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LOL volume warning at the end
I got a little mad, lmaoooo



Chris Hee

From what I've heard, Kaori's solo was played by an actual talented high schooler, while Reina's was played by a professional musician haha But yeah, I guess the dramatic needs of the story overtook proper pedagogical practice here haha. I guess from an in-universe perspective, this is the band advisor's first time in a teaching position, so he's still prone to stumbling


“clap Motherfuckers”😭😭😂


Man I knew they'd lean into the quote from last episode about how people will admit when they hear great music, but teach put way too much faith in that. I didn't believe for a second that she'd actually accept but that's just because I'm viewing it as a story. An actual teen probably accepts 99% of the time

Mariana Roca

He handled this really bad, yes. I think after the club director's tip he only focused on making the students impressed with Reina and stop saying bullshit, and not really making a proper re-audition. He also trusted the japanese culture of resigning out of shame when placed in this kind of situation. Also, in my opinion he IS presented as a bad kids teacher; he's mentioned to have a good reputation with your average yesman japanese adult, but no one ever said about him teaching underages, so I'll guess this is his first time. PS: Yes, everyone hated Ribbon Girl and her 5yo attitude. PS2: I didn't read the novel, but it's said that the original is much harsher than the anime adaptation. Maybe this "happy ending re-audition" is anime-only?


Afaik, the difference between novel and anime I heard mentioned was that Kaori was the one who cried, instead of Yuuko crying for her, so the re-audition hapened in novel as well. Not sure about other differences though, haven't read it.


Wild episode. Stan girl continues to be the biggest L. They really did the yuri bait again. Since Reina said that she never thought about giving up the solo, I think she was trying to see how much Kumiko was going to support her. I play violin and didn’t know trumpet could vibrato like that. Crazy how the club president also clapped for Kaori too. Man the rest of the band some parrots. Ik I’m not a 15 year old Japanese girl but I would be clapping tf out of my hands for reina. Good on kaori for declining the solo tho


can’t wait for the next one


Fyi Tony, the studio just announced season 3 for this show next year. So you'll have a lot of content for this show.


This is your best reaction yet Tony. I can tell it riles you up but in good fun I like to imagine. As someone else mentioned the official release date has been confirmed for April of 2024 so you have some time to catch up.


As a non music person this was super cool to see! i always felt Reina's playing was better but legitimately didn't know if it was because the story primed to feel that way or if it was actually better. Super cool to a pro actually describe why it was better 👍

Fuji Nami

I think it was a fake test question. If she would have said yes, i think that'll give the teacher permission to rip her performance into shreds and ask her again, be a more satisfying ending but it'll make us hate her for it.


That's the only possibility. BUT, it's dramatic and indirect. He was already dealing with drama surrounding the youth. I was really hoping he would establish a strong ground and set boundaries of classroom expectations that would tighten things up


I think he was confident enough in the difference between their capability that he knew no one would be convinced she should play the solo after hearing them side by side, not even the player herself. Though that's just dramatic this probably wouldn't work irl. Not to mention no way two high schoolers have this big of a difference haha

TsUNaMy WaVe

Just want to mention a quick Japanese cultural thing from this ep that can go unnoticed by western audience. When Yuko (ribbon girl) ask Reina to bomb the audition, and the way she does it, is considered to be a HUGE thing. The fact that Reina was able to still refuse to her also shows how strong Reina is in her beliefs, because refusing in this kind of situations is considered very, very inappropriate. Basically, Yuko is her senior (senpai), which in and of itself means Reian is culturally raised to respect and be obedient to. But on top of that, Yuko is also bowing her head down to her - and not just a small bow, but a full-on head down (the only deeper bow at that level is to literally sit and bow on the ground). From Yuko's side, this is something not very accepted as well ("superior" bowing their head to "inferior", again in the school seniority aspect), but usually when a person is going out of their way to beg of you like this, refusing is usually frowned upon. And again add the seniority thing... it's a huge Lose situation for Reina, culturally. That's why the fact she still refused is just highlighting her and the whole "wanting to be special" thing. Really enjoying your reactions!

TsUNaMy WaVe

Usually not, because it is something very embarrassing/not very appropriate to the requesting party as well. Do you remember how she told her "you can tell them I threatened/bullied you"? She actually preferred that over letting others know she even requested it in this manner. That's why she also did it in an empty classroom, away from everyone. It's basically a way to request when you have nothing more to lose.


You can see the seriousness of Japan's hierarchical culture in the variety of Japanese Honorifics (like 'ohayo' and 'ohayogozaimasu' you mentioned above) used in REAL LIFE (not just in dictionary).


1) "how did we come in couple of episodes from _this_shit_ to _that_shit_"?!! 2) "clap MFs", "I'm fucking lose my mind", "WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! NO!!!" 3) Tony comes into comment justifying Taki's method, to say that he DOESN'T AGREE WITH HIM ANYWAY. These are points clearly showing us that Tony found his type of anime.