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Chaz was not positive his plan would work on the Garrison Commander. For one, the idea he had would cost him a big chunk of gold. It was enough gold that he could only even offer such a solution once and even then, it was a little iffy. The other issue was the plan would only work if the Commander let it work. The man had to enthusiastically agree. For that, the goblin would have to work his social skills on the human to try and convince him to enter into a realm of magic outside of reality.

“Hey bud. Got a minute?” Chaz walked timidly into the man's office. He was a dolt, but the Paladin was still in charge of the whole Garrison, technically. If he chose, Chaz could be tossed out or worse. The only reason he wasn't already was at Yrel's behest. He knew if he wanted to stick around he'd have to be delicate.

The Commander looked up from his work. At least, that is what Chaz assumed. When he got closer he realized the human was not working at all and was instead just looking down at nothing. Possibly pretending. When he craned his head over the desk to see the small goblin male the Commander sighed deeply.
“Oh. What is it? You're barely allowed to be here so make it quick, whatever it is.”

Chaz had prepared himself for how to approach the topic. He was not going to beat around the bush when it came time to push his 'solution' but he did want to butter the man up a bit to make it slide in a little easier.

“Quite the place you got here. The Horde Garrison is literally a hole in the ground.”

“Yeah, I know.” The Commander barely seemed interested.

“Gotta hand it to you alliance folks. You run a tight ship.” Chaz paused, then looked up at the man.
“You in particular.”

The Commander took a few seconds to respond before finally giving Chaz the benefit of a glance. “Okay? Do you need something?”

Chaz groaned inaudibly. The sound caught in his throat half way before he managed to swallow it. “Alright. It's about Yrel.”

Before even knowing what Chaz was going to say about Yrel the man grew defensive. “The only reason you're here? Not sure why she even cares about you.” He was obviously bitter. Chaz did not have to be a social genius to tell.

“Yeah, well. I got an idea for why she's being so cold to you lately.”

The Commander leaned forward in his chair and immediately made eye contact. “What? Why?” Chaz could see by the way he was looking at him that the man suspected Chaz was the culprit but could not put into words how. Because for a rational man the 'how' for why his girl was acting cold and spending time with another man was too troubling and embarrassing to vocalize but very enraging. It was half of what Chaz wanted. He could tell the Commander was reaching for other explanations.

“I'll cut straight to the chase. Yrel plays for the other team.”

“You take that back!” He slammed his desk hard enough to make the entire room shake.

Chaz accidentally got the rage, the other half he did not want, so he responded swiftly. He raised his hands and waved them to calm the man. He realized after the fact how that might've sounded to an already insecure Alliance Paladin.
“I meant sexually!”

“You take THAT back!” He shouted louder.

Chaz threw his head back in frustration. “I meant... Girls!”

“Oh.” The commander calmed down but became frustrated at the new information. Somehow, though, he was hamstrung.
“I'm progressive. That sort of thing is... Fine.”

“Encouraged.” Chaz noted.

“Exactly. We all support those types of things these days.” He furrowed his brow and averted his gaze as he made a low grumbling sound.
“Bit annoying, though...”

“Draenei girls specifically.”

“Yeah, of course.” The Commander did not seem surprised.
“I mean, most of them are, right?”

“Right.” Chaz nodded along, unsure of what information the man had access to that lead him to that conclusion.
“But, I was rootin' for you from the start, bud. I think I got a solution to the problem.” Chaz stepped forward and with some minor effort climbed his way onto the desk. The Commander stared at him with interest.
“What if I told you there was a way to be the exact thing Yrel likes?”

The human's eyes widened. “Are you talking about an Appearance Change?”

Chaz was as surprised as the Commander. “You know about that?”

“I know about it...” He gave the goblin a suspicious look. The Service Magic was a powerful, reality altering school of magic that did not exist to be cast by individuals. The magic only activated upon special conditions. One of those conditions was the burning of a special currency called a Token. The tokens costed upwards of tens of thousands of gold and the only reason Chaz knew about them was because his cartel dealt very heavily in the markets. A magic that could only be accessed upon burning vast quantities of currency was obviously going to be very rare and known about by few.
“I've seen it done a few times.”

“A FEW times?” Chaz lifted a brow. Alliance really were a different breed, he thought, if a basic Garrison Commander had witnessed a few activations of Service Magic. It did make it easier.
“So you know what I'm suggesting.”

The man rolled his eyes. “Just spend all of my resources to almost have enough? I have been farming these missions but I have not been farming THAT many... This isn't easy, sitting around all day improving these buildings...” he complained.

“What if I told you I could give you one.”

“W-what? What's in it for you that you would give me something so valuable? We aren't even on the same side.”

“Aren't we?” Chaz winked. The man seemed confused, so Chaz continued.
“Yrel is great but you're the person in charge. I think we could work together. I'd be making an investment to have your garrison be partnered closely with my cartel. You get the girl, I get business and allies outside the Horde. This is a great deal for everyone.”

