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NTR Quest 9 - Academy - Harm

  • Group Familiar. 14
  • Push to Familiarize her Yourself. 10
  • 2022-11-15
  • 24 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest 9 - Academy - Harm', 'choices': [{'text': 'Group Familiar.', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Push to Familiarize her Yourself.', 'votes': 10}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 15, 23, 2, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 24}


You set aside you conscience, much to the Prince's dismay. “Alright. Gremlings. What is the plan? Do we even need to do anything or can we just watch and clean up after one side loses?” You had heard of the creatures called gremlings, but you had never actually seen one or fought one. As you stood far away they were just small little colored creatures that you could not easily make out.

Merit stared straight ahead, her short tail wagging. “Afraid not. Gremlings can be dangerous in some circumstances but to most they are simply fodder. Based on what I am seeing up ahead they will likely lose to the group of mages they are facing.” She leaned forward to stare closer.
“Three mages. One front-line mage and two generalists. A handful of gremlings that can be seen.” She listed off. The girl began slowly plodding a path for the rest of you.
“We make our way quickly but carefully. They will all be too distracted by combat to hear soft footfalls so we should be able to get close without issue.”

“The only thing that'd present a problem is if we fell into some sort of trap.” Esther added.

Neither were worried about the gremlings, or the group of mages so you felt comforted. The Prince's only worry seemed to be that you were going to antagonize another group of students in a very bad way. That was also not particularly concerning to you.

As you all got closer you began to see the gremlings themselves. They were creatures that looked similar in stature to goblins, but that Esther vehemently argued were nothing like goblins. Goblins were mostly shaded in various forms of green. Gremlings on the other hand came in multiple colors, even just from the ones you could see in front of you. There were a handful fighting the group of mages and they ranged from red to blue and purple. You were not sure what the colors meant, or if they even meant anything at all. They had large heads, big eyes, big mouths and sharp rows of teeth. The creatures, according to Esther, were not 'gendered' in the traditional sense, though they all had 'male' morphology. You could see their scrawny, gross little bodies were naked aside from a loincloth or pieces of bone jewelry.

They were facing a group of female mages. They were from different Homes, each of them, and they all wore school uniforms but also carried weapons and tacked on pieces of armor that made you question why you did not have anything like that. Merit and Esther certainly did not, nor did they suggest it. The front-line mage, as Merit called her, was a Tintamere. Her weapon of choice was the sword and shield, but she wielded two of each and held none of them. She stood still while her shields and swords floated around her. The shields were working well to block the path of the gremlings while the swords were proving a great threat to the little creatures. The other two women simply held wands.

As you all got within range you were prompted by Merit to duck down and make yourselves small so as not to be noticed. It was not difficult, as both parties were in the midst of a fight.

“What do we do?” You whispered.

Merit looked over the fight that was going on. “We just need to... Interrupt them somehow. Give those gremlings the upper hand.”

“Why don't we simply attack?”

Esther clicked her tongue. Because she was already so small she did not need to duck down and was standing normally beside you.
“Attacking other students marks you. It's one of the rules.” You knew from previous discussions that the marks are not the end of the world, but they are close to it. Being marked means that you open yourself up to 'punishment' from other students. They need to figure out how to enact that punishment, but the point was, if you were marked you were vulnerable to others in otherwise safe zones. If the marks did not exist then the whole school would turn into one big melee.

“So we need to subtly hinder them. How?” As you were thinking of a way to get the job done Esther retrieved a collection of expanding rings front her bag. She eyed them, increasing the size to a certain point. You stared on curiously, wondering what exactly she was planning to do.

“They wont know what hit 'em.” She whispered gleefully, tossing out several of the rings in all directions.

“We're not supposed to attack!” You shouted without raising your voice in a tone that was not unlike one you would use to argue with your sister without waking your mother upstairs.

“I'm not TOUCHING them.” Esther insisted. As she said that the rings spun and floated down, landing in front of the girls and the gremlings harmlessly. The group of mages noticed them and exchanged a confused look, because the items you figured to be Esther's portable portals did not do anything immediately obvious and she even threw some in front of the creatures you were attempting to help.

