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Sadiri had considered the orc's offer for her to say something dirty directly to her mother upon introduction, but she was not sure if she actually would. The initial high of teasing all of the orcs in the diplomatic delegation had worn off and she was satisfied to leave it at that. As she guided Garrek into the Garrison her mother, Velsia, greeted her with tightly crossed arms and a harsh stare.

The woman's plate armor was not shining. It was dulled so as not to give away a position in the woods. Even the gold that accented her ancestral armor did not glisten, but remained matte. The feathers that adorned the cracks dulled any sound that would be made from her armor shifting. It was a natural solution. Garek admired the woman quite obviously from where he stood. If the daughter was an example of a lithe, impish beauty, the mother was the traditional personification of everything that orcs loved to see in a kaldorei. She was the picture of an old warrior. Her feminine beauty showed even through her armor, as it was shaped to fit her. Beneath he could tell that even despite her toned, trained form he would have a lot to hold on to. He guessed by the way her chest-plate protruded.. In terms of demeanor, her stern expression said everything he wanted to know about her personality. A business-like, hard woman that would be fun to toy with. The enjoyment from the daughter would come from teaching her all the pleasures she had been missing out on. With the mother, it was going to be showing her all the ways in which she belonged beneath him in every regard.

“I said no engagement whatsoever.” Velsia's voice was like the cracking of a whip for Sadiri. Garek noticed the girl cringe.

Sadiri stepped forward and had a solid argument on her side. “They were off course. If we wanted to see our 'friends' on time they needed someone to g-”

“Have I ever minced words, Sadiri?” Velsia asked, her face tightening to level even more scrutiny on her daughter. Because she was family she needed to be harsher on the girl. If she allowed any slack she would never grow to be as strong as the girls around her. Velsia knew she would also garner resentment.

“No, Miss.” Her shoulders slumped. Suddenly the faint affront right under her mothers nose did not seem like such a bad idea. If anything, it was something she could do to 'get her' without getting in trouble. The thought was tantalizing.

“What is done...” She looked over the assembled Horde and shook her head in disapproval of the orders she was given.
“Is done. Who have we here?

Sadiri took the chance, winked at Garrek and panned a sly smirk around to the assembled orcs as she introduced them.
“This is Commander Garek.” She added in orcish, much to her mother's confusion.
“My daddy.” She thought it would be embarrassing and that it would gain a few laughs from the orcs that would deride her for it, but instead she felt a rush as they flashed her subtle marks of approval. After the berating she received from her mother, the encouragement she gained from the orcs was a high she could not ignore.

“What? Orcish?” Velsia's face twisted further in a show of disgust.
“No more of that. You can leave now. Go... Train, or something.” She waved her hand dismissively at her daughter as the leader began to step towards her.

Sadiri rolled her eyes out of sight of Velsia and flashed a subtle smile at the orcs, accompanying it with a little wave. Garek acknowledged the tiny act of defiance with a nod and decided he could certainly do something with the girl, with all the boys. The elf on his plate at the moment, however, was the Commander. Velsia. He had of course been given her name, and she was given his. Asking who he was simply served as a crude power play.

She stared up at the man. Despite being six feet tall the orc easily loomed over her and despite all of the work she had put into her body, Garek's muscles presented an unfair competition. Kaldorei simply could not best orc men in a pure strength competition. It was impossible and she always both knew and felt that deep down. It was why she and her sisters adored guerrilla tactics so much.

“Should we find a private place to discuss our cooperation?” Garek offered, lifting his hand towards the lodge on the hill that served as the center of the kaldorei garrison.

* *

They retired to the command center. It had been cleared for their meeting and the sentinels were a light force, anyway, so there were not many women on guard duty. With Sadiri occupied elsewhere there was no one to eavesdrop, for better or for worse.

“Now that we are alone we-” Velsia began before being rudely interrupted.

“We need to discuss how you and yours are gonna take orders from me and mine.” Garek stated. It was not a suggestion. The way he framed things, the elves were going to serve him and his Grunts.

“Excuse me?” Velsia uttered indignantly.

