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What a great way to close out a really fun story.  🎵
This is easily my favorite music related anime so far and I think it's pretty easy to understand why.
I have enjoyed this experience and appreciate the story telling that was done even with the CHAOS and questionable moments of some students and staff LOL.
I will echo my closing remarks that I doubt I will find another anime to have this type of "music anime" experience but I hope that we do.  It was fun to reflect from the POV of a music educator and musician.  I am looking forward to doing the movies here on Patreon SOON!  



Jet Man

Ngl, that is hella dumb you cannot make photo copies of music sheets and have it be legal. I can understand why, after giving it some thought.


Haven't watched your upload yet but wanted to throw out there that season 3 is set for an April 2024 release so you can at least keep the party going in the near future.


There are band directors that.. no joke... tell on other directors that photo copy material. It is SO stupid. The amount of money required to only give out originals is just so silly


The lack of funding is the reason I had to go door to door selling oranges/clementines and cheesecakes multiple times a year.

Walt D



Excited for the movies. I know a lot of people especially gas up Liz and the Blue Bird so I'm interested to see what the actual content for that is like. I'll miss some of the 3rd year characters and hope we get some fun new ones to fill the void


The studio that animated this series is my favorite, called Kyoto Animation, they're experts in adapting anime of the "Slice of Life" genre, it can be the most trivial story possible, like an orchestra group (This anime), or a group of friends from the light music club (K-ON), or simply a group of friends who do what they want (several of their projects) and that's chapter by chapter, but despite that, it's not boring, it's entertaining and interesting, especially when you get attached to our protagonists and at the end you're sad that it's all over. Hibike Euphonium is one of the best works I've seen from this studio, along with K-ON, Violet Evergarden, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, among others, they make us realize that the best series don't necessarily need to be complex stories or epic fights (without disregarding any other series of course) just a couple of chapters and you get attached to the cast and just enjoy chapter by chapter. Sorry for the long text haha, but I wanted to express it. Good reaction and of course those explanations and experiences that you tell us chapter by chapter, enrich a lot the reactions you make!


"I have a story to tell you" man I laughed when you said that Thank you for reacting to this anime, truly, it really deserves way more recognition. It was awesome to watch you react to it. Looking forward to the movie reactions ! Also, earlier I watched a movie called Blue Giant, about a saxophonist wanting to make it big in the jazz world, and I think you'd like that movie, just throwing that idea here.

Chris Hee

Thanks for watching Sound Euphonium! I’m glad you enjoyed it! It’s been fun to hear commentary on the musical side of things as I’ve always paid more attention to the characters haha. Here are some orchestral versions of the various openings and endings, if you want to react to them? :) Vivace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOi6_nxdZwY Sound Scape (this is the orchestral version of today’s opening) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Iccj1ovnA Also Tutti!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IaqNj2C1rY Sound Euphonium (Asuka’s melody): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeWyKzcjUFU Takarajima (metro station performance song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbHjZGk5gDw

Chris Hee

Why on earth is the budget for band 200 dollars? That seems insanely low how does that work??


ITS VERY VERY VERY LOW. Performing arts classes have to fund raise. The crazy part is that the jazz band program... was able to ... fund.. .for....... 250K, not joking... it was SO unbalanced.


Being the ONLY director for the bands/drumline program was a massive undertaking and was honestly the most exhausting job I have ever had. Nevera again will I role that gig solo or likely at all. 11 years was enough

Chris Hee

Eleven years sounds already sound like an eternity Uhhh 250k vs 200 is...quite a disparity, damn. Did they have like a rich patron or something? Did your band's budget never get increased?


This was so good!!! I subscribed to the patreon for eupho since it's my #1 fav anime and I love all the tangents and musical insight you give on your music anime reactions. I've already lost count how many times I've watched this anime but this particular rewatch was a ton of fun! The obligatory tears were shed too haha. I always looked forward to the weekly eupho with Tony, and it's been a great (nearly 6 month!) ride :D This show really makes me regret not having gotten into music when I was younger, and I feel like I channel that into the media I consume since I particularly enjoy music media (even though ofc it's really romanticized). Looking forward to the rest of eupho coming out and watching it here if you end up doing it (movies and ensemble contest OVA too) Thanks for the react as always!


The school year in Japan starts in April. That's why timing of events like commencement may seem shifted compared to the US.

Jarod S

As someone who had seen the show once years ago it was great to revisit it and hear your perspective as someone who actually worked in the exact type of setting, makes me appreciate the work that was put into the story. As far as I know the show is pretty unique in terms of the exact subject matter covered, so while there are certainly other music focused anime I don't think there's anything else out there that will be as directly relatable to your experience as this show which is unfortunate but does make it special in that way. Certainly looking forward to Liz and the Blue bird as from memory that was my favourite part of the show, and also obviously excited to see its conclusion with season 3 round the corner. Keep up the great stuff Tony, glad you're having fun with it.


I love how much you hate the new president 😂😂

濠纔 アンドロメダ

劇場版も見てほしい!!! めちゃくちゃ面白いですよ!!


I absolutely love Sound Euphonium, one of my favourite pieces of media. Which is funny considering when I first watched it - I had nothing to do, not only with the band, but any music in general. It's just that the themes in this anime are so real. Discovering passion, desire to do your best (even when you suck at something lol), sibling relationships, regrets. Rewatching it with your commentary added so much more useful context, that it only reestablished Sound Euph as one of my favourites. And even though, I like music now, I never had experience of being in a band so it was fun getting so much insights into how things are there. Seems a lot of fun :)

Mariana Roca

Spring 2024 we'll have the third season! By them you'll probably be watching together with us. The third season will feature the 3rd year of our protagonists, since the 2nd year is covered on the movies and OVAs. Oh boy, first season was on Spring 2015 and second season on Fall 2016. The main movie sequel was on Apr. 2019. Imagine for the staff, the feeling to be doing an episodic again, after Arson, COVID and all kinds of crazy stuff, to be seeing the voice actors again, working together with bands again, missing those who left and working with new people on and old series filled with passion, and... THEY will feel the sensation of a new year of band! PS: Unfortunately, the arson part is not a joke.

Red Menace

tangent tony is best tony LOL


Totally didn’t expect the series to be this good. It dove so deep into the intricate dramas between the members of the band compared to the 1st season. Really good experience overall. In this episode, I especially like the fact that when Reina was playing the trumpet solo, the other graduating trumpet player was following alongside the solo by moving her fingers. Really shows that she wanted to play the solo well too imo