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“We haven't seen Kasin since we arrived here.” Chester mentioned as he stroked himself off beneath his robes. The mage had been one of the few survivors from the expedition, alongside his partner Farrah. He was a Kingdom local, clearly, with his ginger complexion and red hair while Farrah was an import from the dark southern continent. Regardless, they were both fairly close and continued to be as they followed Kasin, their direct superior. The conflict-averse students were not ones to put themselves in harms way and viewed the expedition as a way of easily raising their standing with their superiors. That was before everything broke down, of course.

“He's pining after the fox girl.” Farrah mentioned in a dull tone. Her impressive breasts bounced free as she pulled her robes up over her head and discarded them. Most mages were not completely naked beneath their robes, but she was and found them uncomfortable even then. There was an unusual resilience to cold that ran through her people's bloodlines so even in chilly environments she would prefer things to be at least a little breezy.

“Should we be concerned? He hasn't been the same since he started messing with her.” Chester's breathing became more labored as the girl revealed her bronze, naked body to him so casually. She closed her fists and turned them to face the mage as she straightened out her arms in front of her and pressed her breasts together between her biceps. He bit the inside of his lip and continued stroking in an attempt to get off. She was unbelievably attractive and he had no idea why she humored him to such an extent.

“Concerned for Kasin? Will you mourn him if he's gone?” As she asked that Farrah stopped pressing her tits together and raised her hands behind her head. She bounced idly and turned so that he could see them rise and fall from different angles.
“Is this doing anything for you?” Her tone made it sound like she was detached. Disinterested. That could not be further from the truth. She did care about Chester, but there was nothing she could do with or about him unless a few basic conditions were met and he refused to meet them, no matter how much she tried to entice the man.

“It would do more if I could touch you.” Chester mentioned offhandedly.

“No.” She retorted calmly.

“Why not?” He whined.

“Because you are my partner, not my 'Partner.'” She offered cryptically. As Chester had been able to gather, Farrah was from the southern continent, a land where the sun was said to never set, but where deserts covered in frost and snow. For Chester's studies, all he was able to gather was that the continent's culture was rife with various forms of confusing personal-power-politics.

“How am I supposed to be what you need me to be if you wont tell me?”

“You can't be what you need to be by asking me nicely.”

Chester threw his head back. “This again... You always say that.”

“I do...” She raised a brow at him, unsure of how he did not yet get it.

“Okay, well, can you turn around and do the thing with your butt?” Chester asked, running out of breath. Farrah nodded, turned and circled her hands around her plump rear. She pressed her cheeks together, then lifted them, then bent over and spread them.

“F-fudge... I just wanna-” He wanted to plant his face between her cheeks, but that was of course out of the question.

“Wanna what?” Farrah implored. As she asked that Chest gave the telltale signal that he was cumming. A strong sigh, followed by a winding down of his overall energy. The girl rolled her eyes and bent back.
“You really are something, Chester.”

“You too.” He complimented, reaching into his robes with a towel to clean himself off.

She stared at him hard for a few seconds as he sat back, completely oblivious. She finally just shrugged.
“No problem.”

As Chester slowly started to regain his composure he asked. “Have you noticed the Hero is a bit out of it? We're supposed to leave pretty soon, right?”

“Are you really noticing that over the fact that the prince is now insisting 'she' be called a princess, and that she is hanging off of the Hero like a bride?”

“Yeah, they're completely absorbed in each other.” Chester added cluelessly.
“Oh, and that doesn't even address the orc. Are we supposed to just accept that the dangerous brute is traveling with us? I had some confidence that the Hero would at least keep us safe. Now I'm not sure.” As soon as he said that Farrah raised a finger to point behind him. He tilted his head back and coughed as he saw the large orc male standing directly behind him.

* *

Malik read them both like a book, though the odd thing was, despite his ability he barely knew how to read. Much of his teaching was through oral tradition. He read the status of others, however and he did it intuitively. The orc knew for a fact that there was a way inside of each persons head. His ability allowed him to see the paths he needed to take to trap a persons heart and mind. He knew their strengths and weaknesses and every ability they had access to. It was for that reason that he knew he could walk past Chester into Farrah's space, much to the boy's surprise.

