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NT Rangers - Lad 37 - Go After Dark Fin

  • Punish Fin 3
  • Imprison Fin (Disband Echo) 9
  • 2024-03-14
  • 12 votes
{'title': 'NT Rangers - Lad 37 - Go After Dark Fin', 'choices': [{'text': 'Punish Fin', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Imprison Fin (Disband Echo) ', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 14, 19, 42, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


“My Lord... Is it wise to simply wait here after the Hero has already left? Our goal was right in front of us and now we are sitting ducks. Our powers that surpased the Rangers have equalized in this realm. Though mages have a greater advantage due to knowledge transferring over, they have somehow 'cheated.' They have also gained allies that are powerful in this world while we have done nothing.” It was a fact that was figured out very quickly. In an 'Aura Space' like the Odyssey, the physical body was set to a baseline, however the knowledge remained along with the skill as a result of the way they entered. That meant that their party with mostly mages had incredible power from the start. That being said, Jeane was correct in pointing out that the advantage had bin left and lost. In her eyes at least.

“You think that?” Fin sneered.

“My Lord...”

“This is the problem! None of you fools know anything! It was unlucky meeting the Hero's party first. You know that. But, you think that there is a better place to be than here?”

“We could-”

“Tch.” Fin looked down on the kneeling form of Jeane.
“Seems you don't get it. This is the best place to be right now.”

“Because Fiona and Marrien may return?” Jeane uttered. If her tone was not so practiced in how submissive it was, it could sound underhanded.

Fin looked at her coldly. “What are you implying?”

“I imply nothing, my Lord. Is it not true that you have an interest in this worlds version or Fiona and Marrien?”

He glanced away. “Of course. If you think about it clearly, this worlds versions... They are the true versions.” He grinned.
“In a sense, I- I didn't lose my Mother and Sister. They're still here. They always were waiting for me. But... That doesn't mean I've lost sight of our plan.”

Jean looked up silently through her eyeless mask. “...”

“Don't give me that look! As I said, none of you understand a damn thing! This is the best place to be!”

“My Lord...” She seemed to be pleading.
“The others are loyal, but not as loyal as I am. And I am-”

“Questioning me.” He gritted his teeth. His eyes lowered, remembering Lad's words.

`Sad? Artificial loyalty... Artificial friendship and love. I guess it only means this much. Because these fools are not loyal to me but my goals and my orders. They question me because they have no real faith in me? Could that be it?` He breathed shakily.

“So what... Exactly are any of you going to do about it if it is true, hm?” Fin smirked.

“N-nothing of course! We would never betray you.”

“That's right. You can't. So be a good little doll and tell those sailors that were left behind that we need to position ourselves on the south side of the Tryskan vessel.”

“My Lord?”

“Just do it, Jeane.”


The Captain was looking through the spy-glass. Lad was on the deck with Aiden on one side and Luire on the other. Cao Young was leaning against the railing in the background. Technically speaking, it was his party since the others joined as non-combatants and he was not interested in revealing them yet. It was a trump card. If the Orran's didn't know the girls were dangerous, they would not be able to plan to do anything to them successfully.
“Master Slayer, the positioning of the vessels has the ship with the Hero positioned behind the Tryskan vessel.”

“It's a skeleton crew so they'll never be able to outrun us. They positioned themselves purposefully and are using the Trskan ship as a shield.”

“My brother's on that on. And the Royal nanny.”

“The nanny?” Lad looked at him.

Aiden shrugged. “Just some woman with some hint of royal blood. She's served him since he was a kid.”

“What's she look like?” Lad asked, taking the spyglass from the Captain.

“Black hair, green eyes.” Aiden paused to think, a smile crossing his lips.
“Kind of a milf.”

“She's on the deck making eye-contact with me through the spyglass.” Lad mentioned.
“Something's off.”

“Master Slayer, do we want to ransom the Prince and the Nanny?” The Captain asked, licking his lips.
“It'll be quite a haul.”

Lad smiled. For once the Captain's inclinations proved useful. He did not really have any desire to do anything to the Prince or his nanny.
“Good thought. Let's take them alive.”

“That wasn't the deal!” Aiden argued.

