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Thank you ScubaSteve for the Patreon Request 




It’s always so interesting to me. Like I said in one of your streams, I can’t ever tell when it’s real instrumentals, or something digital like a midi. Something for me to learn to distinguish for sure! Also, yea, it’s relatively modern. It aired in July. So I feel ya. Great video as always!


Also- I knew this one was a bit out there, but it was interesting enough to me. So I was curious to see your thoughts on it


This show was pretty weird, but I liked it quite a bit actually


I don't know if you read this but I would like to request a Video on x Japan probably the biggest Rock Band you never heard of. Kurenai live is just such a blast.

Jet Man

Oh yeah. I watched the first episode of this show and forgot about it. Never heard anyone talk about it since then.


I would say it was actually pretty good and picks up a bit like 4 or 5 episodes in


Yeah I know but maybe He reads also just watch it its a really great show


Thanks for your reaction Tony. If I could recommend an opening + a series, it would be Tokyo Ghoul (at least season one which is 12 episodes). It's a beautiful story and I felt deeply moved by the message of Unravel.