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Kyoto plot thickens.... 👀




You should definitely do the ending song. It's easily my favorite ending song out of all 4 ending songs so far in Jujutsu Kaisen. It's called "give it back" by Co Shu Nie.

Alan Fan

Sukuna has 20 fingers. He had 2 faces and 4 arms.


Okkotsu Yuta was mentioned again in this episode, the first time I watched JJK I overlooked his name, he will be important in the future so I recommend paying attention to what they say about him. Great reaction, looking forward to the next episodes.

Arian Abdolahy

Anyone know what the song is called that started during the transition?

Arian Abdolahy

Things that would otherwise go unnoticed: "Oh, this dude. Are you smoking brain?! And the pipe is alive, what the fuck dude?!" Hahaha, always love your reactions.


Wait why do you skip the op if you never seen it before i get that you heard the song but… I mean maybe you already seen it by yourself so if that’s the case then nvm.


I have already reacted to the OP music. I don't like ops if they show me something that has not happened yet. Not taking chances


I didn’t mean that negatively my bad I meant stay in the dark in a good way Yk? To avoid spoilers.


I think it's Nobara's theme: "Straw Doll Technique Resonance"

Mariana Roca

Watching the OP at the last episode (that has that OP) is the best way indeed. Unfortunately, rare are the animes that have an OP song but not a proper OP. Or something like Angel Beats, that the OP and ED would change based on what happened on the previous episodes, no unseen character popping out there.

Mariana Roca

To add: On the first episodes, the 20 fingers is mentioned and Yuji even asks "10 fingers and 10 toes?", to be corrected by Gojou's "The myth says that he had 2 faces and 2 arms", kind of skeptical about the 2 faces part (can pretty much be just 4 eyes). But given how he casually makes extra mouths on Yuji to speak, he probably can grow an entire second face if he wants.


Oh Tony! I just noticed something I should probably explain, since it pops up in anime often: Japanese people have a superstition that when you sneeze, it means there's someone talking about you behind your back. That's why it showed Gojou sneezing after glasses chick called him a dumbass. Apologies if you already knew this.


This is common in a lot of other anime as well, so you'll notice it as you continue your anime journey. Usually used as little comedic moments


9:10 looks like the stand of an important character from JoJo Part 5