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Liadrin was given odd direction as to her new past. For one, as a Paladin she was very used to existing in heavy plate armor adorned with reds and golds. Her entire history as a Blood Knight lent itself to a certain sharpness, or 'edge.' However her new culture was far softer in many ways. Her old colors were replaced with blues and silvers. They were not unfamiliar to her, as they were far closer to the high elven colors she wore in her earlier life. If that were all then she had no problem with it. It was the fact that she was also put in so... little. The 'plate' she wore barely provided any color and seemed more ceremonial than practical. Her midriff was completely bare, as was much of her thigh. The plate she wore over her chest, mercifully, did not show off any of her modestly-sized breasts. She also still retained a long, flowing blue cloak. Looking at her armor she realized where she recognized it. It was similar to kaldorei designs, just not quite right. There were faint highborne accents here and there.

That was not where the changes ended. When the woman stared at her reflection in her blade she saw the same fiery red hair, but with bright blue eyes. It was as though the corruption had never taken her. The light was also more dull on her aura. It barely registered. It was a sign that the woman she was supposed to be had not gone through the amount of hardship that the real version of her had. Her body was barely toned as though her position was very much a ceremonial one. Her arms and legs and stomach all felt far softer than they should have been which made quite a bit more sense of the fact that those features were put on display.

Liadrin felt useless, to sum everything up. When she searched her thoughts for why this was the case and how she was supposed to 'play her part' in the strange game Liadrin found that Paladins in the highborne court were closer to priestesses than warriors and carried far more ceremonial and religious duties than her real world persona would have liked. It was annoying to her to be granted an entire new history that completely changed the way she had to behave. She was, for the duration of the party at least, being forced to exist in a life she did not want and the woman had to wonder how the others were faring. She did not yet have time to consider how it affected her relationship with her allies, though. That was unfortunate, because the first individual that happened across her was an orc guard. She recognized him right away as part of the entourage that Thrall had brought for protection and thought he would recognize her as well. Two things she did not notice or consider were that he had no number above his head, signifying that he had already lost and become a part of the game under Jaina's control. The other was the way he looked at her.

“Oh, what've we got here?” The massive orc licked his lips. The man's physique told her that nothing about his past had changed in a way that altered the training he would have gone through, or the physical requirements for being an elite guard under the command of the Warchief. It was why the first misplaced feeling she had while looking at the man was jealousy. He was not made into something he was not suppose to be. Liadrin stepped towards him as though nothing would be different between them.

“It's me, despite this unusual wardrobe. Have you gathered any useful information?”

“Tons.” The orc was at least a foot taller. He loomed over her and stared down with intent as he spoke.

Liadrin smiled. “Good. I-” She let out a deep groan as the orc's fist struck her exposed stomach. She crumpled, a hand rushing to the glowing pain in her stomach.

“I learned” The orc finished.
“That there's tons of prissy, easy elves runnin around waitin' to be tamed.”

Liadrin's blue eyes flitted back and forth in rapid thought. She searched her false memory and immediately found what she had missed. The Highborne, lead by Azshara, were aligned with the Alliance. It was the faction she was in. She was occupying the space that kaldorei once did. Memories flooded her of a sordid relationship with orcs and the Horde. Slavery, brainwashing, endless conflict. It was a state that she had come to comfortably ignore as a sin'dorei. Her kind were allied with the Horde, after all. Now that she had arrived on the receiving end of the treatment she was flooded with all the earned disgust and hatred for the greenskinned man looming over her. She lost a point off of her total as she lost her temper to those new emotions.
“Y-you disgusting c-” She gasped as a hand gripped her red ponytail and thrust her cheek into the ground between his feet. It was already too late. Her body was weak and her powers were dulled. In the world she was meant to occupy Liadrin was not a front-line fighter. With his hand on the back of her head and her back the only thing that could move, her ass wagged up in the air as she tried to maneuver herself into a position where she could get away. Before she could Liadrin felt a large green thumb looping under her belt just bellow her tailbone. The dainty woman was easily lifted until her cheek pulled from the floor, bringing her face to face with the orc's massive, intimidating cock.
“What are you doing?” She asked as his hand moved from the back of her neck to his member. He gripped it and mashed the messy thing over her lips insistently. Her eyes watered from the smell.
“Get it away or... or I'll bite it! I swear!” Liadrin uttered harshly. She stared up at the man. He was completely undetered by her threat, so she carried it out immediately without hesitationand bit into the shaft of his thick member as it rolled over her lips one more time.

