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When you thought about what she meant by experimentation, the only subject on your mind that she could be referring to was you. As for your own philosophy on the matter, the goblin girl did present as a unique and extremely appealing subject, as well. You tried to not let on that that is what you were thinking and offered soft encouragement as a screen for your true intentions.
“Experimentation, of course. Where else if not here, where all norms look like they are out the window?” Everything was upside-down about the school. Especially the school itself, which seemed to literally be upside-down.

She grinned widely, baring her shining, sharp white teeth. “Exactly!” Though she did not look embarrassed or bashful, her cheeks flushed somewhat yellowish as she added.
“Goblins are kind of... Famously a bit horny.”

“But you said-”

“Yeah! We don't get a lot of outlets! Typical goblin life is shacking up with a man and fucking like rabbits for most of our short lifespan.” She scowled as she said it, which confused you slightly due to the shifting tone.

“That's... Terrible?”

She stared up you. “When you're popping out kids two a year, yeah it is. When would I ever have time to do stuff that I wanna do?”

“I guess so. Why were you sent here if your culture is so conservative and male-centered?”

“Sometimes you don't got a choice. Lucky me, I guess.” She waved a small hand up at you, as though waving off the topic entirely. Her mode shifted solidly to thoughts on the initial topic as she moved the hand she waved to her chin and rubbed it.
“So, experimentation... What experience have you got?”

Your posture suddenly straightened as you felt put on the spot. Thoughts reached back just less than an hour ago in the same day when Merit came onto you, showed you her female parts and asked you to lick them and become her slave. You did not want to explain all of that, and nothing truly happened there so you decided to simply go with.

The goblin's shoulders slumped. “Right. You're a complete virgin, too. Do you know anything at all?”

“A bit.” You offered defensively.
“How much do you know?”

“I know the dick is sensitive and tastes good... Maybe.”

“Maybe?” You became a little hard at that description.

“I think so? Only saying what I've heard. Never tried one so I wouldn't know.” Esther shrugged.

“Do you... Want to try one?” You felt blood rushing quickly from your brain as you asked that. It may have been a little forward, it may have turned her off to be asked that. There were a lot of 'may's but the moment you asked she smiled curiously and licked her lips.

“Yeah! I'm down to try. Let's see what all the hubub is about.” She clapped her hands together and began looking around for a private place.

“Y-you aren't thinking about doing it in here, are you?” You stammered nervously.

She lifted a purple brow inquisitively. “Dunno if you've noticed but nobody in here cares about anything anyone else has going on. This is a bookworm Coda hangout. Do you think any of these losers even know what sex is?”

Your face scrunched up in confusion. “It's your Home...”

Esther crosses her arms tightly. “I know! It bugs me, too. Wish these people were more ambitious. A house full of geniuses and none of them give a shit about anything except studying.” She raised her voice.
“You don't need to study if you're smart! Why don't you get that!” Though, as she explained before, none of the noise she made was able to reach the other students.

“Maybe they have to try because they're not as smart as you?” You were not intending to lick her boots or offer her any compliment that you did not mean to garner her favor. You did mean it, but the effect was the same as if you had ill intent. Her face lit up and she seemed aroused just looking at you.

“Hot damn, I hope dick tastes good like they say.” She said, loosening her tie and the top buttons of her blouse. She began walking down a narrow row of books. You followed closely after her for a solid minute. For all of Esther's talk about no one caring about anything outside their own world here, she spent an awful long time walking and taking sharp turns down the maze-like rows of books until reaching a very appropriate dead-end between two shelves of anatomy books. She stepped aside and motioned for you to walk ahead of her. You took a few steps forward and turned so that your back was to the third shelf of books with labels that suggested erotic fiction.

Once you were cornered between three narrowly packed shelves the goblin stepped in front of you and stared up with mild hesitation. Her freckled cheeks were a lush yellow and her fists were clenched.
“What's up?” You asked, feeling your heart pump at a particularly high pace.

“I've just never done this before.” She exhaled.
“And from where I'm standing even your bulge is intimidating for a small girl like me.” She stated. It felt a bit backhanded but you did not take it personally. Your pants were bulging quite a bit with everything that was happening and she was quite small. From where she was standing her face was conveniently at fly-level to you. With her top two buttons undone and her tie loosened you could clearly see down her blouse into her generous cleavage. You opened your mouth to speak, but Esther preempted your attempt at reassurance by shutting you down and pumping herself up.
“Nah, you don't need to say anything.” She said confidently, adopting a determined look. The goblin's small hands pulled apart your belt deftly and then dragged down your fly. She used two fingers to pull down your undergarment, prompting an unintended surprise attack. Her eyes crossed as your hardened member unfolded from your restrictive underwear and bounced once off of her forehead as she was staring up at it expectantly.
“Ack!” She held her face for a second.

“Sorry!” You held up your hands fretfully.

