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Thank you WuYixiang for the request!
Nice to have a march on here!  




Quick summary of GuP: Cute girls get into a sport called Senshadō ("The Way of the Tank"). It's basically archery or kendō, but with WW2-era tanks. But nobody ever gets hurt in matches even though they're using live shells. The main cast has to fight a whole lot of different schools in a tournament setting, and each opponent is based on a different WW2 faction, and each school has its own march and drives that faction's tanks exclusively. We have St. Gloriana (UK), Saunders (US), Pravda (USSR), Kuromorimine (Germany), Anzio (Italy), Chi-Ha-Tan (Japan), Jatkosota (Finland), BC Freedom (France). A great anime for WW2 nerds and people who just want low-stakes tank battles.


You talking about how military marches should have some drop tuning just makes me think of the guitar guy from mad max fury road lol


Girls und Panzer! Love the show, so I was happy to see it being featured here! Yeah, not many marches, but the show is chalk full of them so I'd be excited to see another one here! Glad you enjoyed it, and I got to learn some about the inner workings of actually playing these pieces