“What did that-”

“Just watch.” She snapped at you. You shut up and continued to look on nervously. The worry was that you revealed your location with that. Your intuition was partially correct. The mages did not see you, but they began looking around for whoever threw the devices. To do so, however, they needed to take their eyes off of the portals. The gremlings, meanwhile, were halted by floating shields and swords and therefore had nowhere to look but the portals.
“Come on, you dumb hairless apes...” Esther whispered. Her prayers were answered as one of them curiously crouched down and reached it's tiny arm through. Your eyes widened as it appeared on the other side of the portal close enough to grab one of the Generalist's legs. She screamed as her foot was pulled into the portal. The other creatures got the same idea and began doing the same before the group knew what was happening.

In an instant the first mage to get grabbed was pulled thigh deep into to portals. Her legs appeared flailing on the other side and even managed to kick away a few of the indignant gremlings. They had her, though and were reaching through the other two portals in front of her. She made the mistake of trying to bat their hands away from her body only to have both wrists grabbed. They were pulled through as well. Suddenly her whole body was pinned firmly to the ground. The malicious little men on the other side pulled her wand from her hand and cracked it, sending sparks up into the air.

The other Generalist in the back felt her ankle being grabbed and managed to turn before her foot was also pulled easily into one of the portals on the ground. Her positioning did not do her any favors as she was pulled back. All four of her limbs were pulled into portals surrounding her, pinning her into an uncomfortable position on her back.

“What!? What's happening!” The Tintamere questioned. She managed to avoid the portals that landed near her feet by kicking away gremling hands and arms deftly. She was far more skilled than the other two. Without her friends, however, she was outnumbered. The gremlins were not smart, but they were clever. They used ropes to tie off the girls hands and legs on the other side of the portals so that they no longer needed to pin the girls themselves. This left them open to surround the Tintamere and collect their prizes.

The girl pinned on her stomach struggled as she noticed a gremling approaching past her friend's defensive line.
“Help! I can't move!”

“I kinda got my hands full over here!” the Tintamere shouted apologetically. She was forced to utilize her weapons and shields purely in self defense.

She gulped as the gremling moved behind her and began admiring her plump rear. “I-I'm gonna get-” She cringed as the gremling lifted her skirt and abruptly tore her panties off while drawing it's unusually large, misshapen cock out from beneath it's loincloth. His small hands dug into her vulnerable ass and squished her cheeks together, then pulled them apart. It stroked itself quickly, salivating over her two holes that were on display. His free hand continued to spread her cheeks, it's thumb going further to spread her puckered hole.
“I'm gonna get hollowed out!” She shouted desperately.

“I can't do anything!” The Tintamere argued. She did not seem pleased to be helpless to defend her friend, but by the way things looked there was literally nothing she could do.

The gremling wasted no more time. It straddled the ass it had been groping and admiring and plunged it's sizable cock down into her spread hole. She screamed for obvious reasons. His cock was so large that squeezing such a thing into her would likely mean ruination in the long term and quite a bit of pain immediately. You felt bad observing what was happening. The moment he began fucking her something strange started to happen. After the first few thrusts the girl stopped crying out in pain and the goblin's cock emerged larger and was slick with clear, glistening lubrication. Even you knew that was not something that was normal. The way it slid back in after that was as though her ass was made for his dick. It slid in so perfectly.

“What did she mean?” You asked. Merit and Esther were staring on with intrigue while the Prince was understandably covering his eyes.

“Gremlings are just like every other creature in this ecosystem.” Esther explained.
“They may look humanoid but they're animals. Core Fauna. They consume essence sheered off of creatures with cores like the tree, except they take different things. Slowly the girls body changed. Her rear became more pronounced and her chest lifted off of the ground due to swelling in her breasts. Her expression changed as well. Her eyes rolled back and her lips curled up into a stupid grin as the gremling continued to fuck her ass with abandon.

“It feels so good!” The girl shouted.
“I can feel my insides being pushed around!” She said something so horrifying so gleefully that it made you shudder. Indeed, the thing's cock was too big to be comfortably sliding inside of her petite hole so easily. She had even begun to push her thick rear back to help the thrusting gremling plunge deeper.

