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They really went there on this ep.  



Chris Hee

Hi! Just wanna say, there are three more movies that continue the story directly, and are a bridge to the upcoming final season: 1. Liz and the Blue Bird 2. Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – Our Promise: A Brand New Day (Chikai no Finale) 3. Tokubetsuhen Hibike! Euphonium ~Ensemble Contest~ I'd really recommend watching them, if possible :) Edit: Yeah...this episode really was just teenage things ~~ If I'm not wrong, the sheet music Taki-sensei gave Reina was right after his wife passed away, when Reina was still in middle school


Before those two, he should watch "Liz and the blue bird" movie.


There are some levels of cultural difference in how Japan views this weird age gap thing, but I think it's more they are less inclined to stray away from talking about it among other weird stuff, because it's still not acceptable for a teacher and student to be a thing.


You would be doing yourself a disservice by not watching Liz and the Blue Bird before Our Promise: A Brand New Day


Yeah, Reina just basically accepted that it's just not gonna work out and for closure (I guess) she asked about her wife. She realized right there that the reason he's a teacher there and is doing all of this is because of her wife. Winning gold is already something that Reina wanted for herself but now she has an extra reason to focus, to grant Taki-sensei's wish (because you still want to make the person you like happy even if they dont see you that way) which was her wife's wish in the first place. In a way, everything is happening partly because of her wish. I guess is just a way for the show to close this whole teacher crush side story lol but also to show that Reina is back on track and stronger than ever and they all finally have the same goal without distractions.


Pausing at the beginning real quick, official subs forgot a sentence when Hashimoto talks to Asuka just after her speech : he says "性格変わった ?" - "did your personality/character change ?" to which she answers that she's grown up a bit (if you wanna hear it and read it : "seikaku kawatta ?" is the romaji translation)

JC The Beard

The whole side plot of Reina's crush on Taki is easily one of the worst elements of the entire Sound Euphonium franchise. Like you mentioned - these kinds of crushes happen. It's not unrealistic that a character like Reina would have developed feelings for Taki, given the connection they have had for most of her life through her father. But for the material to more or less endorse that kind of thing as acceptable (and for Kumiko to say "I'm rooting for you", WTF) without at least one character coming right out and slapping some sense into her and telling her how dangerous it is... I just really hate the way it was handled. A lot of people who've never been involved with education don't realize how these kinds of things can so easily spiral into something that ruins the life of an educator (especially a young, conventionally-attractive male teacher) even if the authority figure doesn't reciprocate. All it takes is an accusation of impropriety and that's it - he's dead to rights in the court of public opinion even if he did absolutely nothing wrong. I imagine you saw that kind of thing happen at least once in your education career - I'd be very surprised if you didn't. It just seems like a really weird and poorly-fitting thing to shoehorn into this. It stands completely in opposition to the message of the rest of the story.

Mariana Roca

I would sai it's Reina tht lives in her inward world about taking a crush with a teacher (normal) to a very serious, jealous and toxic level (crazy and creepy). Only Kumiko knows how deep in her inward world Reina is about this love, but Kumiko, as Asuka said, don't really express her own opinions, rather says her idea of "what's best for the person to hear in the short term". She isn't giving the speech "it's normal to have teacher crushes but you're going too far" because it would harm everyone, including their friendship, in the short term. The narration hides what Kumiko really thinks from us. On rare moments, like when she's crying at the metro or bursting out on Asuka, we see what's really on her mind. Meanwhile, the inward world of Reina's is a can of worms. Mix the two, you get a very weird thing to digest. TL;DR: It's creepy because Kumiko have the "I don't want to hurt" and not being honest mindset.

Mariana Roca

Also I forgot to mention in the last comment but I think this deserves it's own: Not only Reina is creepy but she just toss the blame on Kumiko for her creepiness to talk to Taki!? That pisses me off everytime I watch it.

Fuji Nami

My theory is the culture difference is the system not the country. In the west, media is produced by corporations and government regulate it to the brim and plus there's test screenings and stuff. In Japan it's more cut throat and the creator of most novels/manga tend to be one or two people before it becomes an anime. Light novels/manga don't really force things to work, it just gets axed, but if it doesn't for the most part they get more control and freedom over their work than we do (they still have to deal with annoying editors but even then). This makes it more tailored to their local audience and also more creative. And if an anime doesn't get adapted faithfully to the source material they get a lot of flack from the fans. The downside to this is uncomfortable topics not made for us gets brought up every so often.


yeah, the reina x taki relationship is weird even for japan/anime trope standard