She whines. “I actually am ruined...”

“It's what you wanted.” He corrects her, beginning to pump his hips up so that she begins bouncing on his dick, suspended only by the grip he has on her ass.

Ingrid begins to feel a strange sensation. She knows she needs to pretend but, as she does it just feels right. “Yes! Own me! Ruin my pussy for every other man but you!” Krag laughs and beings thrusting more fervently. She feels his entire cock moving in and out of her cunt with each thrust. A thought begins creeping into her mind as her voice escapes in lewd moans. 'Lord Black's cock wouldn't be like this... It wouldn't do this to me.' She looks into the orcs eyes like a lovesick girl. 'Wait... I'm having trouble discerning what is pretend and what is-' With her mind in turmoil, Krag leans forward and presses his large mouth over her dainty lips, pushing his tongue between them in an act of dominant passion. She surrenders to the moment and drapes her arms around his neck, returning the kiss by sucking on and licking around his tongue as it pushes in.

Krag breaks the kiss after a minute. Ingrid feels that he is close. His huge cock is throbbing inside of her and she gets the impression that he is just holding it in. She looks at him and blushes deeply. 'For me? He's holding it for me?' The thought sends her over the edge. Her pussy begins cumming as it is stretched around his monster orc member. Fluid leaks down her thighs, embarrassing her utterly. “You really are a woman that's only fit for an orc.” He comments.

Ingrid is too high on pleasure to deny it, or even care. She happily begs. “Please make this pussy, no.. This whole body yours, Krag! I love you!” She realizes what she is saying and blinks, questioning herself. 'I am just acting, right?' Before she can truly introspect, she feels his dick erupt inside of her. It is a pleasant, warm feeling at first, but slowly as more and more comes her eyes roll back. The immense pressure pushes out from her insides and looking down, she even begins to see a small bump. “S-so full.” She groans, panicking a little as more and more is pumped inside.

“I know your body can take it, so don't worry. You're definitely gonna have a nice, healthy kid growing in that belly once we're done.” Ingrid is too dazed to respond. His thick member is still stuffed inside of her, her belly is full of orc seed to the point of distending outward and she is still recovering from the best orgasm she has ever had.

Finally she manages. “T-that means I can be free?”

“Why would you wanna be free? You love me, right?” She feels like she is being tricked by the question. Ingrid nods hesitantly. “Your body belongs to me?” She gives another slow, reluctant nod. “Besides. We need to at least make sure you're pregnant by seeing it. At least until there's a bump.”

“But you said-”

He pats her on the head patronizingly, holding her tightly. “Relax. What's a few more months?” Ingrid feels too weak to argue in the moment. She shrugs.

Ingrid stands in the spotless apartment, looking for something to do. She considers making a snack for a moment, just so that there are dishes to take care of. Her mouth waters. She has been having strange food cravings lately. Her ears perk as she hears a notification on the tablet. “Be home in a few minutes...” She reads, smiling widely. Ingrid walks over to the door and drops to her knees, resting a hand on her protruding baby bump. She is at least six months pregnant and growing, but the orc child inside of her is big, and she can feel it.

The door opens and her face lights up. “Welcome home, my love!” She says enthusiastically. Acting like a woman that worships him grew easier and easier as time passed. She realized quickly, during one of their many fuck sessions that the trick was to stop considering it acting. She decided instead to genuinely worship the orc.. Krag hangs his coat before regarding her with a smirk.

“How's my little breeding sow doing?” He asks, unbuttoning his pants in front of her. She gasps and stares up affectionately.

“I am amazing! But... There's that thing.” She mentions, taking a firm grip on his cock to bring stroking it as soon as it is presented. She kisses it on the crown lovingly.

“Oh, you mean the deal?” He looks down at her curiously, as though she were talking about something he wasn't completely sure on. Ingrid nods.

“First you said that I need to stay at least until there's a bump. Then the excuse was that you needed to be sure the baby was growing properly. Well... He's almost fully formed and healthy. Sooo...”

“Hmm.” Krag pretends to be in thought. “No. I think it's best if we at least wait until the kid is born.” He reaches down and gives her engorged breasts a smack, causing her to gasp and nearly cum on the spot.”Besides. I wanna make sure the kid will be healthy enough to drink from these big jugs.

Ingrid smiles timidly. “Yes, Krag. You know best. We can wait.” She inhales deeply, loving the smell of his cock after a long day of work. She fawns over it, as she has done every night since he knocked her up.

“So it's decided! Great.”

Ingrid stares adoringly down at the Orc baby as it sucks on her nipple. “Ah...” She flinches. “Not too rough.” Krag walks up beside her. She looks up. “Krag! Now that the baby has grown enough, and my belly has gone down, maybe it's time to think about-”

He stops her, clicking his tongue. She stops talking immediately, waiting with interest to see what he has to say. “You know, I've been thinking and one just isn't enough... I think we're gonna have to-”

Ingrid looks down at the baby and furrows her brow. “Krag, wait.”

“Eh?” It's the first time in a year she has asserted herself. He begins to grow worried. “Y-yah?”

“I actually have a really selfish desire.” She blushes. “Instead of ever ending this, could you maybe keep me knocked up permanently?” She asks, as though she is begging for a favor.

He looks shocked. “You mean-”

“Every time I give birth can you just bend me over and fill me up again? I love the weird cravings, I love the way my body changes; my big belly that slows me down and weakens me and my tits growing big and sensitive.” She looks to be getting hot thinking about it. “The way my nipples are constantly standing up and leaking is just... Just...” She moans as the orcish baby picks that moment to bite. “I also just love it when you fuck me while my belly is huge!” She admits.

Krag gulps, taking it all in. “Man, I underpaid for you.”

“Eh?” She tilts her head to one side quizzically.

“Nothing! Just bend over you dumb sow...” He orders.

Ingrid gasps, following his command. “But the b-”

“He'll be fine, he's an orc!” He enters her, being already rock hard. Krag excitedly pounds her spent pussy, eager to tie her down for another breeding cycle.




Oh sweet laaaaawd I love Ingrid.


I like to think that Dolores is still just chilling in the bunker playing games because they are still scared of her haha.