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We went from going OVER the speed limit by a missive amount to an extreme downshift
It's ok but what a strange route to take in story development imo 




The reset was due to the end of episode 6, when the guy shot himself. She errored out and crashed right then when that happened


To add on to this, the error was because of her mission to "make people happy with singing." and by destroying Grace she led to the dudes death, which is obviously in opposition to her programming, causing the freak out and leading to where we are now


First time watching, I was hella shocked in the first minute seeing a complete change in personality and the beautiful new drip. And the conversation with Navi had me like, "Oh shit, so that's what happened? She froze up and reset at the end of ep last week?" (since I was watching it as it was airing). Because she was already acting like a total different person right out of the gate, a whole new air of self-confidence, so clearly something was off already.


The confusion of this episode is by design. It's a reflection of how Diva herself feels after the reboot. The transition from her reboot to the rebound of her career, who she is now, is memory holed from her. So she has to reground herself similar to how we, the viewers, are. They could have easily given us a recap of that transition at the start but they wanted to get creative with it. Might land differently for people but that's just how it is. The "fatal error" itself was in reference to her freaking out when the guy killed himself at the end of the previous episode. It wasn't one specific action, rather the events that took place as a whole last arc that shook her. This is one of those arcs that deserves the..."Let it cook..." saying


I read a few of the comments before even 10 seconds had passed so I kinda spoiled myself that she 'rebooted' lol but thankfully it wasn't a 'real' spoiler. Though! This episode really had me thinkin', 'cuz it really is such a departure from the high-stakes action packed space-faring adventure we just came from. That said! I was gonna explain a bit about Ophelia until you joked about a pool lmao, anyways About this episode in general, it's obviously more than just a long-winded show-and-tell about how she had a reboot, right? Here we're shown just who Diva *would* have been and her natural life if she never became a James Bond level secret agent striving to save Humanity. The personality alone is a massive crevice away from her initial showcase where she couldn't even figure out why she'd ever need to smile outside a performance in the first place, to then becoming able to actually cheer up and comfort another human being AND an insecure AI/little sister! With that we come to learn that Diva is quite the thinker, always trying to figure out a better way to 'be', whether it's always smiling in front of others to make *them* smile, or developing a habit to always look forward to help 'dazzle' the audience. And! She's got a sense of humour finally! If we compare all this to Vivy, her previous iteration before the reboot, she had very little of all these characteristics, starting off as a head-strong wet sock of a personality who wouldn't even change her facial expression after getting thrown into a metal wall to dead-pan staring as one of her only fans at the time was blown to pieces in an airplane incident. Of course, no idea what the next episode will entail, but it seems like Diva might have to make a heavy choice once again. At least, that's how it seems like it's set up after showing us everything that she'd have to lose, such as her immediate ability to bring a smile to people's face from her continuous and concentrated efforts at performing well. In other words, you could say she is living her 'Perfect' life, the very pinnacle of 'ideal lifestyle' according to her beliefs and principles, but she might have to compromise it to get back to our full-throttle action packed adventure. All that said, putting Ophelia in a sheer black dress was such a good call ong lol