“Excuse me, Sir.” Garek corrected before continuing. The woman's eyes became like saucers in response to the man's attitude. She was almost speechless. If kaldorei specialized in guerrilla tactics the strategy the orcs were known to employ was the blitz. Rush in using force to tear everything down and plant their flags everywhere. There were no orc ruled spaces that were not clearly marked as orc ruled spaces.
“We need dancers and women acquainted with cock to be able to pleasure my men. We are good after that. Think you and your girls can manage?”

Once she was done being surprised Velsia growled at the man and bared her prominent canines at him. She leaned forward and glared.
“Or WHAT? You thought to just come here and make demands? You thought I would bend over like one of your weak mana-addicts?” With a sneer the powerful elven woman leaned back and crossed her arms.

“We are both here being ordered to 'cooperate.' Do you think that point would evade me? You are not an invader or a conqueror or anything that can threaten us here.”

It was Garek's turn to be stunned into silence. He had not thought it would be easy, but he also never expected the commander to be so willful. When he encountered her daughter he had simply assumed her to bend like all the other elves he had met. Rather than being frustrated, he felt rejuvenated and intensely aroused. His member bulged visibly within his pants. The man leaned down with a wide grin, his dizzying breath on her face as he spoke.

“You describing what I can't do, or what you want? You put up a fight, sure, but I bet you crave a conqueror.”

Velsia never lifted her eyes from his. She did not pan her gaze over his immaculate form, but she was still aware of it. His words did not ring completely hollow, somehow. She was not aware that she wished for a conqueror. It had never occurred to her. She thought back to her husband and remembered that marrying a druid, she had the expectation that she was marrying a beast. She had forgotten the faint resignation when he showed himself over time to be extremely gentle. She had gotten used to it. Velsia convinced herself it was right but meeting Garek reminded her that she always craved a challenge.

“Do you want to try?” She uttered, downplaying her growing interest. Her desire was masked by the implication that he could not, even if he did try. The elf did not actually want the man to win, of course. She wanted to come out on top and dash any hopes he had, but the point of a challenge was the chance of losing and she felt that with the orc. With her husband, if at any point she argued or fought him on anything he conceded. There was no chance for her to lose. With that thought came a powerful, burning feeling in her cheek that sent her heart racing. Velsia's eyes widened. The orc was bulky but when he put little force into his swings he could move deceptively quickly. It was that fact that allowed him to tap her cheek humiliatingly with his open palm before she could react. Even with the force, the weight of it made her stumble.

She bared her teeth again. “You...” She was stunned as he began unbuckling.

“For the future, I'd like to use my cock to slap you around. It's the best tool for keeping a dumb, dancer bitch in her place.”

“And I thought my kind enjoyed dreaming.” Velsia mocked. She was silenced when his leggings fell to reveal a mace-like cock. A battering instrument that could likely hollow her out just as easily as it could knock her out. The elf commander felt something unusual and unfamiliar. Intimidation mixed the arousal; it was intoxicating. As his leggings fell, so did his scent begin to fill the small room. It was a scent that she barely knew of, so she had not associated it with anything. It was a musk of sweat and sex. A member unwashed, except by constant care from a woman's mouth. It smelled like he had gone without care for quite  a while.

“Least you admit you're prone to dreaming, darling.” Garek outstretched both of his arms and rested them on her shoulders. His grip tightened so that as Velsia glanced from side to side and tried to move she would not be able to. The woman was then treated to something she had not yet fully experienced. Loss. The first loss in the small battle between she and him. With just the strength from both his arms and no other weight, he pressed down. Velsia's legs were powerful. They were honed by jumping between boughs and running non-stop for long nights. She carried her armor and weapons constantly and as a woman especially her lower body was far more sound, but under Garek's strength her legs shook and gave out. She crashed to her knees and cringed at the feeling of them slamming into the hard floor. He loomed over her, looked down and half-joked.

“That hurt? You're gonna have to strengthen those knees, girl... You're gonna be on them a lot from now on.”

