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Thank you KirkTown for the Patreon request!
This one was awesome.  I def tangent'd



Kirk Town

Big laugh out of the newscaster part, freakin spot on! & LMAO @ "Yeah, You'd fuckin shit your pants, dude. You see these, like, look at these drum toms! OMG, bro, those look real!" over a polygon tom. So fucking true! And look at us now, holy shit... Yasutaka Nakata was born in 1980, so he's very much tapping into the vibe you describe, that picturesque Virtual Reality come to life in motion. Imagine popping this shit into your Walkman! Great observation with the old school computer camera pan look. The animations matching the instrumentations? *chef's kiss* Much of Nakata's music is so simple it's almost just a vamp. I love busy syncopated music and real virtuosity, yet somehow this dude's tracks get my goat so often. Somebody about the sparse fills makes them feel poignant and they really speaks to when relistening to a track. The moments where you pantomime drum fills where you might plug one in live are SO familiar! I'm your junior at '87 so I'm right on the edge of the digitization of society. I could butcher a chicken and still had to walk to the library to get books, but quickly I was also the first kid to become a nerd in the community and install free internet in half the apartment complex full of immigrants. It wasn't widely accepted, but over 20 years I would watch everybody join my world as everyone slowly got online. From analog synths to chat gpt, it's been a funky time to be alive, and it's probably gonna get weirder. Thanks for indulging my electro-pop. (P.S.: Fuck yeah, Captain EO!)