“We didn't make a deal. I never thought of it like that. I let you come along with a consideration that I would do something for you if you did anything for me. So far you have done nothing. Less than nothing.” Lad chided.

“Eh!? B-but-”

The Captain cackled. “Alright. So it's decided. Let's move into a boarding position!”

Lad looked past the Tryskan vessel at the other ship. He could see the small form of the Hero and his party on the deck. It was like they were being taunted.
`We're definitely stronger, so why-` Lad looked down in thought.
“Royal... Blood?”

Cao Young seemed to have a suspicious and chimed in. “You ever see that nanny age?”

“What? No... I guess not. Why?” Aiden lifted a brow.

Cao Young leaned in. “Gonna wanna go around.”

“Divert!” Lad shouted.

“Divert the ship around the Tryskan vessel!”

The Captain blinked. “What!? Why? It's too late, already! Say that before we start moving!”

As the ship began to sail in range Lad could see the nanny rolling up her sleeves. Two magic circles appeared in front of her hands similarly to what he saw with Lamasu by chance. Two giant circles appeared on either side of the ship. Lad nodded to Cao Young, the other one who knew what it was immediately.
“I got front. Aiden, Luire, help me.”

“I got back.” Cao Young nodded. His side was the simplest due to Cao Young's raw strength. He jumped at the portal.
“Hup!” As the giant claw with emerald green scales and black nails emerged he landed on it. Before it could clutch the ship he punched down on the back of the claw with a visible and audible shock-wave, sending it reeling back through the portal. He flipped back and landed on the deck, glancing over his shoulder at how Lad was doing.

Lad moved to the edge as the second claw emerged to crush the ship. “Luire, enchant my spear with weight on a timer.”

“Got it.” Luire touched the spear and nodded.
“Five seconds.”

“Aiden, once I hit it use the strongest force you have to punch it back through.”

“Alright.” He nodded, still a bit stunned that they were facing a Dragon.
“This is crazy... That nanny this whole time...”

Lad jumped off the ship and landed on the back of the Dragon's claw. He thrust the spear down at the last second. As it made contact the weight increased to several hundred times the spears original weight. Strangely, the scales were only bruised, but the claw did reel back from the attack. Aiden focused wind into a tunnel that sent it back through. Lad landed back on the deck.
“We did it!” Lad breathed, only to see dozens more portals surrounding the ship on all sides. The woman smiled and waves, conjuring a wisp of brutal gold flame between her hands in front of one circle.
“Shit... Cao-”

Young landed behind Lad. “Can't do anything about this. Ship might be screwed.” He offered casually.
“Can't fight dragons like this, we probably lose.”

“Aiden! What do Green ones do?”

He blushes. “W-well... since we're about to die they're Lie detectors and pact enforcers.”

Lad jumped over beside the nanny. She turned to look at him, her eyes lighting up as ten more circles appeared around him. The fire was still growing. Lad gripped his spear tightly, eyed the woman for weaknesses, then dropped the weapon and bowed.
“I promise I had no intention to harm you or the prince.”

“Hm?” She stopped channeling. The circles disappeared, as did the flare. She placed a finger under Lad's chin, lifting it to look him in the eye.
“Well, you're not lying. So explain yourself, then.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Those people on that boat placed you between us and them so that we would have to clash first.” Lad pointed at Dark Fin.”

“Hrm...” The nanny frowned.
“That does seem to be the case now that it is brought to light. What are you after?”

Lad considered the question and the decisions he had come to so far. “I... Just want to understand.”

The woman smiled widely. “What a wonderful answer.” She turned to look at the other ship, her eyes lighting up as many, many circles opened in the air around it with one opening in front of her.

Across the water arguing could be heard. “M-master you said this was the best place to be!” Esther complained. They were moving into battle positions. Jeane wordlessly lifted her hands and through some precise casting cut key points on all of the circles to remove them.

“Funny.” The nanny chuckled. As she blinked, double the amount of circles appeared and she began channeling.

“M-my Lord!” Jeane strained.
“You have to help...”

Fin halfheartedly began to try and cast. “Mass-”

“Silence.” The nanny preempted gleefully.
“Good time to give up, no?”