Liadrin expected a few things as she stared up and waited for a response. The first was for the man to yelp. He did no such thing. In contrast, he was grinning down at her as though her resistance was welcome. The second thing she expected was for it to do anything at all; any amount of real damage. Instead her teeth could barely break even the sensitive skin on the orc's member. She knew it was not rubber, but it was strong enough to her weak jaw and blunted teeth that it may as well have been. She chewed uselessly into it and had her mouth on the shaft for so long that she blushed in realization that she was essentially just sucking on it. He looked like he was enjoying it all the same. The foul taste and smell were both filling her mouth and nose and she was still feeling the utter humiliation as if she had just opened her mouth welcomingly. Liadrin's shoulder's slumped. She stared up with diminished defiance.

The orc chuckled and attempted to feed his cock into her mouth again. With her lips pursed all he managed to do was gloss her lips with his precum.
“What's wrong with you? Just fold. The others ain't fairin too well.” He commented, suddenly releasing her belt to allow Liadrin to drop to her knees. Images immediately rushed to her mind of what that meant. What the orcs would do to her and her people if they were caught. The unlucky ones were simply fed into brothels. They were made into mindless servants to their carnal desires. The girls who were unlucky would be completely brainwashed. Their bodies would become attractive meat shield for the Horde war machine. Their skills would be put to use in loyal service of their orc masters as warriors, archers, healers, anything that could fight while also serving as a quick, free fuck before battle. She lost another point as indignant rage welled up inside of her at the injustice of it.

“You bastard!” She screamed. It was her mistake. With her mouth wide open his cock was eagerly mashed between her lips. Her eyes rolled back as the unwashed taste mixed with the saliva in her mouth to create a powerful slurry that she unconsciously gulped down. It made her queasy and lightheaded; all too easy to gag when the head of his cock pushed against the back of her throat. She raised her arms to punch him but his body was solid. In a fit, her hands moved to the only thing she knew to do real damage to an insurmountable male foe. Her hands flicked to his huge sack and her fingers dug into it to find his balls. It was far too large for her to be able to fit the whole thing in even both of her hands. As she found the two orbs and stared up triumphantly Liadrin noticed the same expression she saw when she bit into his cock. The woman was slightly worried, but had little time as his cock was rapidly prying at the opening to her throat. Her hands wrapped around his supposedly sensitive orbs and squeezed. At least, they attempted to. She groaned impotently as even the orc's balls proved too strong for her weak form. She wondered if it was her, or if orcs really just were this strong. Her hands spent a long couple of seconds trying to crush his testicles, but all she really managed to do was massage them in a way that made his cock throb with need between her lips. She felt it on her tongue and on the roof of her mouth especially and lost all the strength she was able to muster in order to fight back. The Paladin whimpered into his flesh as he gripped either side of her head and pulled her over his entire length. It was so fast that only thing she felt once it was done was his member stirring her stomach. As he pulled out she felt it move up with his cock until it could not any more and it was left behind. His thick, prying cock popped free from her mouth covered in slick, clear liquid. Saliva and other things Liadrin did not want to think about. She was far too dazed to do so, anyway.

