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“Did we really just swap places?” Teuta asked, sand squishing between her toes. They had landed on the shores of the now deserted island that used to be occupied by the Aoians. A long beach with clear blue water. While it was occupied it was the perfect place to defend against underwater attacks since the shallows continued too far for any attack to be convenient.
“I thought we were waiting?”

“We are waiting.” You rested a hand on her shoulder, waiting for the rest to arrive.
“We're waiting in a better position.”

Jeane nodded and chimed in. “This place seemed to have been chosen purposefully. It is a simple thing to fight around here, even if the opponent benefits from the advantage of the sea. Right now, things can be considered flipped. Their Hero has mastery of the water.”

“Originally, we planned to defend, since only one could come under, but the thought of losing effectiveness in the form of Fiona and Djir was troubling. Those two can't fight underwater no matter how much I help and I don't know how I'll do alone. Rather than go to them, we got the intel that they left this spot. We'll take it and wait it out. They're behind us now, so if they move we have initiative. If they attack? Well... That's everything going as planned.”

“Wow.” Teuta clapped.
“You figured it all out.” She looked down.
“But why are we wearing these things?” Teuta was wearing a thin bikini over her sizeable chest. The piece barely restrained them, though her nipples did not show through, strangely. With her white bikini she wore a white thong with ties at the hips to complete the ensemble. She was of course barefoot and dripping a bit from swimming.

Fin eyed her in her swimwear. “This is Seafolk attire. You all had wet clothing. Me too.” You crossed your arms over your bare, toned chest. You were muscular with a shallow six pack and developed arm muscles, though your frame was more lithe than bulky. You wore a pair of sleek, black waterproof shorts as the only thing.
“This is common. They don't wear much. Some don't wear anything.”

Trita emerged from the water alongside the tall Shark woman, her tail swinging back and forth as she looked at the beach with an excited expression. You could see her sharp teeth behind her smile. Trita approached you. She was wearing the same thing she had on before. A revealing little dress that was tight to her blue skin, in a scale pattern.
“We were happy to provide the best swimwear for you all. Do you think more surface people would be interested? You all look quite dashing if I do say so.”

Jeane was in a one-piece swimsuit in dark blue. She also carried a wide leaf over her head in place of an umbrella and had a sunhat on for good measure so that none of her pale skin was in the sun. You traded a glance between the two, rubbing your chin.
“The bikini is basically underwear. Less than underwear. It's exotic and seems like it's meant to be sexy.” Teuta modeled it well.
“On the other hand, this one piece is both less revealing and somehow just as erotic.”

“H-huh?” Jeane blinked.
“I do not mean to be!”

“Even without meaning to be, it's so tight that I can basically see the entire curve of your cute body.” You smiled and pulled her into your side with a hand on her hip.
“Basically... You make anything you wear look good.” As she stared up at you in bashful shock you kissed her surprised lips.

“Me too.” Teuta leaned forward.

“Haha...” You planted a peck on Teuta's lips, or at least intended to. She added a bit of tongue, then winked once you separated.

“Me three!” Djir called out, rushing from the water. His fur was all wet like a soaked carpet.

You gasped and started running. “N-no no! I just dried my tail and you're all wet!” You called out, quickly getting caught up by Djir. You were soaked once again by his fur sloughing water on you like a squeezed sponge.
“Gaaah!” He ignored your squirming and kissed your forehead before letting you go.

As Djir walked up, the Shark girl hid her massive body behind the small Merfolk, Trita. It was amusing to see the big girl ducking down. Like someone trying to hide behind a lamp. Djir smirked.
“Relax, Fishlight. Why would I settle for ground beef when I can have steak?” He slapped your butt through the suit. Djir was the only one who was basically in nothing but a loin cloth. The Shark looked confused, but understood the tone at least and relaxed somewhat.
“What's she doing here, anyway?”

“Nadine?” Trita looked at her.