“What the hell do you-” When she uncovered her face, before you had to defend yourself fully she switched gears and gulped in awe. Her plush lips pursed and her big eyes widened as she stared up at your member gently bouncing and twitching above her face. Her hesitance was gone, more or less. You realized that as she gripped it forwardly and stood on her toes to press her nose to it and take a deep whiff.
“Sweaty.” She commented. You went to the bath but never actually had a chance to wash yourself so you were undoubtedly very sweaty. You hoped it was not a turn off. Thankfully the girl smiled oddly.
“Weird how BO is so offensive but this guy-sweat down here isn't that bad...” She opened her wet mouth and took a long, experimental lick up the length, triggering your cock to twitch rapidly at the feel of her silky tongue against your skin. She seemed giddy as she added.
“This taste is so gross and weird... I kinda like it.” Esther started stroking as best she could with her small hand. She took another long, dragging lick up the length to the tip.
“This is the most sensitive part, right?” She questioned.

“Y-yeah...” You were leaning back against the bookshelf, bracing yourself. She had no idea what you were doing but it was balanced out by your cock never having had this kind of attention before. The thought of needing to hold back or elongate the moments of pleasure you felt never occurred to you because you had never been with another.

“It's kinda erotic to kiss it and lick it. I like the feeling. Makes me feel hot.” She admitted in a sultry, yet still somehow academic tone. Her lips pushed against the tip of your cock, followed her her tongue which began licking around the flared crown.

“Head tastes different, too.” She stated. Her stroking, her words and her tongue around your twitching head were all it took.

“Fuck!” You grunted. She looked up with surprise, which provided you with a pretty picture. Her smart expression suddenly became plastered with long ropes of your pent up seed. Esther gasped as it landed over her lips and at least one eyes that shut quickly.
“Sorry...” You groaned. There was no stopping it once it had begun.  You felt guilty. Since she was half your size even your modest load looked like you had cum buckets over the poor girl.

“Well...” She glared up at you while dragging her hand over her glued eyelid. Once she was able to open both eyes she stared at the gooey white stuff quizzically. After a moment of thought she stuffed her fingers between her lips and licked around those plastered portions of her plush lips for good measure. She looked to be in thought over the taste for a solid couple of seconds before swallowing.
“Ugh... Sticks to your throat? That's unfortunate.” She sighed.
“It doesn't taste that good, either.” She commented, as if journaling without you present. The goblin drew a handkerchief from her bag and wiped down her face.
“Gods this is sticky and annoying... This is really unfortunate. The licking, smelling and tasting part is really good.” She smiled up at you, which sent through you a wave of relief that she was not fully mad.

“We're gonna do this again sometime. I'm curious if it's the scenario that makes the bad smells and tastes good and hot for me, or if it actually is different. There's more experimentation to do so don't bathe too often, okay? I need to smell you normally as well to figure this shit out...”

“O-okay?” You choked out, carefully stuffing your cock back in your pants.

* *

“He is asking for it, is he not?” Merit offered.

“I agree. It's weird.” Esther observed, biting her thumb nervously.

Both girls were referring to the effeminate prince. You had all been carefully waiting for targets to victimize and had hopes some easy ones would come along that you could use to bolster your power and influence within the school. When after a few days of nothing Merit alerted you and Esther to the Prince attempting to ask about you it was immediately suspicious. The boy obviously wanted to draw attention to himself and was asking to be confronted. He was even without his upperclassman for protection.
“He is trying to be noticed.” The beastwoman observed carefully.

“But he hasn't actually done anything noteworthy yet to the point that we can jump him.” Esther added maliciously. Her intent was clear. The two girls looked to you. Based off everything you had decided so far you wanted to just come out and see what he wanted. It was odd that he wanted to see you so you thought to see what getting to you would do to his demeanor. You each left hiding to approach the prince. You outnumbered him so there was no chance of him pulling something. Even if he had backup you had come to understand that Esther and Merit were formidable in terms of first years.

“What do you want?” You probed.

The Prince's feminine face lit up as he saw you. Then, as quickly as it shifted to joy it cracked and began to show nerves as he saw the other two. He became hesitant and gulped as he asked.
“I know... I mean, I heard what you are and-” You blinked. It could have meant a number of things but it sent your mind racing. He knew what, exactly? It could have been that he knew exactly what you told Merit and Esther, which would not be too bad. That being said, you assumed the prince had some resources within the school that could allow him access to other information.

“Stop, Don't say it.” You warned. The prince stopped and nodded understandingly.

“Okay. So, I'll just say what I wanted to say...” He paused and seemed to have trouble.

“Out with it!” Merit ordered impatiently.

“Yeah!” Esther added. The two girls were ganging up on the lad like gangsters. You motioned them back as you pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration and uncertainty.

“Please speak...” You requested.

“I was hoping I could join your accord.”


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