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You considered what the Prince said, but not his offer. You simply could not find it in yourself to listen to his prescription, even though his observation did speak to you. It was something thought about over the course of the day. You should be in charge. Kara was getting better, but ultimately she still acted like she was the boss even though you were the Hero. You knew that she needed you. That everyone needed you. Why should you not get what you want? More importantly, why should the only human on the planet in command of fate not be fully in charge of his own? You have leaned, you've grown, sacrificed. You considered the possibility that maybe if you had taken more control sooner you would not have had to give so much along the way.

As those thoughts came to a head you glanced around your zone within the circus. Heilan was tending to Raithe. The beastwoman had for the most part submitted to your authority but who was to say that would not change later on? You began to think that if you were better about leading and being in control you would be able to stop that from happening. Raithe was a blank slate, according to Kara, but there was still something there. You could see it, even if she refused to. As Jeane said, Raithe was learning and matching behaviors. If you could guide her along the right path early it would be for the best. Jeane was of course another issue. Her cockiness and stubbornness almost meant that she would be lost. Even her coming to terms with the fact that she was wrong about the orc did not stem her haughtiness. Even as she pranced around in sexy fishnets and high heels she still thought she was right in her intent and execution, if not in result. If you had dealt with Jeane more firmly from the start and reigned her in more it may not have been an issue. Luire probably would have been fine, in that case as well. 'He' was sitting by Jeane. Even though no physical changes had occurred in the short time since the incident, Luire had completely given up on projecting any semblance of manliness. It was simply a matter of no longer trying. The way the elf sat, spoke and carried himself were all overtly feminine and Luire had even begun regarding you similarly to the way other women in the group had done.

Then there was Kara. You and her had reached some type of understanding. It lead to your newfound skill that served to aid Luire to some extent. Still, she was moving for her own goals and her own purposes. You were sure that she was not malicious when it came to you, but you doubted she cared as much about the group and their safety as you did. She also likely did not respect your leadership and authority. You had never truly exerted it, so why should she? You knew that the points in which she allowed you to lead were moments where there was in fact no choice. She was allowing you to make the decisions she knew you would make, to bring you to a place that she wanted you to end up. It was frustrating to think about. You wondered what she would do if you had tried to go too far off the rails. Would she step in?

But, you thought, what were you going to do about it? The Prince offered his assistance, likely so that he could gain some type of edge over you. You knew he would never offer to help unless he had some type of angle. Thinking about it, the Prince was not the only one you could go to for help in this area. There was another figure that navigated the social setting of your group so effortlessly that he almost had an intelligent elven Mage willingly on her knees in front of his cock.

* *

“Why would I help a woman dominate other women? It's against my religion and against the goals of the Furore.” The orc was amused by you approaching him, but he still retorted harshly in response to the actual request.

“I'm NOT a woman.” You asserted, briefly losing the point of why you were approaching the orc to begin with. His demeanor annoyed you and he was difficult to a fault.

The orc gave you a bemused look. “Listen, anyone that's a ceremony away from losing every ounce of their manhood is a woman. That's a fact.”

“What about you?” You questioned skeptically. You did not buy into the orc's mythology. There was no way his own tricks could not be turned around on him.

“Our techniques don't work on ourselves, obviously.” He did not seem to be lying at all.
“You think we wouldn't if we could? Orcs got internal struggles, just like you and yours. You think we wouldn't turn our losers into girls if it was an option? Of course we would. We can't because we are all purely masculine.” It was not just that he was not lying, the logic did track in your mind. You've heard little of orcs, but you had also never heard of a female orc. Either they kept them hidden away and this orc was the greatest liar among his kind or... He was telling the truth.

“Okay, say I believe you-”

The orc held up his large palm. “Stopping you there. I don't care. Why should I help you, huh?”

You relented. He made a decent point. If you wanted his help you needed to convince him that it benefited him to help you. You exhaled deeply.
“Okay... Is there anywhere between you taking away my masculinity and you helping me free of charge where we can find middle ground?” You shortened your proposal and reiterated for clarity.
“Would you help me without fucking me over or am I wasting my time?”

The orc looked up in thought. A small smile curled his lips at the corners. “Maybe you aren't wasting your time. You want to... What? Learn from me you said? Maybe that's possible. I want to go with you and have a shot and spreading my word further. Demonkine also isn't receptive to orc Diplomacy. I've been stuck here in limbo for quite a while.”

“Spreading your word? I'm going to say it now-”

“Goes without saying. The people you consider to be in your party...” He considered his words for a moment before offering a shrug. A concession.
“Yeah. Off limits. That's fine.” You stared at him closely. He was being genuine.

You began to feel a bit better about the deal. “That is... Surprisingly reasonable. Okay.” You reassessed your goals and restrictions that you had in mind as you approached the orc. There were certain conditions where, if he did not agree to follow them, they would be deal breakers.
“What all can you teach me?” That was the other important condition. If he was unable to teach you much of anything then there would be no point in meeting him any way, let alone halfway. No point in hearing him, no point in bringing him along.

“Oddly enough, our magic is pretty compatible. You're a part of that Coven inside and... Almost out, but that's a good thing. The Coven folks exist opposite, but also strangely equal to my kind.”

You tilted your head in confusion. “By coven you mean...”

