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Kento Nanami aka 💰 money bags, is a fun character 




Another Thursday for JJK! New episode and a Tony reaction!💜

aramis alfons

The eerie string piece in the background is called "Curse Womb Must Die" by Hiroaki Tsutsumi

Lijnaito2021 !

Nanami is my favorite character in the show I'm glad you like him as well!


'Revealing one's hand' being an actual pact that increases the effectiveness of your technique is a hilariously amazing way to justify characters explaining their technique to enemies. The tradeoff of giving the enemy information is a stronger technique - but as it is also an understood aspect of the battle system, it means someone could also lie about their technique, foregoing the power boost for the tradeoff of misleading their opponent. It's essentially a glorified excuse for exposition, but I love that it's actually incorporated into the battle system. I also really appreciate Nanami actually treating Yuji like the kid that he is - oftentimes we just get really used to our protagonists being high school age and fighting to the death, so it's cool to have a genuinely thoughtful adult who is conscientious that he's working with children in a dangerous line of work.

Nick K

Wow I can't say what it is but I just noticed a scene in this episode that has extra relevance but only in hindsight if you've seen later episodes. Love when shows are made that thoroughly and rewatching is rewarded similar to AOT


Bullies are the worst. Always satisfying to see them get what they deserve in anime.