The female mage clenched her fists and stared up hard at the orc male. It was the stern gaze that chester saw her give him whenever he pushed her to try something. He would always give in, was the difference. They were both conflict averse, but he was very hesitant to get into a fight, let alone with the woman he liked. She and the orc stood chest to chest in an obvious standoff. Chester, thinking he may have needed to intervene, stood up and opened his mouth to speak. This just prompted both Farrah and the orc to say at once.
“Don't interfere.” He sat back down awkwardly. Farrah wavered for a moment, prompting the orc to lean down closer. That move caused her eyes to avert from his. The girl's cheeks immediately began to turn reddish as that happened. She unclenched her fists which finally prompted Malik to act. He lifted a fist and presented it in front of her lips. Chester looked on with confusion and amazement as the stoic, talented Farrah leaned forward and kissed the orc's large fist submissively.

She reluctantly muttered. “I apologizing for fighting.” Chester noted that her arms slowly folded behind her back with her palms still open. It was a posture he had never seen her in before. She gave Chester an annoyed look, as though she saw it as his fault when she averted her gaze back to the orc and asked.
“May I imprint on you?”

“Do what you've to to do.” Malik shrugged, staring down at the girl with interest. He did not expect her to drop down to her knees with her arms still bound intentionally behind her back. Her palms were still open, as well. The thing that turned him on most was that she did not even seem to like it. He knew she did not. She was forcing herself to do what she was about to do. It made the man hard to know that.

“H-hey, what are you doing?” Chester questioned with a definite tint of worry and loss to his tone. Farrah ignored him. The girl that would not even let him touch her had gotten down on her knees before the orc. It almost made the boy gag to watch her submissively lean down and gently kiss the top of the orrc's left foot, then right. She lifted her head, a little surprised to see his grown member casting a shadow over her face. It was the first sign she showed of genuine interest as she gulped.

“You can tell him.” Malik said confidently.

“What?” She was surprised to hear him say that.

“You can tell him what you're doing.” She was about to shake her head. He noticed and changed his tone.
“I want you to.”

Farrah narrowed her eyes at the man, but eventually just relented with a  sigh. She looked to Chester. “I lost the battle of wills. Since I don't already have a partner I've effectively been claimed.” She motions back over her shoulder by turning her head.
“This position is self-bondage. My people have exceptional control over our bodies and our minds, to the point that we can set 'locks.'” She tried and failed to move her arms.
“I can not break free if I tried.”

“But isn't that a lock you set on yourself!?” Chester argued desperately.

“Some are societal locks. I could not let you touch me, for example. When I lost I assumed this position automatically. These are just a few locks that exist in my culture.” She breathed deeply near his cock as though she had to.
“If I am not accepted I may have to stay like this for my entire life so what I'm doing is a ritual to imprint the 'key' to this man.”

“I-I don't get it.” Chest uttered.
“Could I have just had a contest with you and 'won' all along if I tried?”

“You could've saved her, yeah. But you were weak.” Malik knew what he was saying was the equivalent of a knife twisting in the boy's wound. When he casually gripped his member and pressed it against the girls beautiful bronze features, and she let him, that was like full-on maiming.

“People think all human's are the same. That couldn't be further from the truth.” He stared down at her closely as she stared up past his powerful cock with wide eyes. She was surprised he knew so much.

“Her people have it programmed into their core to be locked into certain behaviors. They need to find partners to complete themselves. They seem strong willed but they're actually submissive to their very core, literally. Subservient to their programming. They need to find a Partner to unlock their ability to feel, act, love to their fullest...” Farrah's jaw dropped as she had her peoples deepest secrets laid fully bare. The true details were not completely known to many of them, even.
“Is it done?” He asked.