“You are going to give me one of those things for... Cooperation?” The Commander asked hesitantly. Chaz was worried that that man would see the fact that it was not a good enough reason to offer something so valuable. The human knowing about the Service Magic was outside of his calculations, so he assumed the plan may have been a bust.
“Okay.” He offered a thumbs up. Chaz grinned widely.

* *

Chaz said goodbye to most of his savings. The hope was that the ventures in Draenor would fill his accounts up far quicker than he could empty them, however, so he was not too upset. The human became engulfed in golden light as he stepped back and activated the Service Magic. All there was to do at that point was wait. At first it was a minute. Chaz expected about five minutes at the most, but then it turned into half an hour. He took a seat and another hour passed.

“How is this taking so long!?” As he asked that out loud, as if answered by the heavens themselves, the former human appeared as the light faded from around her. Chaz squinted as his eyes adjusted to the dimmed lighting in the room.

“How do I look?” The Commander asked. She spoke in a cute accented tone with a slightly deep, but feminine timber. The new draenei was in the same armor she wore as a human, but it was proportioned appropriate to her new frame. Still, it was difficult to tell what she looked like with it all on.

“Uh, hard to tell. You're wearing a lot, doll.”

“Do NOT call me doll. It is strange.” She wagged her finger at him in a sassy fashion, but seemed to agree with the general point as she eyed a mirror that existed as part of an as of yet unused vanity. Chaz tried his best to not allow his expression to change as she stripped herself down to just her purple lingerie.

“Hmm...” She cupped her breasts. They overflowed in her hands as she had seemingly gone with a very voluptuous body type. The woman had wide hips, thighs and a very bouncy rear. Her long tail wagged back and forth lazily as she turned back and forth to look at herself. She opened her mouth and made various faces in the mirror to admire her new features. As Chaz approached her from the side she was too distracted with preening her long, dark brown hair to notice. It allowed him to get right up beside her, reach up and wrap his small hand around her drifting tail firmly. Just her body reacted viscerally to being touched Chaz dropped the tactical nuke of actions that one could perform on an inexperienced draenei girl as a smaller creature. He tugged it roughly.
“H-hey!” her back arched, her hips parted to reveal a tiny gap between her thick thighs as her hooves turned inward and her body tensed.

“Don't talk back to your partner like that, doll. Remember our deal?” The tail tug was a secret weapon that triggered many senses in the draenei body. It put them on edge, but that excitement was very useful. He could tell her heart was beating quickly as she turned around. Her tail whipped away as he released it.

“Yeah...” She relented. She was a bombshell but Chaz knew that her skull was still as thick as ever. The person inside was not going to change much at all. He grinned knowing full well that he was just staring up at a big, dumb draenei girl. Worse, she barely had any context or knowledge of being a draenei so she was even worse off than average. He motioned her down by waving his palm forward. She reluctantly crouched down.
“What is it?”

“Gotta have you closer to see what I paid for.” Chaz commented. He jumped suddenly to deploy the second weapon small creatures had against the 7'6 foot tall draenei women. He gripped her horn tightly and pulled her down until she was bent over uncomfortably.

“What the Fel are you d-”

“Follow my finger doll.” He commanded as he held her horn firmly with one hand. She could have easily lifted herself up or overpowered him but there was something about a hand around a draenei's horns that made them a bit weaker and more susceptible to being moved by them, or held in place. Her eyes unconsciously followed Chaz's finger on his free hand as he moved it around close to her face back and forth, then ended by bringing it between her eyes, crossing them. She blinked as he flicked her ridged forehead.
“No swearing.”

“I'm sorry?” She questioned.

“So long as you're sorry.” He could tell that was not her meaning, but he was in fast-talk mode and was not going to stop and give her a chance to think and respond.
“Did you think of a name while you were in there, Bessy?”

“B-bessy?” She asked, immediately distracted again away from the conversation as he reached in and pulled at her lips to look at her teeth.
“What are you-”

“Bessy? That's a cute name. Did you think of it yourself?”

“I-” her cheeks reddened deeply as the moment she opened her mouth Chaz reached in, gripped her tongue with two swift fingers and pulled it out. He pretended to inspect it carefully for defects.

“Such a smart, cute name for a draenei girl.” He could tell she was not quite there, so he added.
“I'm sure Yrel will like it.” She gulped just as Chaz released her tongue after nodding approvingly. It remained hanging out over her bottom lip for a few more seconds before she pulled it back.

“You said Bessy.” She protested.

“I didn't.” Chaz insisted.
“But it's a good name and it must resonate with you, huh, Bessy? Or do you prefer Bess for short.”

“Bessy is... Fine?”

Chaz tapped her cheek lightly and winked. “I think so too.” He knew there was no longer any other name on her mind.

“Why'd you uncross your eyes, Bessy?”

