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“Can you stop?” You stared up at Malik who stared back at you innocently. He had been speaking to Chester and Farrah and based on the way the two looked at him, he was almost getting somewhere with the two mages before you interrupted. The orc was almost ready to complain and push his own case further but he saw Kara at your side and relented.

“We were just talking.” He said simply. You looked to the two mages who shook their head at you to suggest that he was trying a little more than that; Chester was behind Farrah, who was facing the orc with a stern expression. You returned your gaze to Malik. He got the hint, raised his hands and brushed past you to get to his corner of the camp. You had all been on the road for a little under a week and with you being aligned with Kara, and Kara being on your side you were both able to keep all of the problems under control in your ranks. Malik turned back just before getting out of earshot.
“You know, I thought we had something. Was it a lie when you said you'd learn under me and not her?”

You smiled at Kara briefly. “I learned from you. That's how I'm able to keep you contained.”

Malik's eyes widened with surprise for a moment. He relaxed, chuckled and tapped the side of his head knowingly as he looked at you. It felt good. He was acknowledging that you had gotten something over on him. The orc added slyly.
“So long as you keep your end to the extent that I'm with you and I'm not going anywhere and I wont complain. These Demonkine folk are as kind to orcs as anyone else.”

“I wont let anything happen to you so long as you keep it to where you don't have anything coming to you.”

“Of course.” Malik winked.

Farrah and Chester looked at you admiringly. “Thanks.” Chester stepped forward, past Farrah first.

“Don't thank them yet.” Farrah buried her admiration enough to glare at you suspiciously.
“What happened to Kasin? The old man.”

“Oh, he's dead.” Kara responded the way one might if they were asked what time it was. The two mages stood perfectly still and exchanged nervous glances. The fox shrugged exaggeratedly and rolled her eyes.
“Please, when someone as old and as weak in will as that keeps coming back for more they're just asking for it! Don't feel bad for him. Guy literally died having sex.” There was a small pause for a effect before she smiled coyly at the two.
“He even thought he was on top right to the last moment.”

Chester gulped. “Well...”

“He may have gone doing what he loved?” Farrah finished her partner's thought.

Kara leaned forward while passing a menacing look between the two mages. “Will there be a problem?”

“N-no no. We were just curious.” Chester looked like someone who had just been asked to hand over his lunch money. He lowered his gaze and held his hands up in front of him like two weak, pale shields against whatever threat Kara was leveling against him. Farrah on the other hand presented more of a meek sight. The bronze-skinned girl was measured in her nervousness and did not show nearly as much weakness, though you and Kara both could tell she was feeling like minded to her male partner.

As if to alleve both you and her of tension she added. “We were not big proponents of him. He harassed mages and was overly favorable towards women and weak men.” After she said that Kara stared pointedly at the woman and the man to suggest without words what that said about either of them.
“That is not to say we did not earn our place and our survival. We are skilled mages.”

“Are you two a couple?” Kara questioned rather transparently They each answered differently, milliseconds apart. Farrah first.

“Sort of.”

“Yes.” Chester looked over in faint surprise.

“I sense trouble.” Kara was bouncing with intrigue. You were merely along for the ride. She leaned over and whispered in your ear.
“You should be trying to 'connect' yourself to all these people in preparation for what's next.” Her advice did not intentionally come off as being filled with malice, but it certainly was. You knew what she was suggesting. She wanted you to connect with each of the party so that you could draw upon their essence if you needed it. As you understood, the full picture of what a fox Beastfolk was, was in essence a social parasite when they needed to be. They, and most importantly you now, could draw upon the emotions and strengths of others to power their own magic and rituals.

“We have not yet consummated any sort of relationship.” Farrah admitted. You could tell that the accusatory tone she took did not sit well with Chester, who was immediately taken aback.

“You- you always refuse, though! You say no. Is it really MY fault?” He asked indignantly.

“Lets find out.” Kara looked at you in giddy expectation like the instigator of a schoolyard brawl.

You and Farrah both locked eyes completely accidentally in that moment. You were able to take in her beautiful, dark features. Her jet black hair and curves that were obvious even beneath her robes. You found yourself growing hard after being egged on by Kara so you stepped forward, intent on stopping if you met any real resistance. As you got closer and reached out your hand stopped.

“No.” She said. Her voice broadcast assertiveness, but she telegraphed a lack of willingness to back up her definite answer. She was, as you saw it, essentially waiting for someone to decline her feelings and ignore her words. So you continued to close the distance between the two of you.

“H-hey, she said no.” Chester stated weakly as you reached out around Farrah's waist and dug your fingers into the small of her back to pull her into you.

“And?” You looked at him and so did she somewhat ashamedly as you leaned down and kissed her. Your ears twitched at her gasps and the boy's light, almost inaudible whimpers as his girl fell in front of him. As you broke the kiss you pressed your forehead against hers and drew her gaze.
“Sorry about this.” You whispered, rolling your hand down her back to her plump rear. You gave it a squeeze, then lifted your hand up to give it a crude smack that made the girl's voice escape in a small moan.
“But you're really not going to be free anymore if you keep giving me what I want.” You advised openly, loud enough that Chester and Kara could both hear it. The fox girl feigned fanning herself in support of you while Chester huffed.

