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Merit seemed to know what she was doing and she was not wrong. Killing the creature would also mean saving the Seraph indirectly. It would also serve as a way to keep the woman bound in case she was a threat.
“Alright, Merit.” You relented. You were unsure if it was the right choice but ultimately it came down to how good her performance was versus the gremlings. She decimated the little creatures and showed herself to be very capable. It all centered around that, because you were not yet a capable mage and Esther was more of a support. You were unsure if Aiden would be any use in a fight but you all had Adelin, as well, who was a specialist like Merit. The more you thought about it the more the math seemed to add up in your head. Esther was not convinced.

“We shouldn't take any chances. Fighting one of these things on their turf is dangerous.” The goblin argued.

Merit was already stepping forward, guiding Adelin to project her swords forward in front of the advancing beastwoman.
“Then you had better give it your all to support me.” Merit winked and lunged forward behind spinning blades. The plan, it seemed, was to simply reach the dryder. To do that Adelin was clearing a path like she had been with the brush. Sticky strands were falling but Merit was able to avoid each one. As the girl advanced the Seraph reached out to her and pointed down at a sword laying on the ground. The advancing jackal girl obviously ignored the pleas and focused on the dryder that had been alerted as soon as one of her webs was cut.

You sighed and looked to Esther. “I didn't expect her to just go... You heard her, we'd better support her.”

“Right.” Esther rolled her eyes and was reluctant to at first but tossed a few rings out once there was a point of no return. They landed beneath the surprised dryder's appendages, causing her to step into them. You watched and waited for two legs to fall through onto the other side in front of you. It was a solid, fool proof strategy that you liked to see repeated. Binding the enemy while the stronger members go in and mop up. There was just one thing that you had not considered.

* *

Marrien knelt down beside a line of ants that you were inspecting closely. They were carrying various leaves and other debris on their own. You imagined workers from the village carrying the same scale of logs on their shoulders without equipment and thought it a bit ridiculous. Your mother voiced your feelings.
“Your father told me that insects are actually far stronger than us.” You gasped and quickly stood up from the line of ants.
“Not like that. Well... Not these one's anyways. He told me of big insects that really were many times strong than humans. Like these but scaled way up.”

“Is it magic?”

“No. Their bodies are just different, I think. Humans would need magic to scale up our strength like that but for them their bones are on the outside and the inside is all muscle.” She smiled brightly and ruffled your hair after seeing your worried expression.
“All the ones near us are small, like this, however.” She stood up and dusted herself off.
“Finish up whatever you are doing and come home. Dinner is almost ready.”

* *

The powerful legs easily just put you on your back as you tried to grab them. It knocked the wind out of you and freed the dryder. You turned your head to see Merit fly back against a tree through many, many uncut strands of web. It effectively glued her.

“Damn!” Aiden rushed forward through the gaps and sent an arc of flame from his hands through the web towards Merit to free her. Some strands burned but mostly they just fell and became tangled. All the while the Seraph was just pointing down with exasperation. The dryder wagged her finger at the group in general and began gliding through the webs towards Merit, who was only half-freed by the flames. She was using her free arm to try to pull herself off of the tree.

“I told you so!” Esther ran into the clearing to be of closer assistance and join the majority of the group so you weren't separated. You knew you needed to do something as well. You got up and immediately tripped as you felt something around your ankles. You kicked before you knew what it was, but could not shake the feeling that something was grabbing you. You turned and nearly had a heart attack as you saw mere feet from you another giant insect body. The only part that was missing with the Dryder. You were not sure if you were thankful. Other than the hairless spider body that nearly dwarfed you with it's disproportionately large abdomen and two other, smaller sections, it was different. At the front, where a terrifying mouth should usually be present was instead a void of muscular meat, connecting tissue and tendrils. It looked like it had been opened up or maimed but it was moving just fine. Fine enough to try to pull your feet back out from under you and knock the wind out of you in the process.

You gasped for breath, watching the others ahead of you trying their best to fight the dryder. You were unnoticed as the spider pulled you into it's mouth. You knew you were going to get eaten. You could not move, you did not have the strength to beat it and no one had noticed what was happening within a few seconds of the fall. Because all it seemed to take was a few seconds for half your body to be pulled into the insect's huge mouth, at that rate you understood that you would be swallowed past your head in less than a second. Instead it stopped at your hips and tightened, much to your temporary relief.

“What?” Given the opportunity you struggled and tried to punch the creature in it's exoskeleton. That was a mistake. You felt the bones in your fist give and glow with pain before becoming numb from shock. You could not even scream.
“O-Ow...” You could not harm it from the outside so you figured if it refused to swallow you all the way you would do your best to hamper it from the inside. You tried to kick but your legs could barely move and the moment you started your attempt you felt vague movement around your rear. The sharp pain of feeling something slender and warm pushing inside of you from behind distracted you from the loss of feeling that was starting in your feet and slowly moving up your legs. Your body became hot as you finally realized that you could no longer feel anything below your hips. In confusion you ignored the intrusive feeling of whatever the appendage was that was pushing into your rear. You reached down and finally just tried to find the lips of it's mouth to pry them off of you but instead all your fingers were met with was a seamless transition from your skin and the chitinous body of the spider. You almost choked as you saw it and failed to feel any seam. You realized as you felt around that the pain in your hand was gone completely and that it was not just shock.