“Foxes. The fox girls. They are purely feminine, we are purely masculine. When the thievery occurred, the goddess of those people that were created after her image stole our ability to produce only our own kind if male. Except they warped it. Whenever they want to reproduce they produce daughters if female.” He seemed a bit annoyed to add.
“Even when it's with us. But-” He calmed himself and grinned.

“That means your magic is derived a bit from ours. You felt it, didn't you? A bit of that stolen male vitality?”

“Yes.” You admitted. A dark thought crossed your mind.
“If I learned to do what you do, could I become more masculine by stealing it from others?”

“To a point. Your body is gonna have a breaking point and since you're a fox on the inside you're gonna process it and grow differently. Just like how I can't exactly get any better, since I'm already perfect.” You rolled your eyes as the orc with the glorified dad body said those words unironically. He may have been in peak form for his kind, but it was still a strange thing to say. Compared to Djir's physique, the orc paled in comparison.

“That still interests me.” Before you could say another word the orc interjected.

“I'm your only teacher, though. If this is happening, you're learning Furore magic, Furore philosophy. Hell... I figure if I can't get the Hero the way I wanted, I may as well just try and make you an honorary orc.”

Your face twisted up in disdain. That did not interest you at all, but those things did not particularly matter. Even if you agreed to let him impart onto you those things, it was not as though you had to absorb them the way that he wanted. As for him being your only teacher... You had already suspected that there was very little that Kara could teach you, anyway. You also suspected that her teachings would only lead you further down the path of becoming an actual 'Coven' member, as the orc called it.
“I can agree to those terms.”

The orc rubbed his chin. “This turned out better than I thought it would. Didn't think you'd come back after that debacle. I guess I'm just lucky.” He laughed. He held out his hand.
“My name is Malik.”

You took the named orc's large hand. He was still at least a head taller than you and quite intimidating, but you felt more confident around him after making your deal. “You can just call me Hero like everyone else, if you want.”A thought crossed your mind now that you were being properly acquainted. “How do you know so much?”

“I've also got a heroic trait.” He admitted. It was shocking, but not as intimidating as you would have anticipated. Based on what Coda told you, in the hierarchy of Heroes you were above him. Above all of the other ones. It made you wonder.

“Mine lets me read the status of other people that don't have their own traits blocking such things.”

“So you saw-”

“I saw your trait, yeah. It's way better than mine, I'll tell you. Mine just goes well with what I do.”

You breathed a sigh of relief. Your status as existing beyond the restraints of fate were not present in your screen, so of course he would not be able to read that far, so long as he was being honest. You smiled widely at the implications.
“You can probably tell me a lot about everyone around me, then, can't you?”

Malik held up a finger in response. “One quality per.”

“What?” You stared at him questioningly.

“If you want info, I want one manly quality from you for each one. I'll take it and keep it or shoot it out or do whatever I want with it. If you think it's worth it, go ahead and ask.” The orc offered giddily. You looked at him with disdain.
“Don't give me that look. You think I'm going to give you free info?”

“I guess not...” It would have been too easy to expect the man to be perfectly cooperative. It was not even that he was denying you information. He was offering a price. Still, it felt steep for some simple fun facts about your party.

“But I'm guessing you didn't come to me for magic and some fun facts. You're realizing that you're a bit of a bitch, right?” He assessed harshly.


“You've got assholes trying to control you from every direction and the people you really like are too dumb for their own good and always end up getting fucked with by people like me. So you're thinking... 'How can I stop being either controlled or held back by everyone around me.'” With that last line he lifted his voice a little to mimic you. It was not a good impression. His assessment was accurate.
“Y... es.” You uttered hesitantly.

“So how about this. As a matter of confidence I'll help you solve one of your problems right away. By the end of your stay here, that issue will be no more. If it isn't, I'll be your bitch instead.” That offer caused you to lean back slightly. He was extremely confident. He was practically dripping with it.
“What are the two issues you see as being your biggest hurdles going forward?”

There were only two, so far as you could tell. Kara and the Prince. Kara was not an issue in the traditional sense. She was good to you and she presented a very useful partner, but the issue was simply that she had proven to be quite callous and untrustworthy and cryptic. If you could reign her in, she could potentially make a perfect partner and ally. On the other hand, the Prince represented a direct threat to you and the group. He was changing and planning. You could tell by the way he approached you. If his plan to influence you did not work then you could already tell that he would have something else going immediately.



So a slow and informed feminization. Could be dangerous to become an Alpha Bitch. What are some of the first attributes of the Hero that Malik will want. Malik doesn't need to take all if the attribute for each bit of knowledge.


From what Kara said back in #34 "“Not sure what to teach you at this point. There's a few things...”" she didn't have much more to teach us anyway, to bad we won't be able to finish up what she was gonna show us. But also from that same chapter i really don't think we need or want Malik to help us with Kara. the Prince tho, the prince is a actual threat to us. What was the last time we actually learned something with magic? The true possession? I remember back in 32 when the Hero jammed his hand INTO a tree, was that from Kara's training, natural growth, or something else? Last thing, If we pick Kara would there be a option where could we work with her to make Malik fail the bet? I don't dare assume.


I always thought the Hero would want to learn several schools of magic. It does appear there is a prive to pay though.


Yeah i was hoping we could learn different types of magic from Jeane back when but we ended up not being able to.

Tanya Wormald

The hero can only learn magic compatible with his own. Some tinkering is possible though with how it is used.