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“Pleeeease, I don't wanna turn into a fruit!” The girl shouted, banging on the door one last time. She was distressed but you knew for a fact that she would be fine if she just left. There was no harm being done by ignoring her. But that was not what you wanted. Serane took your answer and reached for the lock. She turned it and opened the door. The girl almost fell through the frame as the door opened suddenly.

“This is serious.” Serane bluffed convincingly. Her deep, yet still feminine voice contributed to an air of authority.

The girl gasped. She was short, nearly a head shorter than you with long dark hair and jet-black eyes. Her uniform was ragged, naturally. Whoever she was, she was in quite a bit of distress. From what was in order on her uniform from her tie down to her pleated skirt you could tell she was a Coda. An unusual choice for a person that was going on an expedition in the forest. Especially odd that the bookworm Home denizen would not know something so simple.
“Is it bad?”

“Very bad.” Serane offered. She had acting chops. Her performance really made you believe that the girl in front of you was in danger. You could tell she believed that, as well.
“I'm afraid if we don't introduce an antidote within the next... When did you consume the fruit?”

“A-a-an hour ago!”

“Why did you?” You interjected. The only person you saw to eat the morbid fruit was Merit, a known maniac.

“I didn't know what it was!” She shouted.

Serane clicked her tongue. “It's worse than I thought. I'm afraid you have less than a few minutes before you begin to turn into a fruit.” All of the color left the girl's face. The seraph shook her head.
“I'm afraid there's really nothing we can do on such short notice.” The Coda student swayed where she stood as though she was about to faint on the spot.
“Unless- No...”


Serane threw her head back and covered her face with one hand dramatically. “No! I'm a doctor. I can't suggest something so drastic... You would avoid the consequences of eating the seeds but-”

“J-just give it to me, doc! We don't have time!” The girl demanded.

Serane looked down solemnly. “When someone is familiarized it isn't that you cease to age. Your 'time' actually stops. That's why familiar's stagnate in strength.”

She got it immediately. “So you're saying if I get familiarized it'd be like preserving something?”

“In laymen terms I suppose that makes sense. Yes. But who- Oh.” Serane glanced around and pretended to notice you for the first time.
“Well... He seems a little weedy but you don't have much time, do you?”

The girl gulped and approached you with a thirsty look in her eye. “I need you to do it. Familiarize me. Please.” Her eyes were misty and her whole body was tense. Her plump lower liq quivered as she held back. You almost felt bad. Almost. It was downright unfair. You were obviously in favor of the development, but you were not entirely sure what to do.

“I am not opposed, but it's my first time...”

“Mine too.” She blushed.

“Stick your dick in her mouth.” Serane advised bluntly.

“That is my prescription as a fully licensed doctor.” That statement made you cough, but the Coda seemed fully resigned to it.

“It's the fastest way.”

“W-well, alright.” You placed a hand on the short girl's head and pressed your thumb into her forehead. She easily lowered herself to her knees and you felt yourself getting hard seeing her stare up at you with wide eyes. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. She was so very hot on the inside that you could almost see steam coming off of it. Possibly an actual, harmless side effect of the fruit that you did not know or care about.
“Should I just put it in?”

“No, no.” Serane shook her head vehemently.
“You have to tease it a bit. Rest it on her tongue.” The girl's face turned red. It was still wash with worry but other emotions like embarrassment and indignation began to seep in as you drew your cock out from your pants and rested the member on her tongue.
“Just kind of slide it back and forth...” She added, staring down with a coy smirk. The girls eyes averted as her tongue curled comfortably around the underside of your cock.

“Ih ih ea'y eh ehay...” The girl tried in vain to speak with her tongue out but you were fairly sure she was asking if it was necessary.

“Doctors orders, I guess, right?” You looked to Serane.

“That's right. Now push it in and you-” She pointed down.
“Close your lips around it tightly.” Somehow the direction was making it incredible. As she closed her lips around your cock you felt her warm mouth to be almost as good as anything else. It was still resting on her tongue within, and her plush lips were squeezing it at the top and bottom. Her eyes crossed awkwardly trying to look down her nose at the length that had yet to go in.
“Now... You haven't 'lost' so you need to agree to the familiarization, dear.” Serane noted. The Coda nodded and seemed fully resigned to it. In her mind it was between that and a certain end, after all.

Once she agreed you felt her mouth become far warmer. Instinctively you gripped her hair and pushed in. Her throat fought at first but with enough pressing it gave way to your head. She looked like she might be sick, but with your head lodged in her throat there was nothing that was going to come up. Her throat was getting closer in comfort to a cunt and was extremely nice to both push into and pull out of, you realized. It was a feeling you would have liked to repeat, but you were in there for a reason. After a second her eyes rolled back.

“That looked normal for getting throated, but it's actually her brain coping with the fact that her personality is being separated from it.

“I can only get... So hard.” You grunted. Her lips were sucking you down to the point that you were not sure if you could pull free. They were stretching out around your cock as you tried to pull back.

“Is she gone?”

“I thought someone would've explained this to you already. The personality is sequestered within the core and kept safe. Both a blessing and a curse, I would imagine.”

You finally managed to pull your cock free only to thrust it back in crudely. The girl eagerly sucked it down without even bothering to take a breath. You were just fucking her throat at that point, but the familiarized girl was obviously there for it.

“It's 'protected?' Is there any way to get it out.”

