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Anime fights are something on another level 




That giant Mecha is literally a reference to EVA UNIT 01 from the "NEON GENESIS EVANGELION" top tier anime!


So good




Its barely beginning 😩

Ethan Martin

You're about to get into the best arc in the series


Nice video. Also the soundtrack for the remainder of this season just released a few hours ago! So we can start giving you the names now(once we get familiar with them of course 😄🔥

Nathan Elkin

Every episode until the end has fights in it. I’d consider only one episode slow from here on out. Normally I’d say you do you, but I do have one recommendation. Watch episode 16 and 17 together (post them together would be nice) and treat those episodes like a movie experience. Don’t look around a bunch or analyze the music or check the camera. Just enjoy the pure cinema. It deserves your full attention.


Love the Mechamaru vs Mahito fight because of references to other legendary mecha anime like Evangelion and Gurren Lagann

Nathan Elkin

You talk about listening as if it’s a skill that begins and ends with just the sounds but you also talk about wanting to dive into anime and learn to appreciate it and all I’m suggesting is using eyes and ears at the same time to enjoy both the sounds and the raw fluidity and audacity of said episodes. I move around a bunch too when watching the show, but I keep my eyes on the screen. I’m not coming at you and I hate having to preface things, but I feel like you miss out on a lot of the thing you’re wanting to learn more about. It’s small but adds up over time, to the point you forget main plot points or characters, not because you have a bad memory, but because you look away a lot. I feel like an ass saying it, but I don’t think I’m the only one thinking it. I love the reactions, I just cringe when the show is making references to itself or showing character growth, and it goes right over your head. Moments like that are moments when you end up misinterpreting something you could have had a deeper understanding and appreciation of the show for including such things. Last time I mention this kind of thing, but it’s only because this show is so much better than other action you get in anime.


If you ever watch evangelion you should go back and watch this episode. It pulls so much from it, even several specific shot compositions


In fact I think it references it so much that it's kind of corny. It'd be like an american show doing an extended star wars reference

Thomas Juino

you are so not ready for this arc XD Let the Shibuya Incident begins !!!


Listen up... at the end of the day this is a production that runs on software. I'm constantly thinking about audio levels, OBS and if it's still running. I have lights and camera on my face. It's not a normal viewing experience. Not that I need to explain or justify anything... but when I check to my right, it's on that screen also. Just so you know. I have it playing in two locations because that's how OBS works. You think I need to worry about you and if you think I'm cringe because something went over my head? Bro... just bounce now. I'll refund you. That's not how this community works. Take me as is and that's about it.


I feel you Nathan but the man's gotta experience the show his own natural way, if he misses things here and there he is fully capable of picking up on it later too. He is sure to be invested in this arc either way


imagine going to a reaction channel and telling them how to react. This is so unhinged LMAO


As well as Guren Lagan , done by the same studio that did cyberpunk: edge runners.

Square Block

oh man the start of the Shibuya arc, only thing that came to my head is "and here we go" -joker ( Dark knight)


I watched Evangelion for the first time a couple weeks back… rewatching this is amazing now lol Musically, visually, etc. the similarities are wild


This episode is crazy because I straight up forgot this fight existed because of all the insane fighting that happens later, and that's saying something because this one blew me away when I watched it