Without even thinking you stood up on all eight of your long, slender legs and tore off your robes. You stared down at your skin that was rapidly losing color. Your heart was racing and you were breathing heavily at what was happening. Then suddenly all of it stopped at once as you felt a prick all up your spine. You turned and looked to see chitinous plates forming up your back all the way to the back of your skull You felt a prickly sensation in your bones, then slowly lost the feeling of your spine all together. Finally you felt a sharp prick into the back of your skull fallowed by an ecstatic sensation. An orgasm that traveled up each of your eight legs, through ever part of 'your' body to your brain. You were suddenly connected to everything. Everything except your organs that had stopped.

The heat in your human upper half finally reached a breaking point as you bent over and vomited. You knew of the impression that one literally felt like they were coughing up a lung or vomiting out their insides, but you actually saw it and barely felt anything at all as your human organs, things you had only ever seen in anatomy books back home, were laying in a pool of sizzling, venomous green goo half melted. Your throat naturally felt closed as you threw it up, then just as quickly as it happened you felt a new throat open. You were very aware of 'your' body at that point. You knew that the same thing that had forced its way in through your rear had completed it's journey after melting your old insides and had become your new esophagus. You felt an acid feeling and burped. A little liquid came up, green and sizzling. It did not burn you, however and you flicked it off onto the ground. Feeling your hands and your arms, your skin was harder and you no longer felt the bones, let alone the pain in your wrist from punching the exoskeleton before.

The more seconds that passed by, the more you felt as though you thought of the body as your own. All of it. Then the more you began to love it. You felt strong and impossibly erotic. Another orgasmic sensation rushed throughout your whole body as the organs in your lower half fully connected to your brain. It allowed you to feel hunger, need, instinct. You wanted to eat and breed. There was little else in the world other than that though, oddly, you still knew who you were. You felt like you had not lost intelligence or a sense of self. You ran your hands down your hard sides. Your upper body in parts had become chitin plates as well, but your belly was still soft. You ran your hands up from your navel and gasped as your hard digits found two heavy breasts as soft as a human's. Your waist had become slender as well and your face round and feminine. It made sense to you. You were of course a woman. Your prime drive was to become a mother. With that feeling entering you, you fully transitioned.

You had become a Dryder. As beautiful and elegant and dangerous as the one in the clearing the others were struggling to fight. It was odd looking at it. You felt the same but different. The Dryder in the clearing you felt to be your mother, but you remembered your former mother, as well. It was as though the two halves of your psyche had merged. Ultimately, the crueler half was dominant as the thing you immediately associated your accord with was food and egg-sacs. Still, another part of you still viewed them with some familiarity. The logical side of you and the fact that you could still feel these things told you that being a monster was not an end, it was a new beginning. You were stronger and less bound by human emotions. You were simply better than you were minutes ago and others could be, too.

You glided casually into the clearing as everyone was fighting desperately for their lives. The Dryder, your 'mother' was definitely winning, but was playing with her food. She smiled brightly when she saw you and motioned towards the Seraph.
“My, my... You cleaned up nicely, my dear. Your first meal is waiting for you. I need you to eat quickly and come help me, however. These meals aren't going to wrap themselves.” The woman advised. She did not speak your old tongue. It was a sharp language, like barbs sticking into your throat, that you realized only after you heard it that you could both speak and understand. You did not speak at first, however. You were hungry. The creature that you were so impressed and intrigued by no longer stood out to you. You did not know her so you barely cared about the divine creature as anything other than food.

Everyone stopped to watch in shock. They were shocked at what you had become, of course. They were naturally worried that they were outnumbered and noticed too late that webs were reforming around the clearing. They became sickened as you kissed the Seraph gently. That was all it took to cause the tall, strong women to convulse. Her eyes rolled back as she coughed up green fluid. It was all instinct for you. You knew what it was doing to her and how you were doing it so you knew after a few seconds to deepen the kiss and begin sucking. Material, fluid, the woman's Core and being flowed into you. As you broke the kiss all that was left was a limp, unbroken skin with wings and all, like a suit that had been discarded.  You wiped your lips and turned to the other Dryder.
“Mother, these things are mine.” You stated. Your voice, even when speaking with the painfully sharp arachnid language, was softer and more feminine than it had been; but it dripped with venom for the woman in front of you.

Your mother tilted her head and offered an amused smirk. “Cute. Very cute, but I need to eat as well, child. Our eggs also need homes so you are going to have to get over these mild 'growing pains' and come to terms with the fact that you are different now.”

You frowned. “Is that your answer?”

She rose up on her back legs to loom over you intimidatingly, but you felt no threat from her as she asked. “Is that an issue, child?” It was not for lack of trying. The woman was trying to cow you. She wanted you to step in line behind her. You bit your lip lightly with one of your dripping fangs as you glanced over at the stunned group, then turned back to look up at your mother.
“No, I don't think it'll be a problem, Mother.” You finally answered respectfully.

She leaned back and breathed a sigh of relief. “Goo-” She looked up and saw your fingers interwoven into her hair, then looked down to see her body, separated and limp. Her eyes centered on you as the last thing she saw before they clouded over.

You shook your head and clicked your tongue, as though what happened was just a mild annoyance. You turned your gaze down to your accord. They still all registered as food and breeding stock to you, but you also felt as though you could control your urges when it came to those who were familiar to you.
“Don't worry. I'm sane.” You offered a smile that they all saw as being extremely intimidating, considering what you were holding. You quickly tossed it aside and blushed.



What a happy surprise! Really enjoyed the sequence where the spider body was slowly invading the spine and skull🥰


I for one am completely here for more "relatively sane" drider hero shenanigans.