“F-Farrah! Why aren't you saying anything! He's literally r- violating you and you're just letting him?” He complained. His posture was slumped and pleading.

She stared at him without much empathy. There was some regret that you could feel in her, but you got the genuine impression that her hands were somehow literally tied.
“What would you have me do?” She asked impatiently, her back arching as you hiked her robes up around her hips and let your cock fall onto her exposed mons with a slap.

“Say no?” Chester uttered indignantly, averting his eyes from your member as it ground between her nether lips.

Farra stared up at you and said very, very assuredly. “No. Do not go any further.” You could tell, again, she was genuine in tone, but weak in will. With a sigh you shook your head, ground your cock down between her lips until you were poised to enter then easily slid inside her wet, virgin folds. She gasped, her voice growing higher.
“S-see? What would you have me do, Chester?” She was lowered onto her back as you began gently fucking her.

Chester held his head in his hands. The mage felt like he was going mad watching his love get systematically and casually dominated and fucked in front of him. You were in his position before so you stared up sympathetically.
“Some people are just like...” You grunted, feeling her tighten. It may have been you conversing with her love as you fucked her that made her tighten up like that. You had to pause and take a breath.
“Like locks and handles.” Chester stared at you in disbelief.
“You were waiting for a key but all you had to do was try the handle all along.” You breathed heavily. The girl's insides really were amazing. Farrah was covering her face out of embarrassment as you fucked her, avoiding Chester's perturbed gaze. You were in his position, but now that you were not you felt a meaner side of you rise up to the surface to add.
“But now that you know that, the next time you try the handle it's going to be locked. The thing you hear behind the door is going to be this.” You made a particularly harsh thrust into her cunt that caused the girl to moan loudly. Her entire body moved with it and she panted like it was a real, pleasant shock.

“That's not fair...” He was shaking. You felt something strange. As his humiliation and degradation reached a break point his masculinity was dripping from his core. Leaking. Parts of it, at least. It was just going to waste. You looked down and saw that he was hard, as well.

“There's still a way in.” Kara offered with false sympathy. She slid up beside him and rubbed the mage's shoulders.
“A way to be shoulder to shoulder, with the one you love...”

“How?” He was hesitant, but interested. She did not answer but instead just guided the pliable boy down to you. You slid your cock from Farrah. It was glistening with her juices, something he had very little experience with. She was shaking and panting, and uncovered her eyes to see Chester shakily leaning towards your cock while his mouth parted and his tongue fell out loosely over his bottom lip.

“Listen...” You sighed at his hesitation, weaving your finger's into the boy's ginger hair, much to his shock.
“I promise at the very least if you bless my balls and give up any hope of manliness there might be a bit of you in Farrah's child.” You were not sure on that, but the logic held, in your opinion. It would be his masculinity churning around in your sack; the amount that you did not absorb, anyway. To your surprise he was intensely interested.

“Y-you mean it?” Before you could even answer his lips touched your cock and trailed down to your balls, 'blessing' them with small kisses and licks. Every last drop of man that he was rapidly filled them and made your cock throb with need for a hole. You could tell he was getting hot from having parts of his Core absorbed and replaced, so you took the leap to finish him quickly by sliding back, angling into his mouth and  pushing in. Chester shook. He had no way of knowing that it was over for him if he sucked submissively, so it was with a bit of guilt when he did that the last bit passed into you, solidifying her status as a girl. You pulled from her gasping lips and pushed her back into Kara's waiting grasp so that you could return to Farrah, waiting patiently.

She was curious but lost all sense as your engorged, throbbing, ready member hollowed her out with one deep push. She moaned deeply, her eyes rolling back and her lips curling and red from being chewed. You pulled back and gave her one more, then a final one that kissed the opening to her womb and almost pushed inside. Her back and ass lifted off the ground as you came. Seed and traces of masculinity from Chester filled her up. You had no idea what the result would be, but the result of draining one more man was clear. You felt a swishing behind you and your elongated nails dug into her in a way that looked somewhat painful.

You panicked for a moment but quickly confirmed you were still a man. You had just completed your transition into a beastfolk, much to Kara's excitement.

* *

Travel was uninterrupted until the tip of the horn was in view. A dark mountain that almost seemed to curve from where you all stood. In your path stood a single armored beastwoman. A fox with short blonde hair that had white tips on her long ears. Her apparel was that of a warrior, not of ceremony. She looked prepared for battle and stared at you seriously.

“This might be bad.” Kara whispered.

Just as she said that the woman shouted. “Speak only truth. What is the outcome you seek?”

“What's the right answer?” You whispered back to Kara.

“We can't know the future, we can only see outcomes. She's asking what type of future you want and by extension what type of person you are.”

“Do you know her? Can't you negotiate?”

“I know her. That's how I know we can't negotiate. You just have to answer. Don't worry, if you respond poorly we might all be able to take her...” Kara looked up and away from you as she said that.

“Okay. No pressure.”



I did find a type shoulder to should should be shoulder to shoulder


Is Chester now a girl? If so I guess her nickname could be Chesty or Chestie.