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“What do you want?” Jaina demanded. She was returned to her own body, but not before it used it's authority to very eagerly sign a written and verbal agreement to offer the man complete diplomatic immunity from all consequences that could be levied by Kul'Tiras. Unfortunately for Jaina that meant her, as well. It was a contract that was binding both magically and legally and it's legitimacy was backed by both Alliance, Horde and the neutral goblin institutions. There was no getting around it.

“I'm a simple man.” He began. Jaina crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes as he said that. The man In question was, as she found out, everything but simple. He was disgusting, despicable, depraved, but definitely not simple. Vincent was a pirate that had made a life for himself kidnapping and pillaging, only to eventually settle down in Kul'tiras so he could do all of those things from the comfort of his own little clubhouse. Jaina only got around to trying to stop him after all the nasty business with the Horde and the old gods was sorted out. But it was far too late at that point and she realized after the fact that she greatly underestimated him.

“I want simple things like power, wealth and fun. But... I got bored and I've been tryin' to get creative recently. I need your help to do more fun magic stuff without restrictions. Waddaya say?”

“No, obviously.” Jaina said sternly. She could no longer touch him, but that did not mean she had to cooperate with him. In fact, if he had carte blanche she wanted at the very least to know what he was doing. To do that she needed to stay close to remain updated. Helping him was another matter entirely that she considered out of bounds.

“Huh. Oh well.” He shrugged. Jaina was surprised to see him giving in so easily.
“I guess I gotta find other ways to entertain myself.” He turned and stepped towards a hanging torso. Jaina watched cautiously. What originally she thought was a rather morbid sight, a torso without limbs or a head, was still rather bad but less so than she initially thought. The arms, legs and neck were capped at the neck, pelvis and shoulders by the metal portals. So the woman that it belonged to was still very much alive and all in one piece, it was just that her pieces were in other places. Probably very bored, but safe and sound.

“Decoration is a hobby of mine.” He announced unprompted.

“Oh?” Jaina stepped closer. She was not interested, but she also did not want to leave him before she could figure out a satisfactory solution to him.

“Yeah, This is a great way to do it because you can decorate it without having to worry about the girl squirming around and stuff. Also, when you give it back it's a complete surprise.”

“I am sure.” Jaina uttered with disgust.
“Well...” She conceded, tired of watching him just stand next to it.
“What are you going to do?”

“First some prep-work.” He abruptly jabbed a needle into the flesh of the two breasts, causing them to swell up until they were uncomfortably large. Jaina sighed and guessed that the poor girl would have trouble squeezing into any of her old clothes. He did the same for the rear and the hips before replacing his injection needle for one carrying ink.
“I like to mark them up a little on the womb and above the ass first. Thinking... Blue for this one. Thematic.”

“Okay?” Jaina shook her head as he began, regardless of her lack of interest. Despite his fat hands he skillfully drew a stylized anchor on the womb. He then spun the torso around and gave it a very standard tramp stamp. What was odd was, above the shelf-like stylized stamp was a pricing structure on three lines, like a menu.

'Oral: First time free sample, then 1 silver.'
'Anal: 5 silver.'
'Vaginal: 10 silver.'

he mused conversationally. “What I'd like to have is some type of magic where I can put a coin slot here. Then guys just put the coins in the girls like they're machines and use them with less oversight needed. Can you do that, you think.”

Jaina planted her face in her palm. “Perhaps... Will I, though?” The answer was obviously no.

“Just a thought.” He drew another stylish tattoo under the torso's collar bone that looked like the footer to another menu. Above it in nice font he wrote: 'My face is a free cock-rest!' Then below that. 'If I'm Misbehaving tell on me to daddy V for a free Tit-Job. Titjobs 1 silver.' After that he unceremoniously grabbed a needle and some pliers and pierced through the nipples with two bars, then hung gold anchors from them.
“Oh, we also got a new girl in, so I need to shoe her.” he explained, moving the Torso out of the way so that two feet with portals at the ankles showed on the table.

“Shoed?” Jaina repeated with morbid curiosity.

“Yeah. Makes it 'easier.'” He chuckled, handing Jaina one of the golden 'shoes.' They looked like horseshoes but formed to look like the base of some uncomfortable-looking high-heels.

“For whom?” Jaina sneered, handing them back. Whoever had to 'wear' those would probably be condemned to near constant discomfort for the enjoyment of the men at the clubhouse, and Victory. Not a fate she envied.

He laughed. “Well...” Without much else to be said he lined the shoe up with the bottom of the bare foot and used some type of goblin device to seal them together cleanly until the foot and platform seemed inseparable.

“They still feel that, no?” She asked, worried.

“No no. Painless process. Besides we can turn off sensation for a bit in the workshop section to make things nicer.”

She sighed with relief. “Good, I suppose. Silver lining.”

“None of this stuff hurts after it's done, anyway. The shoes attache permanently to the sole of the foot and are basically just like Horseshoes. Only, these gotta be replaced less.” He wiped his brow.
“This girl's ready to get all her original parts back... Oh.” He looked at her.
“You might wanna lift your heel.”

“What?” Jaina did so as he said that and in an instant she felt the jarring sensation of her body being shifted and pulled through the aether. Her tits burst out of her robe and caused them to fall to the ground. Portals clamping around her arms and legs and neck and ankles that she did not notice before fell off as she stood naked in the room, speechless.

“B-but I was-”

“We gave you a renter while I was working.”

She glared at him angrily, her eyes glowing. “Y-you!”

“Good thing I got that immunity!” He shouted cockily over the rushing of wind. It slowly died down as she impotently slumped her shoulders. She had not even known she was without her own torso so it was partially her fault, she realized.

“Remove all this.” She demanded.

“What?” He complained.
“But I spent so much time decorating you to look nice for me and the business.”

“At least give me some clothing for breaking my robes!” She ordered. Jaina was intent on leaving and cutting her losses. Being around the man was obviously bad news.

“Fine, fine.” He grumbled, stepping forward to abruptly snap a portal around her neck like a collar. Her vision went dark and she could no longer feel her body.


“Relax.” She could still hear him, so she was in the room, but she was definitely in something. Or, at least her head was. When she returned

“I'll decorate your head using the box while your body undergoes more maintenance to get work ready.” He announced.

She did not have to wait long. She was returned to her body but her arms were elsewhere. Her torso  was bare and only her sex was covered by a very thin, very tight thong.
“I asked for clothing and you gave me one thong and took my arms.” She complained.

“You also got more pretty jewelry and your face is covered with a veil over your eyes so no one'll know who you are.” He clarified. She could see through it but conformed by looking at herself in a nearby reflection that her eyes were indeed covered and her hair was done up.


He continued harshly. “No one would ever know who you are. I could trade your legs so that you walk automatically. Hide your face. You'd work without rest and sleep. You wouldn't be able to speak. The only communication would be between the customers and that menu all over your body. This could be the rest of your life.” Jaina was shaking. Her jaw had dropped. To her surprise his tone lifted and he continued in vast contrast to how he was speaking just moments ago.
“Unless you work for me willingly in a much more 'rewarding' position!”

After much hesitation her lips quivered and spoke. “Y-you are hiring?”

“A cute secretary. Must know magic. Interested? There's an intense interviewing and training process. Unlike the 'position' you're currently in that requires no thought or training or input from you at all.” He said it in the same chipper tone, but Jaina could tell it was a warning.


She nodded slowly, then hesitantly responded with a simple. “Yes.”



Oooh, this is getting better and better! I wonder what else he has in store for his new... *secretary*...


I like the chapter. I think having Jaine slowly corrupt and train herself will be great.