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Thank You BloodOfMine for the Patreon Request
This music is legit top tier 




Monogatari Peak.


AYO!? Monogatari OST reaction? This anime and OST is GOD tier. To explain a little what Monogatari (Translated as Story / History) is, there're 13 seasons of various "stories" that our protagonists live, in this case, this is an OST of the three films called "Kizumomonogatari" which can be translated as "Story of scar" or "Story of wound", since Kizu means "Scar / Wound". Not recommended for everyone since it is quite difficult to understand if you don't have previous knowledge of Japanese culture and also because of quite delicate issues that the anime touches on (I won't go into details haha) but that doesn't take away from the fact that this anime is one of the most unique out there, and of course, it's amazing!

Alex cleveland

This anime is wild lol. Anime is already wild as it is, but this is the wildest anime ive ever seen 😂


"Star and You" is the correct translatio for that title by the way.


Ayee another monogatari one! The Kizumonogatari trilogy gotta be some of the greatest anime movies out there.


love this, so much more impactful since it's the credits theme


Legendary pick. I watched the movies but first time listening to this piece. Amazing breakdown. Won't spoil the context but I'll echo the others in saying it's wild and pique. Definitely not for everyone but it's one of those before you die must watch kind of thing. It's it's own facet of anime. Enjoyed the listen with a professional ear on standby lol

Klarin Black

Monogatari is imo something everyone who is interested in anime should give a chance at least once, it may be be too artsy or odd for some, but one will not know whether or not it would be for them before watching it. That being said, you gotta have at least a bit of knowledge of japanese culture and anime tropes to fully appreciate it.


holy shit this is so good. I watched monogatari but don't remember this track


I think it played during the credits of the kizumonogatari movies, each movie had a different version of the song its pretty cool


Mono is FULL of phenomenal tracks, it's genuinely one of my favourite soundtracks of all time. This movie trilogy has a MASSIVELY jazzy vibe with its ost done by Satoru Kosaki, who also does the first few seasons of the OST . Later seasons are taken over by Kei Haneoka who also has some gorgeous tracks. I don't think any show's ost is as good as monogatari's at contributing to the atmosphere and vibe of the show.


The Monogatari Series is a masterpiece


Appreciate the tangent at the end


The Monogatari series, written by NisiOisiN, is a story that weaves together both Japanese mythological tales and traits of the human condition. I'd say it's definitely an 'artsy' piece of media, with lots of emotions, soul, and cold introspection squeezed through the lens by 'one of the greatest anime directors of all time,' Akiyuki Shinbo! It's truly fantastic, though I'm someone who was unable to get into it at first. Tried watching it on four separate occasions through the years before finally it clicked with me one summer afternoon, couldn't part with it ever since! Glad you were able to listen to this song! Still hum it from time to time, so it was super fun to hear what precisely makes this song 'tick' so well!


I swear to god, NisiOisiN is just a living hand of midas. Everything made by him is gold and everything around him becomes gold. Not only does all of his stories have incredible adaptations and music to boot, but he's even inspired voice actors like bocchi's VA to start their career. The man is the ultimate gigachad.


You've actually done a reaction to another song by this series. Great show spanning across many seasons and movie. But very hard to watch for beginners anime watchers. Because it has so many references in the show and the delivery of the show is very different than other anime.


Bit late here, but what was the first monogatari reaction?


Star and you was the proper title. The lyrics are a sort of lullaby, repeated throughout. A star and you You and I The world is you, you are the world A star and you You and I Everything i see Everything i feel You are my universe I want to hear you say my name Feel you in my arms Only then, this love will last forever.