Serane chuckled. “Well, anything is possible with science.”

Suddenly you heard the sound of a curtain sliding. Metal rings on metal as the last bed in the back opened up.
“Big mistake!” Another girl shouted. You remembered back to something the girl said offhandedly on the other side of the door.

“Lena?” She responded to that name with a bit of shock, but hopped off the bed and stepped towards you angrily, her finger outstretched in an accusing gesture.

“Colluding with staff to familiarize a student? Tricking them? Forcing them to s-suck your cock!?” The new girl, Lena was about as tall as her dark-haired friend and build about the same with slight curves, only her hair was pure white and her brows were thick. Unlike her friend, she was Tintamere, like you. Her body showed signs of it. Athleticism. Activity. She looked like she was preparing to murder you.

“You messed up bad. I was waiting for this and caught you in the act. Now I can familiarize you and free Diana!” You opened your mouth to speak, but Lena just kept going, interrupting you. You sighed and glanced down at your familiar. She was staring up at you in a puppy-god begging pose with her legs spread wide.

“I am Lena Arbrook, 8th in line to the throne of Barovia. Though she is simply a half sister she is still my blood and I am sworn to defend the blood of the Arbrook family line.” You glanced back over at her. She looked to be growing in intensity as she crossed the long nurses hall.
“I have trained extensively my whole life before com-”

“No witnesses. Bzzt.” Serane pointed a finger at Lena like a cocked pistol.

The girl looked shocked as her whole body went limp and crumpled in on itself. “My legs? C-curse magic?” She fell forward anticlimactically and managed to roll over onto her back.
“Curse you! It will only take me a moment to break this!”

“What are you waiting for?” Serane looked at you.
“You're the bad guy... You know what to do, right?” She blew on her finger.

“R-right.” You moved over to Lena and lifted her legs up, folding them behind her shoulders suddenly. It just seemed like the right thing to do as a villain.

“What do you think you are doing!? You know I am just going to free myself at some point, no? You can not familiarize me unless I agree to it.” She had a point, but you felt confident.

“You will never break me you f-f-” You pressed your cock down into her upturned pussy. Your curved, engorged cock plunged all the way down, deep into her warm depths. As good as her sisters throat felt, this was better. It hilted inside, then pulled out and slammed down again in quick succession, barely giving her any time between thrusts, and making a slapping sound each time your twitching balls landed on her taint. You were fucking her like a beast trying to breed and she responded after the first few times like a beast that was being bred, at least in the way that she let her pleasured voice echo out into the room.

Serane chimed in. “Curse expired. She broke out of it so watch out... She's perfectly free to move now.”

Lena's eyes rolled up and her lips twisted and curled as she panted and moaned. “L-liar! I can't move! I can't even think! I'm still under the curse!” She insisted emphatically as her body flexed and convulsed and her cunt gushed from the pounding she was receiving. You were getting fatigued from the pace as well. It worried you that she would overpower you but gradually you got the impression that would not be an issue.

“You aren't... You could probably overpower him if you wanted to. Though, I was just going to cast it again if you did.” Serane uttered in a deadpan tone.

Tears filled her eyes. Her whole body tensed as she came. Her toes pointed straight up, then curled. She gritted her teeth and smiled widely, drool seeping from the corners of her lips.
“I-I can't fight it... The c-c-curse is too strong! you stupid cheater!”

“I'm literally not doing anything right now.” Serane added.

You noted that with the strength you both saw and felt in her legs from her orgasmic convulsions, Lena could probably overpower you. She could definitely move again, as demonstrated by her toes curling. She was just a perv. You held back a laugh and leaned over her. Opening your mouth, you let a strand of saliva drip down into her open mouth as you pinched her cheeks to keep her face forward.

“You're right. You would've been able to do something if it wasn't for the curse.”

“Th-that's right!” She shouted back accusingly. You had no idea how much of what was happening was perversion versus stupidity.

“Now I'm going to use my special move.” You taunted.

“What?” Serane uttered skeptically.

“N-no!” She cried out.

“My saliva is a powerful aphrodisiac. It will make your brain cry out for my cock. You'll beg to become my familiar. It's a shame someone as strong as you had to meet me and lose to such tricks.”

She gasped lewdly. Lena looked like her head was spinning as your harmless saliva landed on her tongue.
“I can feel it... My head is going completely numb... I want to be your familiar so bad, now. A peasant like you. I can't believe it! Scum!” Her eyes rolled back as she came again. As you finished inside of her you could see her expression grow dull.

* *

Both siblings were lined up and stripped down. Their legs were spread and they were ordered by you to adopt a begging position with the hands up in front of them. They were panting, eyes wide.
“Were you serious about removing their personalities? You're quite the villain, already. I was just covering my butt from being discovered and disciplined.”

“What would be the point?”

“Well, it's for their benefit, mostly. A core's personality information can be stored if it can be separated and kept safe in a little bubble, right? If removed, they wouldn't go back to normal and they probably wouldn't show up as familiar's anymore. My prediction would be that their time would continue because it's outside of this facilities current 'If, And, Or, Not' conditions. It's an experiment I'd be willing to perform.”



Very nice chapter! I like to imagine a future where Merit and Esther gets familiarized with the act not carried out by the hero. Would that classify as ntr?


Wonderful, I'm very much looking forward to what you have cooking up karma wise for the Hero. Seeing as his confidence is reaching sky high at this point