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11/10 dislike 



Arian Abdolahy

HAHAHA, I had to laugh when the singing began because I realized how bad it was and your expression said it all 😂🤣 I always expected your music reactions to be only to exceptionally good music, this was refreshing. I loved how unimpressed you were 🤣


You know things have gotten real when there are multiple unimpressed horses.

Dixon Hale

Lmao. They have palatable songs. Some really rad concept albums but yeah this one is rough.


Due Vendetta''s really not their best song, but it's also basically the first one they made when they were in college I believe. Or at least it's the one that started their career according to their Spotify. It's heavily inspired by old school Mega Man and basically just listing off all the characters. It's the epilogue to their first album, The Protomen, which is part of a series telling the story of Mega Man. I really like their songs on those and listen to them sometimes and I think the story's really neat. Perhaps you could give a listen to some more of their stuff. Act II: The Father of Death is a prequel to their first album.

Alex cleveland

1:06 my dudes face bruh😂😂😂😂 I was chuckling ngl lmaoo

Just Chris

I chose Due Vendetta due to it being their most disconnected song to the larger Rock Opera but if I had to go back in time I would have chosen Breaking Out, Keep Quiet, Light Up The Night, Vengeance or The Stand. Honestly it's my bad for picking their purposely crude wind-down song.

Just Chris

Chose it because I thought it required the least context, I chose wrong.

Dixon Hale

I know we are having fun dogging on the song but like Tony always says in his reactions, his opinion isn't law. The distortion is just rough on the ears, especially for a first time listener. I personally haven't heard this song of theirs but I checked out their stuff from when this released and I think I just would have bounced off of them on this album. But their sound evolves a TON between The Protomen and Act 2. And there is something special to a fan listening to first albums, imo. I am a huge Billy Talent fan and I love there Demo Tapes. So don't say you chose wrong, man! Nothin' wrong in liking what you like.