The Shark furrowed her brow. Her gray skin glistened. She was wearing something that looked like sportswear. Tight waterproof shorts and a more solid swimming top that covered much of her upper torso but left the belly exposed. The was a hole in the back for her fin.
“P-Praesident...” She began awkwardly.
“Am responsible.”

“Believe it or not, Nadine is one of our strongest warriors. The Sharkfolk are a proud species. I have no idea why she is so scared...”

“Hmm. I wonder.” You did not respond, but only looked at Nadine and nodded.
“Take care of her, not me. Got it?” You asked, pointing to Jeane.

“So much attention...” The elf lowered the brim of the sunhat over her face.

Ashur, Fiona and Marrien emerged from the water. You looked at Fiona to see that she had a blue bikini with a more substantial bottom that actually covered her rear. Marrien on the other hand was wearing a contraption of straps and small patches over her voluptuous form. It was so tight and insubstantial that it left nothing to the imagination. You looked away.
“M-mother! What are you wearing?”

“I'm just wearing what they gave me, dear. Don't look at me like it's my fault.” She snorted stubbornly, her breasts bouncing as she walked ashore. The swimwear offered zero support.

“I think mine got mixed up.” Ashur claimed. He was also wearing a bikini with a thong like Teuta's that was just big enough to contain his small package. To draw attention away from it and hide it somewhat there was a short ruffled skirt around it. He wore the bikini top over his chest and that was all he really needed. The illusion was mostly complete. You blushed and rubbed you eyes as he walked up to you and grabbed your arm.
“Hero... Hero! They gave me the wrong one, look! Isn't this ridiculous?”

“To begin with, why are you wearing the top part if it's ridiculous and are you sure it was a 'mistake; or are you doing this on purpose.”

He began by seeming taken aback by your reasoning, then after a second he smiled, looked up and to the left and cocked his head to one side.
“Tee hee.” Ashur stuck his tongue out playfully, but kept tugging your arm.
“Let's do something!”

“What? Practice?”

“What am I gonna practice? Let's go swimming!”

“You were just swimming...”

“It's fun!” He insisted.

“Hmm...” You felt like a parent while looking around at all the bodies you were responsible for wrangling. As you were thinking, Amun emerged from the water, shaking it off as he left to get dry faster. He wore a similar one piece suit to Jeane but with shorts and short sleeves. It was still tight to his body. If it was reasonable, it was made unreasonable by the hole in the chest where cleavage would usually be shown. You admired for the first time how similarly toned you and Amun were, then passed a look over to Djir who merely shrugged; as if to suggest that you knew his type so why complain? Amun looked at you. You smiled awkwardly and waved. He smiled and waved back.

Cyyani came running up behind him, shaking off next to him to make him wet after he had just attempted to shake off himself. She placed a hand ove her eyes to shade them and surveyed the beach.
“What do we have here... Impressive.”



“You're naked...”

“Yeah? Does it matter?” She blushed, her short tail wagging behind her.
“All this stuff is so revealing anyway. Might as well not wear clothes.”

“Thinking about it, you basically wore something like a bikini full time, huh?”

“Yeah? What of it?”

“He-ro!” Ashur pulled.

“Hey! Why're you pulling on my brother, you little rat?” Fiona came up behind Ashur and picked him up then placed him down on the other side of her, forcing the timid Innad to step out of her shadow. You identified that he also wore a similar suit to Ashur... But probably for different reasons.
“Am I gonna have to take responsibility for you, too?” She asked, pointing at the Prince.

“Uhm.” Ashur smiled and shook his head.
“You look good in your swimwear, Fiona.” He added, scratching his cheek.

Fiona smiled. “You, too. You should keep it on.”

“Really!? Okay, I will.”

“Hoh...” She crossed her arms and lifted a brow as she inspected him.
“Maybe we'll go dress shopping when we have a chance, too. Back home, I mean.”

“Yeah yeah!” He seemed pumped up.

“I wanna see you in pretty dresses!”

“Me? Haha... Right. Yeah, that's probably what I meant, huh?” She smirked. Innad, standing behind Ashur, became a bit more red in the face as the conversation went on.