She shrugged, still held closer to the ground by his hand on her curved horn. “They do not go like that naturally.” As she spoke Chaz returned to 'testing' her vision. He crossed her eyes once more by bringing it close to her nose.
“They get sore if I keep them like-”

“Then use your racial ability.” She understood what he was talking about. The draenei ability to heal. It could theoretically keep her comfortable enough to hold that expression.

“Why would I do that?”

“I think Yrel likes dumb, bubbly girls.”

“She does?” The girl was intrigued and kept her eyes crossed.

“Smile and say that in a higher tone.”

“She does?” She raised her voice to an uncomfortable pitch that made her sound far more airy.

“Do it again but hold that tone and smile wider.” She did as he asked, her lips curling up into a vapid little smile that was a very good fit for her plush lips.
“Now focus on your racial.” As she did that she relaxed, but her face remained in the same position.

“What did that do?” She realized what it did as she spoke in the airy tone rather naturally. He saw her try to move her eyes but she was greeted with the same uncomfortable sensation, as though she were trying to keep them crossed like before. Her cheeks were glowing at that point.
“W-wuh? No! This is so embarrassing...”

“Relax. Once you're off cooldown in a day or so you can return it.”

“You are sure?” She looked at him uncertainly.

“I know more about draenei than anyone. I'm sure.” He offered a thumbs up.
“How do your udders feel, by the way?” Chaz asked, releasing her horn to slide a very small injector into his palm. Once it was secure he slapped the side of one of her bouncing tits rather aggressively, followed by the other in close succession. They collided and jiggled within her bra, which barely contained them. The girl gasped and crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back from the sudden slap. The shock masked the feeling of the injection which happened to fast to notice.

“Y-you mean breasts.” She offered defensively.
“They feel...” Bessy shifted uncomfortably. The moment Chaz slapped her with the injector her breasts began to change rapidly. The otherwise useless, yet attractive mounds outside of pregnancy expanded with milk and began to feel very uncomfortable to the girl. Even though she was becoming uncomfortable her frozen faze could only illicit neutral awe at the feeling, since she was stuck just above a state of vapid, happy unawareness.

“Draenei call them udders. You'll have to get used to saying it if you want Yrel to like you.”

“Okay. My u-udders feel rather full.”

“Did you not know anything about draenei before this, Bessy? You're a pretty dumb cow, huh? Most draenei cows gotta give milk pretty often. A few times a day, at least to keep comfortable.”

Her brow furrowed. “Stop calling me a cow!”

Chaz clicked his tongue. “You got no idea? Listen. Feminine draenei girls are referred to as cows while masculine draenei are mounts. That's Yrel, by the way.”

“She's a girl...”

“Yeah, but males are bulls and they only exist for breeding. Otherwise they're pretty useless. From now on, you're basically only ever gonna be referred to as a 'cow' in draenei culture. Yrel will look at you funny if you don't introduce yourself properly. Give us your best try, Bessy.”

She looked up and smiled through the discomfort. “M-my name's Bessy, I'm a cow! N-nice to meet you.” It felt wrong but she ws not of the right mind to vocalize those feelings.

“How do your udders feel?

“My udders feel really, really sore!” She admitted breathily.

“Don't worry, doll. That's what partners are for.” Chaz pulled her bra down under her engorged breasts and gripped her growing 'teats.' The feeling of small hands around her extremely sensitive nipples, and pressure being released from her breasts in hot streams was something she could never prepare herself for as a former human male. She nearly came just from the hotness and wetness down bellow she received as a byproduct of everything that happened in combination with the goblin very intentionally stroking and arousing her nipples in a very sexual way. It drove her hands mindlessly down between her thighs where she thrust her fingers and circled her clit. Her mind blanked as she was treated to her first female orgasm while she was in the process of being milked. She shouted and cried out indistinctly. Her expression dulled into even more of stuporous one as her soft lips parted and moaned.
“Let out your moo's, Bessy.” She gasped as he said that.

“H-huh?” She grunted breathlessly, panting and sweating from the scenario.

“When cows feel good they let it all out as a moo. It's perfectly normal.” She was skeptical, but also very horny. The milking was still going and her fingers were still pushing very pleasantly into her wet, virgin pussy. She pursed her lips and tried it. Hesitantly at first.

“M-Mmm...” She bit her lip and stopped before it came out properly. Her cheeks were still glowing brighter than before, if that was even possible.

“Don't be shy. Let it out, Bessy.” He made a point to subtly stroke and polish her sensitive nipples with his skilled hands as white gold flowed out to lubricate everything around them.

“Mmooooo!” She let out naturally just as the stream of milk receded to a trickle and her second orgasm exhausted her poor, small brain.



Hmm. I wonder if Bessy lean to prance to a stall to be milked? Not sure with those udders walking on two legs will be comfortable. Maybe her racial abilities if instructed rightly could help.