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Thank you Pariah1165 for the Patreon Request! 




One of my favorite songs, Pariah has good taste 😎


You should listen to Guide My Way which is the final part to this


That ad was amazing


Well this is a surprise! I was one of the people requesting RWBY music a bunch on twitch literally about a year ago! (Deadex007 on twitch) Good to see an official listen to these songs, hopefully more come through as these songs only scratch the surface of the music RWBY has to offer (it gets better vocally as she gets older, less post production)


If you wanna hear Casey actually stretch her vocal talents when she was 13, then you need to listen to mirror mirror. Especially the belting she does at 1:40

Tomas Rosemblatt

Ok, so you missed something here (I already put it on Discord but just in case): the songs of this show are integral to the visuals and vice-versa. They almost always play during a fight and RLR Part 1 was for the Red Trailer, Part 2 for episode 8 of the series. There’s around 8-9 vocal tracks each season and instrumental leitmotifs are always present. You should really watch RWBY, the most impressive thing by far on consistency and quality is the soundtrack. Also the fights slap.

william watson

If you wanna listen to professional now Casey you can always listen to her album "The Fox and The Bird". The whole albums supposed to be listened to in order so you should listen to it on your own rather than a reaction. If you wanna do a reaction, Awake part of her album "Under The Veil" also aired in an episode of RWBY and is absolutely nuts.