“I'm yours...” She admitted quietly. Malik smiled and looked over his own status. He noted the introduction of a new trait. The ownership of a 'key.'

“Who's?” He teased, glancing back at the boy with a knowing looking.

“I'm yours!” She answered more clearly.

“Not his?”

“I was never his. I never will be.” Farrah uttered with a harsh tone that gutted Chester.

“D-damn...” Chester felt his heart pounding. He had no idea and the reason she could not tell him was likely outside of her control. He had to watch as Farrah became aroused at the man's touch. He lifted her and brought her to lean over where he was sitting. He could see that she was wet and glistening for the very first time. Chester leaned back but could not avert his gaze. He really cared about Farrah and dreaded what was going to happen, but ultimately he was still becoming aroused at seeing her start to become emotional and horny, even if it was for another. She panted and stared down at him as the orc guided his cock to her virgin asshole.

Malik could've taken her right there, but he knew Chester's weakness, as well. It was her. “This is going to hurt a lot without lubrication. She likely had her pain numbed along with her pleasure, so it's going to be new for her all around...” The orc hinted cruelly.

“W-well get lubrication then, why do you have to make it so hard!” Chest argued for her, even though she seemed to barely care about him after she submitted to Malik. He wanted her to be safe and happy, even if it was with another man. He absolutely did not want her to feel pain.

“I'll only let you solve that problem.” Malik offered.

“What do you need me to do?” He asked. Farrah was shocked that he would put himself in such a position. It endeared her to him, but she was no longer in a position to be able to show affection or deference towards the man.

“How far will you go just so that she doesn't have to feel like she's getting split open by me? “

“I-I'll do whatever I can to make her comfortable...” As Chester said that a large fist moved inches from his face, causing him to flinch.

“Imprint.” The orc ordered.

“I don't work that way, though.” He protested. The fist didn't move.

“I wont let you help her, otherwise.” Chester threw caution to the wind and leaned the last inch to kiss the orc's fist. He did not have the same core as Farrah, but it was odd how submissive it made him feel. It felt like the simple act itself and the knowledge of what it meant for someone else that he loved was enough to fill him with a similar sensation of loss of control.

“You know what to do next.” Malik grinned down at him gleefully. As Chester started to hesitantly dip his head down towards the orc's feet his hair was gripped roughly.
“No no, beg...”

Chester whimpered and a slight shiver ran down his spine. It was one thing to be forced to go along with the man's whims. It was another to ask nicely to be let along for the ride. He leaned back and sat up on his knees nicely to ask the orc.
“May I please imprint?”

“Why do you want to do that?” Malik was questioning his intent. It did make him think. The answer shamed him but did not change Chester's resolve.
“Make it sound nice or I wont let you.”

“What I want more than anything is to be allowed to make preparations for Farrah so that she can feel better when she is getting fucked by y-you.” He inhaled deeply after saying that and could not fight another shudder from running down his spine. The orc offered him a slight nod. It was all the prompting he needed to lean down and kiss both of the orcs feet in an act of pure submission. There were no true locks on his mind except for the ones that existed for all humans. As he gave in more and more he felt his resolve solidifying.

“You should start with her ass.”

“Her-” Chester cut himself off and turned. He had certainly fantasized about it before as she turned and modeled for him. With her perfect pucker on display between her plump, round cheeks he went in. It did not even occur to him that that the orc was directly behind both of them, his cock casting a foreboding, thick shadow over her backside. It was partially for selfish reasons, and it was those reasons that made him hard as he circled her asshole with his wet tongue and glided it up and down between her cheeks. For the other reason, he did genuinely want to reduce her hardship. For that reason, after he was done with the outside he poked his tongue into her asshole. He assumed it should have been at least somewhat pleasurable but she barely reacted. It was likely she still could not feel much from his touch, as opposed to the man with the key.

“Did you love this man?” Malik asked casually. Chester's ear's perked. He was aware as he worked that they were talking about him.

“I did...”

“How's it make you feel that the one you loved is eagerly preparing your body so that it can more comfortably be fucked by me?”

