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This is my favorite EP so far!!! 



Nathan Elkin

If you want another show like Death Parade, that challenges the conventions of what types of stories people can tell, you should try the show Sonny Boy. You have already reacted to some of the better pieces of music from the show, but it’s short like Death Parade and will leave you thinking about it for a long, long time.


nah Mappa still animating JJK


Hidden Inventory (first five episodes of season 2) has a phenomenal studio. All of season 2 is still created by MAPPA, but I think the animators changed to fit the manga’s artsyle.

javier calderon

r you going to watch the movie after this season?

Arian Abdolahy

The studio didn’t change in the second season as far as I know. But there are more changes to the animation style (which are in my opinion fitting to the context of the story or at least experimental, but not necessarily negative).


what a shout, I ADORE the use of music in sonny boy and its animation is also incredible. Even for those who don't really get it or think it's too 'artsy' it's really hard not to appreciate how amazing the music and aesthetics of it are.


S2 is still Mappa, but with a new director and a different art style. Looking forward to seeing your opinions on those changes - I personally think it only elevates the adaptation but there are tons of mixed opinions towards it! The piece you were talking about reacting to is actually the title theme of the show - just 'JUJUTSU KAISEN' Maki's heavenly pact is a pretty important detail - Just as Mechamaru is physically incredibly weak with a ton of cursed energy in exchange, Maki's physically INSANE in exchange for having very little cursed energy and no cursed techniques (even though she should've been born with one) - of course, these pacts aren't willingly gone into, they're just an example of how unfair being a sorcerer is. Funnily enough back in ep 1, Megumi sees Yuji breaking world records without cursed energy, to which he says 'I wonder if he's like Zenin-senpai', implying Yuji may have a similar pact to her, although he now of course has cursed energy having consumed Sukuna's finger.

Steven Tran

I absolutely love Sonny Boy, it has similar vibes to early 1990s-2000s anime like Lain and FLCL. Anime of this style aren't really made anymore which is a shame.


Did episode 16 get taken down? The videos go from 15 to 17


It’s there but it hasn’t been added to the collection


S2 is still being made by Mappa just a series director and artstyle change. Fun fact considering you loved this ep so much, the episode director for this is the series director for S2.


I didn’t know that, that’s awesome, but looking back now, I can definitely see that

Jet Man

Sonny Boy is an interesting show for sure, but it won't appeal to the majority of people.

Nathan Elkin

Lol, I don’t care about the majority. This guy has a quick brain on his shoulders, and I want to watch him wrestle with abstract ideals


Season 2 generally trades detail for fluidity of movement. In other words, the animation in season 2 flows better and the fights are a bit better imo but things are less detailed in exchange.


Please do!! The story it adds is important but it’s also just great in general

Nick K

Season 2 does not hold back in the animation department, I can say with complete confidence you will not be disappointed. Every time I think an episode has the best fight of the show a new contender happens.


Sonny Boy is great. I guess my only complaint is that you really feel like giving up on it at points. Definitely worth watching though. One of my favorites.


The director of this episode was awesome im glad you noticed how good the direction was throughout


Cannot wait, next 3 episodes are some of my favorites for this season


The animation of JJK season 2 is some of the best I have ever seen, especially the first five episodes and the most recent one. You have nothing to worry about. I don't know how someone could think it was anything but stellar


Felt a little bad for Miwa, but Maki is just HER.


I really like Mai despite her general attitude. She's dealing with a disgusting mix of jealousy, anger at her clan and circumstances, anger at Maki, anger at herself, and self-loathing. Definitely none of it is an excuse to take out shit on others, especially her own sister, but part of that can be attributed to being raised in a shitty environment mostly devoid of love and affection. I'm glad she at least has Momo there for her, but I think she needs more hugs.