Merit nodded. “Nasty creatures. The only thing they are built to do is to turn victims into cattle for their nests.”

Esthere seemed for too interested in getting technical. “Their insides are changed and adapted. Their reproductive system's hijacked specifically to produce and carry gremling eggs. The core is stripped down and their body is changed. All of their magic forms two new magical cores in their breasts that produce essence milk that supplements their diet. The rest of their core becomes devoted simply to converting sustenance to feeding the eggs that are created inside of them. It's notable because the gremling barely eats any of the essence directly. All of it is just reshaped and move around and...”

“Mooo...” The girls uttered mindlessly. The gremling drew his long slick cock from her ass, satisfied. That last thrust almost threatened to pull her insides out with it, but her sphincter held firm. You still cringed at the sight.  His cock was limp as he drew it out, showing you that it had released inside.

“Yep, there goes her mind and personality.” Merit said carelessly.

“This was a bit more intense than I was expecting.” You claimed guiltily.

“W-what were you expecting!” The prince argued, still covering his eyes.
“They're monsters!”

“Maybe we should step in now?” You asked.

“We can for the Tintamere, but it's too late for the other one.” Merit pointed out.

The one pinned on her back was assailed by two. A gremling approached from her head and feet. The one at her head rested his heavy sack over her eyes. She was still struggling at that point. She pursed her lips as he attempted to push his gross cock into her mouth. As it tried, it's slimy head rubbed off on her lips and coated her face with smelly matter. She shook her head assertively. Her lips opened very quickly however as the one approaching from her feet straddled her hips and abruptly began fucking her pussy.
“O-ooh, f-” She was spit-roasted by the two creatures. The one at her head fed his mishapen dick between her lips, effectively prying them open. She stood no chance of ejecting it once it's tip slide over her tongue to the back of her throat and beyond. You could see the outline of it's cock pushing fully into her throat. Just like before the discomfort did not last long. She slowly stopped resisting and started enjoying as her holes on both ends grew to accommodate the little men. You were able to see her chest expand exponentially, since she was pinned on her back. Her nipples grew and looked to poke through her blouse. She was being turned into cattle, without a doubt.

Both gremlings stopped once they were satisfied. As the one withdrew from her throat she let out a low, guttural 'mooo' to signify that she could no longer think or act like a human being. Out loud, Merit questioned Esther so that the Tintamere could hear.
“Is it true that the extra brain-matter you lose goes into your tits when they turn you?”

“Oh, most of it goes to their tits. Pretty sure their personality stays alive for a little while and gets slowly leaked out as milk.” Esther joked cruelly.

“What are you doing?” You whispered.

Esther turned to you. “We may want this one since she seems useful.”

“Cowards! You'll pay for this...” The Tintamere whined, putting all of her energy into defending against the now fully unoccupied gremlings.

You sighed and added. “Actually, I think we'll be fine. The only thing is, you'll either be joining them or joining us. So pick your poison.”

“S-sorry...” The prince shouted apologetically, since everyone was shouting. Despite all the noise the gremlings were solidly focused on her.

The girl gritted her teeth. “Fine! I choose to not be gremling cattle!”

“Good choice!” Merit compliment.
“Make it official.”

The girl's shoulder's slumped. “I swear on being marked that I'll concede to your group.”

“That's what we needed.” Esther looked to Merit and shrugged. Merit suddenly burst forth from the brush and immediately crushed one of the gremlings beneath her shoes. She effortlessly turned with her hips and kicked the head off of another. As that massacre was occurring Esther withdrew her portals, causing the girls to be ejected onto the ground with all their limbs still intact, still tied.

“Dammit... Didn't think it would be this bad.” You mentioned to the prince. As you looked at him you saw a gremling sneaking up in a way that he would have noticed if he was not covering his eyes.
“Uncover your eyes!” You groan, lifting your hand. You cast one of the simple cantrips you had learned thanks to the book Jeane gave you. A small stream of flames erupted from your hands and arced onto the creature. It screamed and ran around, no longer a threat to anything but the brush surrounding you. You glanced back to see Merit had killed many of the things, but let a few go to drag away their prizes. This just left your group and the Tintamere girl.


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