Marrien clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. “Shall we play a game, since we're doing nothing but waiting?”

“Game?” You looked to her questioningly. It seemed like Ashur would get his wish. You got the sense that your Mother was purposefully placating him.
“Alright, what kind?”


The Merfolk cleared her throat and presented a solid-looking white ball. “It's usually played underwater, but I guess there's no reason it can't be played on land. We emptied most of the water from the ball so now it's full of air and should be lighter, but I can't imagine it will be easy to hit the ball up like this...”

You nodded your way through the explanation of the rules. A simple game about keeping the ball from hitting the ground on your side. You have to keep it up and send it over a net in whatever way you choose, so long as you make it land in the opponents squares.
“Who gets first? Should Fiona and I-”

“Nope!” Marrien chuckled.
“Boys vs girls, first.”

“Boys vs...” You watched Jeane and Teuta and Trita going to sit down.

“Me and you?” Djir grinned.

“I suppose.”

Fiona furrowed her brow. “This is rigged... Who should I pick from the girls?”

Cyyani raised her hand. “Me! I can do it! I'm very, very good!”

She eyed Cyyani and almost seemed to point in her direction, but then her finger landed on Amun. “You're up.”

“M-me?” He stammered, motioning to himself while looking around.

Fiona smirked. “Yeah. You're a girl, right?”

Amun nodded, walking onto the court hesitantly. “This is bullshit! He's-”

“Hm?” Djir looked at her.

“Nothing.” She stepped back. Everyone else went to sit down on one side.

“Cyyani.” Marrien said gently.
“We need your keen senses to keep score and to see when something is borderline.”

Cyyani begrudgingly accepted the responsibility, satisfied with the minor compliment. “Alright.”

Ashur tapped his chin as you all squared up on either side of the net. “I dunno who to root for.”

“Fin! Djir!” Teuta shouted, clapping over her head.

Jeane did not cheer but she did clap. You noticed Amun standing nervously. You looked at him and offered encouragingly.
“Do your best, okay?” It was their turn to serve. Amun nodded.

“Here it comes!” Fiona called out, spiking the ball right into the net.

“Net.” Cyyani shouted. Fiona tried again.
“Net.” Again.
“Net.” She narrowed her eyes.
“Maybe give someone else a go?”

“Th-this damn ball is too light and the net's in the way!” She argued.

“Uh-huh.” Cyyani grabbed the ball where it fell and threw it to Amun.

He looked down at it, tossed it up a few times to catch it, then seemed to be quite sure as he threw it up one last time, then jumped into the air to meet it, slamming the ball into the sand. Djir caught the edge of it, but it bounced out.
“Haha!” He cackled, looking at you.
“Did he get faster or am I slower?”

“Maybe both.” You said with a cheeky smile.

You decided not to use any spacial powers or abilities and therefore no one else did, either. The game ended in three rounds with Fiona and Amun taking it.
“Congrats.” You took a towel and wiped sweat as you walked over to Trita. She was holding a crystal communication device.
“Any news?”

“They captured the other guy that you said you left and his party. They seem to be deliberating on what to do.”

“Do we wanna go save him, Bro?”

You shrugged. “Not really. It's actually pretty lucky if they get him, because he seemed kind of off to begin with, and if they take him I'll be off the hook. Maybe they'll give it up with that if you can pin most of the crime on me.”

Fiona gave Marrien a look she stared at you both with a  raised brow. “True.” Fiona nodded.
“I'm glad you agree. Now... I dunno about you guys, but I've been hungry for surface food since we went underwater.”

“Barbeque!” Ashur shouted.

“Haha, sounds fun.” You remarked.



Jane Hexum

i'm curious why this is called part 2 did i miss part one? it seems that my recent spamming of beach related artwork may have had unintended consequences it seems XD i was not expecting her to be called fishlight in story and we finally have a name for her :) well now that i have all these outfit descriptions i know what i'll be generating artwork out for the next few days