“I think less of him.” She answered coldly. Chester's tongue was still rolling around her twitching hole and poking inside. He was surprised by the answer but could not fully blame her. Still, it gutted him to hear his efforts were not endearing.

“This pathetic guy will still do whatever you say. Even more so now. If it'll make it even a little better for you, why don't you ask him to polish my cock in preparation for the main event? It's enough. It'll still hurt like hell but if that's as far as you wanna go...”  Chester's head was turned not so subtly to view Malik's ass-ending cock. It was too big for Farrah's virgin pucker and he knew the minor lubrication he offered to it by licking in and around it was not enough. But he was curious what Ferrah would say.

“Chester?” She asked.


“Polish my Partner's cock so that he can fuck me more smoothly.” As she said that the mage's heart sank but paradoxically his mouth and lips whetted automatically.

“Okay.” He turned dejectedly to see the orc cock bouncing over his head intimidatingly. He leaned up and gently offered it a soft, wet kiss. The orc's skin was coarse and his cock was covered in savory sweat already.  He thought the taste would be bad and would cause him to dry out, but it only made his mouth water further to the point that he was slobbering over the member. As labored licking fully transformed into affectionate kissing and slobbering over the large nob, Chester was very aware of the shift. He was aware that the feeling in his lower body that he only got from seeing Farah was quickly starting to fill him while he was fawning over the orc member.

“Good girl, you got the whole thing.” Malik complimented. Chester was panting. Her heart was beating. She was incredibly horny for the orc. She did not know when it happened but it did not even feel strange to be called a girl.

“My balls need a bit of polishing, too, but that's for me. Can you do that while I hollow out this slut's asshole?” Chester realized the shift. She was ready to do it for Farrah before, but as the orc asked her heart melted for him. She wanted him to feel good. She wanted his balls to feel good as he fucked the one she loved.

“Yeah.” She smiled, crawling under his legs. She was treated to the porn angle as she watched Malik push his entire length into Farrah's twitching rear. Chester gulped jealously, her own little thing twitching as she heard Farrah's labored moaning and mewling. It was a mindbending feeling to have so much lust and arousal for the disgusting orc male as he pounded Farrah relentlessly, but it was a forgone conclusion. Chester leaned up and eagerly polished the orcs balls. They grew and churned with her former masculinity inside, melting and breaking down. For boys it was far too drastic. Inside of Malik's balls was all of Chester's former attractions, all of his desires. Those voids needed to be filled and for the weak, the craving for what they lose was far too tempting. For that reason Chester only had eyes for Malik. The most masculine thing she had ever encountered.

As Malik pounded the dark-skinned beauty that had prostrated for him he began to lay out what he needed.
“We're going on the road... I can't take my whole entourage so I need helpers.” They both acknowledge and accepted their duty from their respective positions. Chester between Malik's legs and on his balls like the exemplary helper she was and Farrah bent over getting railed like a good cocksleeve.
“Report for the last day we're here to the salon for 'de-programming' and training.”



Is the ability to read a person soul or whatever in a way that will map out a path to a persons willing enslavement unique to Malik or just Orc Hero’s in general, if it’s a trait of orc heros I would be shocked that Malik revealed himself as a hero at all, I would imagine that pretty much every kingdom would have open bounties on the head of any orc who is a hero, if it’s innate to the job hero, 1 well placed orc could have a kingdoms leadership actively sabotage themselves, in an attempt to gleefully offer themselves and their entire kingdom to their orc masters. Make sure the kingdom armies supplies are stuck in dead lock, have gaps in their defenses, rulers wanting to end discrimination allowing some orcs to give religious sermons inside their cities


All leading to the point where the kingdom eagerly opens their gates, throw down their weapons and ecstatically submit to their new lives

Tanya Wormald

Heroic traits are not unique to certain races. His ability as described in earlier chapters is to read a persons status. The rest is down to his intuition. But you're right. Indeed, it seems as though Malik has literally been exiled for who knows how long in the circus.