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Domain Expansion.  9/10 power.  👀



Walt D

Is someone going to be a friend to Tony and have him react to the Tucker episode on FMAB? It's like 6 episodes in or something. Don't take my word, ask the community.


FMAB would be a good replacement for death note to be fair


also the element you aren’t remembering is that all the other students still don’t know itadori is alive lol


The element you might have forgotten was that his friends think hes dead, so they havent seen each other since the jail incident

Jet Man

21:08 - I think that is what I like most about the series as well. How it is not just action, but action with a purpose. How they reflect on things and the characters grow from the experience. I know, it almost seems like a natural thing for story telling, but there are plenty of other anime out there that are action for the sake of action, or comedy for the sake of comedy. You certainly don't find this kind of character growth in JoJo.


Countermeasure For Domain Expansion is the name of the song you asked for ! Also the eye catcher piano-ey song you enjoy has a full version called JUJUTSU KAISEN


Not sure, but the element you're forgetting might be that Yuji was believed to have been killed and no one knows that he survived except the people we've seen directly interact with him (Gojo, Nanami, Ijichi, Shoko, etc.) So his friends still think he's dead hence why they said the meatballs Yuji taught Fushigoro to make are like his legacy.

Lijnaito2021 !

Man, you don't realize how done nanami was domain expansion like self-embodiment of perfection or infinite void are guaranteed hits. So if he would have done idle transfiguration that was it. He would have been one of them. Freaky looking monsters no doubt


As mentioned above, the music played during the ad break that you like so much is just a portion of a full track! here it is. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9u6-y8y8NOE&pp=ygUhanVqdXRzdSBrYWlzZW4gb3N0IGp1anV0c3Uga2Fpc2Vu. Spotify has a much higher quality version of it under the same name. Enjoy!