The Dark party traded glances, then Fin lead them by raising his hands first. In a matter of minutes the party of Esther, Raithe, Jeane, Ai and of course Fin were kneeling on the deck with their hands in their laps. There was no rope because rope was not something that could hold them. Nothing like the woman that had overpowered them.
“You knew who I was, so why did you think this would work?”

Fin looked up humorlessly. “Not sure.”

“Well that is a lie.” She tapped her chin.
“How curious.”

“What's your name?” Lad asked.

“I am Lauda. You have probably guessed that I am an Emerald dragon and you-” She offered a withering look to Aiden who flinched under her gaze. She grabbed his ear and pulled him onto the ground beside the dark party.

“Why me!?”

“You have been very bad, you little welpling.”

“How was I suppose to know he had this kind of support... If you were on his side all along then why'd you let Paul become Crown Prince? And why'd you let him get poisoned?” Aiden questioned.

“Ashur has a stronger concentration of my blood than you or Paul. That basically makes him my child. That being said, my child's happiness and the efficacy of rule are two different things. You could have happily accepted that you won and sat in a good position alongside your brother but instead you came all this way to kill a Prince that has already been defeated? What a stupid thing to do!” She shouted.

The party of Lad had boarded the Tryskan ship, leaving the Orrans on their own. He had Kara, Kai, Yeong, the twins and the princess in addition to Luire and Cao Young. Kara asked in a whisper.
“This is bad news.”

“I know that...” Lad nodded to her.
“Only thing that weirds me out is how Cao Young isn't worried.” Young winked, seeming to imply he would win, though there was no evidence to support that. Thinking back, the only thing he was worried about at the time was the ship, which would endanger Lad's people if sunk. Lad sighed and shook his head at Young, who shrugged.
“We just have to wait our turn. She's not against us.”

Lauda continued. “well?”

Aiden frowned. “I... I have bad dreams.”

“Bad dreams?”

“I dream about a world where I was the one that got poisoned. That I got kicked out and then completely ruined even after I lost and the person responsible is some fat ugly bastard but I know those eyes.” Aiden's lip quivered.
“I know it... Ashur is evil. He's a devil!”

“Over a dream...”

“Not just a dream! I felt it... It feels real, like it happened. My body even feels like it can remember the torture some days.” He shuddered, hugging himself while shaking.

Lauda huffed and opened her arms. “Come here.” Aiden blinked, then reluctantly leaned up. Lauda closed her arms around him.
“There there.” She pulled back and looked him in the eyes seriously.
“No more sibling disputes, got it?”

Aiden's eyes were wide with recognition. “G-got it. Yes Ma'am.”

“You don't have to like him but goodness it's gotten out of hand when you're trying to kill each other.” She fanned herself with her hand.

“Uhm... Does Father know about you?”

“Of course your Father knows.”

Aiden stood up and looked over the defeated party. “Hmm...” His eyes centered on Ai and his mouth fell open a little.
“Do you feel that, Ma'am?”

“I do... It's unnerving.” They walked over curiously, pulling at the Seraph's blindfold to reveal a familiar pair of emerald eyes.

“Wait...” Aiden covered his mouth with his hand. He stared at Fin.
“Explain this! Those are mine!”

Fin rolled his eyes. “I liked you better as a twink.” His lips curled into a smirk.
“Echoes, huh? The Academy must not have been kind to you in your dreams.”

“How did you-” Aiden stepped back.

“Goodness... I wonder what Jace did to you without me around? It must have been quite traumatizing.”

“The fuck are you-” he covered his ears and keeled over.
“Stop! Shut up, shut up! Why do I know that name?” He whined, gagging.
“Why does it hurt...”

Kara stepped forward.  “You good?” She asked Lauda.

“My!” Lauda looked her over.
“You feel oddly familiar, my dear! I am.” She collected Aiden and moved aside to comfort him away from the prisoners.

Kara cocked her head and stared down at Fin. “Can I even take responsibility for this one? Who was your mentor, again?” Jeane looked up as she said that.
“Right...” Kara sighed.
“Did I do anything to you in your world?”