“Nothin' like a good deepthroatin' to clear your head, right?” He chuckled. The implication was clear that it was far more necessary in clearing her head than his. It felt like it worked, too.
“Up you go!” Liadrin was so out of it that she did not feel what he was doing until it was too late. He got behind her and picked her up under her thighs. He brought her up to his chest and folded her until her legs were vertical. Even if she was aware, she could only struggle uselessly in such a position. Her legs were so far back that they effectively pinned her arms. She was like a vertical pretzel. She wondered what he was planning, then looked down and saw his long, slick, curved cock bouncing just in front of her vulnerable, exposed ass and pussy.

“Wait! Wait wait!” She uttered desperately, moving side to side pointlessly. The woman was completely at his mercy so all she could do was beg and appeal to him. His strength was far greater than hers and even if they were equal, the submission hold he had her in was perfect for someone of his stature going up against someone of hers.

“First thing we do to you girls... Know what it is?”

Liadrin gulped. “No?”

“We gotta remove 'no, wait' and 'stop' from your dictionary.”

“Nn-” She began to speak one of the forbidden words but was quickly bombarded by the feeling of something long and slick turning her maze-like intestines into a perfectly straight sheath for his dick.
“Ooooh...” Liadrin's eyes fully rolled back. Her face became lewd and stupified as she felt her body being irreparably altered by the orc's massive member. Her asshole twitched and attempted to tighten over every inch, but that was exactly what he wanted. She collected herself and managed to look down int time to see her puffy pucker comfortably hugging the base of his cock. She was horrified to see it almost pull out as he quickly unsheathed himself from her. She had no idea how her body was even able to take such a thing. When she thought about it for just a few seconds she understood; it was the light. Her body was weak, but it was very, very resilient. She could take a beating. She could heal. That meant she could easily take this beating and heal herself from it. Unfortunately in this case it meant automatically healing her asshole in it's perfectly gaped, orc-shaped state so that when he pushed his cock back inside crudely and quickly it just plumbed her, scraping against her inner walls in such a way that she even felt it in her dripping, needy pussy.
“F-f... Oh light...” She gasped and choked, helpless to the sudden pleasure she was feeling. The light would heal her. The light would shield her from pain. Because of that the light was allowing her to only feel the pleasure of getting violated and reshaped into a tool for sex.

His thick arms flexed over her thighs, pulling her legs further back until her calves were behind her head as he pulled out and let his cock pop free. She was not aware that she had already lost half her points with those two thrusts until it was over. When she knew she panicked and tried again to move as his crown sunk between her nether lips in an attempt to find the dripping hole to her cunt. She felt it beginning to split her painlessly as she groaned.
“W-wait! I don't want to lose!”

“Told you... We gotta remove that word from your brain.” He grunted and pushed as much of his cock into her pussy as would fit. Unlike her asshole he was not working with an unlimited amount of room. His member stopped just about halfway, where it thickened. Her pussy was stretched around the widest part of his cock, twitching, leaking and squirting down onto the floor bellow as she babbled prayers to the light that would not stop listening.

“S-sorry...” She gasped as her brain spasmed. Her eyes were twitching. He had not even begin thrusting and she already felt her body and mind surrendering. The once powerful paladin completely melted as he pulled out, then pushed back in over and over again. Her eyes filled with tears and her mind went blank. The woman thought it was over when she was dropped onto her back in the same pretzel like position roughly, knocking the wind out of her. She was panting for breath. Her light skin glistening with sweat.

“Keep apologizing.” he uttered, pressing his entire body over her bent over form. The man was merely moving into a better position to fuck her with little effort. His cock thrust down into her upturned cunt, causing it to errupt like a fountain while her body twitched and shook. Liadrin could no longer maintain her sanity both due to the pounding and the fact that her number ticked down to zero. Her brain blanked as the once independent woman was simplified into that of an npc.
“S-sorry! Sorry!” She gasped  pleasurably. She truly was sorry when she said it. Sorry she ever said anything against him.
“I'm so sorry!” She could no longer think or perform independent of her master. Jaina or the orc. She had lost. It was her last independent thought to acknowledge that fact before the orc slammed into her one last time and came.


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