Velsia gulped at the implication. She still could not move as it felt like an incredible weight was on her shoulders. He called her girl demeaningly, even though he was likely centuries her junior. A young man compared to her. Still, his strength spoke for itself.
“You bastard! Get your hands off me and I'll-” She wanted to immediately strike back. She felt the desire for revenge welling up. If it was a fight she was going to do the best she could to get her lumps in, but unfortunately for her she was less like an arrow in flight and more like a gnomish plane before takeoff. She had no momentum. He was able to keep his momentum and interrupt her again.


“Huh?” She was surprised it was that easy, but it came at a price. The moment his hands left her shoulders his limp cock was dropped on her face. It made a heavy smack as it landed and was actually enough to daze her. The weight had moved off of her shoulders and the cock was nothing compared to that, but there was something heavier about it that could not be explained by anything physical like weight or mass. While his smelly member rested on her face she glared up at him with her one uncovered eye. Despite her efforts to stand, her legs were as weak and shaky as though he was still pushing down on her shoulders with full force. She could not move herself out from beneath his member.

“Dammit...” She cursed weakly. As Velsia gathered enough willpower to lift herself up, Garek placed his hand on his member. She thought he was going to push her down again, but instead she was surprised to feel his cock grind over the eye it was covering. His shaft rubbed the side of her lips and her cheek.
“What are you-” She had no way to expect what he was going to do next. The man wiped his cock from over her left cheek and left eye to the right. The sweaty thing left a trail of dark, smeared makeup and moisture from her eyes that were tearing due to the smell. Velsia had begun panting and inhaling. Everything about him was powerful. His scent, his body. Even his cock had an unseen strength that she only realized after it was too late. It was arousal. She could not move because her body did not want to. Her cunt was drooling into a pool on the floor and she was salivating and tearing up from his sheer force of presence.

“What are you?” The orc repeated her question in a forceful tone. The way he asked begged a different answer. Garek grinned and added as her smeared lips parted.
“Say it nice.”

Velsia shook as she raised her arms weakly and instead of balling her fists fully, extended two fingers in two matching peace signs. The woman had felt defeat in all it's glory and it was pure, extreme fun. She had always thought that she wanted a challenge to be excited more when she won. The feeling of being vindicated as she stood over her enemies bodies. She never considered the reality; she wanted opportunities to lose everything to someone she simply could not beat. The fact that she hated him only made her feelings of loss and despair more sweet. She wanted the overwhelming feeling of being unable to move before a man.
“H-here's to cooperation between our factions?” She offered, waving the signs of peace.

“That's real cute, but not what I asked.” She flinched as he lifted his cock and let it slap down right over her nose and forehead. It made her dizzy and far more horny.

“I'm a dancer bitch.” Velsia admitted with a shaky tone. It was surprisingly erotic to admit. When she imagined it as a tax on her, the loser, it only added to her arousal and excitement. She wanted to pay more.

“That's nice. Keep going.”

“I'm- I'm a dumb cunt that can't move from beneath your cock of my own strength.” She could feel herself giving in to him.

“Oooh, that's a good one.” Garek chuckled. He thought for a moment and added while rubbing his chin. “You know, we're all shoehorned into certain roles. Is it true that your whole race can only churn out whores, dancers and servants?”

Velsia shuddered. It was as though he was suggesting that there was no strength in her kind. Just as it was impossible for the draenei or the tauren to become guileful, strength and power and agency were outside the realm of possibility for elves. The thought of admitting that was a humiliation to her people, but an incredibly arousing thought to her in that moment. With a guilty smile the near-ancient woman admitted facetiously in favor of her libido and in spite of her better judgment.
“Just- Just three classes, yes.” She felt it happen. He had become her law to the extent that she could not imagine contradicting him. It could not get worse and Velsia would have it no other way.

Garek cackled. “Cute. Really cute.”

“You mean it?” If the Sentinel Commander had a tail it would have been wagging for the man. After so much derision she was starved for any positive word from her law, her new powerful source of order.

“Nah, you're a brainless bimbo that's already been ruined by a kid. Your daughter's cute. You're....” He grinned down at her squirming form while lifting his cock.
“You're something else.” He let his cock down and swung it at her cheek, offering her a rough slap with his trunk-like just as he had promised. With the state she was in she moaned and felt as though she could almost cum from just that. He saw that and commented with a small laugh.
“Yeah, you're really something else.”


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