Fin looked up. “From the moment I met you, you were a manipulative bitch with an agenda. You wanted me to become a meal for Coda so I didn't even feel bad about making you a meal for Raithe.”

“Hoh.” Kara glanced over at her sister.
“How's it going, sis?” She squatted down in front of Raithe.

“Could be better, all things considered.”

“You got me in that world, huh?” Kara commented, lifting her chin.


Kara shook her head. “Maybe I would've been. Now? I'm just glad I could talk to you.”

“What?” Raithe narrowed her eyes at Kara.
“What are you saying? Glad you can gloat?”

“No. Glad I can talk. To be frank, it would be easy to think of you as a different person and not care, but the truth is, if I think about it rationally all of the things I've done to you in that world are probably the same as what I did in this one.” Kara inhaled slowly while closing her eyes. When her golden eyes with those little black slits of pupils opened she looked into those similar eyes of Raithe and said seriously.
“I'm really sorry for how things turned out.”

Raithe grimaced and looked away. “They turned out fine for me.”

“Raithe... I'm sorry.” Kara urged.

Reluctantly, the Fox returned her gaze, confused. “The hell do you have to be sorry for... It was kill or be killed. Whichever one of us one there should be no hard-”

“When mother didn't show love to you, I should've showed it in her place. I let myself grow distant from you thinking you were okay, but how could you be okay? I should've been a better sister. I could've been your lifeline but I ignored you and pushed you away.”

“W-what?” Raithe rasped.

“I never thought about what had happened because it was 'kill or be killed' like you said. Even when I absorbed you I just considered it done at that and tried to forget about you. It was like that for a long time, then someone helped me realize that I can't run from the things I did and I can't exchange good deeds to make them better. I need to say... I'm sorry. I was a bad sister.”

Raithe sniffed. Her cheeks were red. “I- I guess we can be even if you admit that.”

Kara smiled. “It doesn't have to be even. Truthfully, I think I still probably owe you a lot more. I get that you lived a life after all of... That. But, the things you did. I get them.”


Lad stepped forward. “Is the mind control weakening?”

“The mind control is weaker, or not present in most aspects on those that joined me willingly. Raithe was quite eager to join me once I helped her kill her sister and mother. Very, very happy to. All she has is a loyalty modification that ensures she can not betray me.” Fin offered candidly.

“Well, aren't you being rather open?” Lad commented.

“You don't seem worried. Do you know something I don't?”

“I know something we both know and that's all that matters.” Fin looked at Lad.
“I know you wont kill me.”

“Why's that? Think I still have some latent programming?”

“Not at all.” Fin sighed.
“I know that's all gone. You broke out of it because... You're amazing.”

“Eh?” Lad lifted a brow.

“Oh, don't get me wrong. I am still upset, but you are my genuine rival. Consider it an honor, Lad. You did what no one else could.”

“Thanks, I guess? But then why? I actually have been thinking about just getting rid of you.”

“But your goal changed, just like mine has.” Fin smiled. Fin's party turned to stare at him with wide, malicious eyes. He chuckled, basking in it.
“What? I'm 'evil.' You think I would have loyalty to my subordinates?”

“My Lord.” Jeane spoke quietly.
“This is-”

“Lad. I don't want to fight anymore. I know you want to figure out a solution to solve the problem without destroying this place. Me too.”

“Why?” Lad looked at him skeptically.

Fin smiled, seeming a bit embarrassed. “I... just want to exist here with my Mother and Sister. You understand that, right? Lad, I always tried to control you but that doesn't mean I don't understand you. What would you do if your sister was cruelly taken from you? We knew the answer because you did it. You betrayed everyone and came to me knowing what might happen. Who's to say you would not be a different person if Leto was destroyed, her husk walking and smiling soullessly at you?”

“Okay.” Kara interjects.
“I'll bite. You want to be with your sister and mother. What about the real Fin?”

He shrugged. “I could ask you the same thing. What was the conclusion you came to?”

Kara leaned back uncomfortably. “Well...”

“Thought so. Maybe Lad and I align more than you and him. I no longer care about being the Turais, so long as I can stay here. That means I don't even have a desire to kill him, necessarily. All I want is to stay. Understand?”

“Traitor!” Esther screeched.
“How could you put everyone through this only to give up here! You piece of gab- Aaaagh!” She convulsed.

Ai clasped her hands together under her chin. Her wings were folded neatly behind her. “How can we judge our Master? Surely his decision is correct, even if the goals have changed? Are we not agents for his love and happiness?” Among the rest, Raithe looked a bit conflicted while Jeane was staring down, shaking in stunned silence.

Lad looked at Fin frankly. “I don't get anything by working with you. Let's be real, there's only downsides. It's not even an option.”

“I know. But I've already won regardless of what you do to me now.” He said cockily.

“How?” Fin looked around. They were caught. There was nothing him and his party could do.

“If you're approaching this from the perspective of someone that wishes to succeed, it seems like nonsense. From my perspective, however... What do you think happens when you die here?”

“Oh...” Lad looked at Fin in recognition.

“My soul joins the cycle here. I'll be free. So long as this place remains, and I know you wont let it be destroyed, I will eventually rejoin my Mother and Sister in one of the iterations of this world, as always happens. Souls are programmed to gravitate towards those they have relations with. That means I will eventually be with them even if you kill me.”

“Not if I drag you out of here.”

“Hah... If you drag me out of here I promise I'll continue to threaten the world with Echo until I succeed. I'll even alter my plans and join with whoever is running this to ensure they succeed. In fact, you aren't even considering the biggest trump card I have in my possession right now.”

“What's that?”

Fin looked up. “If the people running this are listening, I will lick your boots clean for the chance to help you succeed, I promise.” He smiled with satisfaction.
“There. Now they know, as well.”

“I don't know what to do with this, Lad...” Kara remarked in disbelief.
“We didn't lose... We beat him, but I don't feel like we won. That bastard gets to sit there smiling after all he did.”

“What can we do?” Kai wondered out loud.

“Hey.” Lad knelt in front of Fin to get on his level.
“Can you contact your people outside?”

“I can.” Fin smiled.

“I wont work with you, but if I make sure you get what you want through my decisions in the end will you disband Echo right now? I want solid evidence that you released our people, and all the people you   brainwashed from my world.”

“Done. I'll do it in a heartbeat if you promise.”

“You'd do it off a promise? Something like that?”

Fin scoffed. “How would you break your word? Are you even capable of it, you bloody goody two-shoes?”

Lad tried to think. “What else can we even do?”

Kara pulled him aside. “There is a way.”

“What is it?”

“If I 'absorb' this Fin, which I know I can do right now,  he wont return to the cycle. He wont get what he wants. He can be punished in a way he deserves.”

Lad rubbed his eyes. “It... Feels wrong that he does everything that he did up until this point and ends up getting everything that he wants with no consequences. But at the same time, all he wants now is to be with his family. If I can ensure that's all he gets... Would it be bad?”

“May I say something?” Lauda approached with a bashful and far more timid Aiden at her side.

“Of course. Please.” Lad motioned gracefully for her to speak.

“The feeling I received from the Elf is that she was truly trying to defeat me. The feeling I received from the boy, the 'Hero' is that he was trying to fail. He wished to get captured.”

“So if this was just a last ditch effort by him, he would not have tried to lose.”

Kara added astutely. “If it was planned, Jeane would have been trying to lose as well. None of his people knew what he was doing. That's for sure.”

“I have to make a decision.” Lad said.



Reading this, does anyone else get the feeling Dark Fin really wants to bang/get banged by/make out with Lad? Maybe it's because my rangers OTP is LadxEveryone, maybe it's Lad's trait in action, but Dark Fin is really coming across like "how dare you foil my plans while being so cool and amazing? I won't even ask for the green eyes to seal our deal because I know you're awesome enough to get everyone their happy ending! No I don't secretly like you, you idiot! I OVERTLY like you!" XD


Reading it again, and I love how Aiden is still Aiden. XD He's trying so hard to be an edgy revenge boy, but he really doesn't have the heart for it. Also screw you Dark Fin! Be nicer to him, your last gasp of humanity in Academy was concern for Aiden's well-being, and they were the only person you knew who seemed to genuinely love you!