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🙉 t h e  d r a m a

LOL Good builder episode to really set her character but def looking forward to hearing more rehearsal in their actual class.  



Szayel H

The show mostly will center around its characters and their growth. It's a "Slice of life" anime after all, think of it as bocchi but instead of comedy elements it's drama


"We will probably see the next episode sooner than later" I like the sound of that!! Keep it coming Tony. Its been years since ive watched this show and now rewatching it with your commentary made it even better.


gonna be interesting to see what Kousaka thinks of the "drama" between her and Kumiko because it feels like she doesn't care about it while Kumiko is constantly stressing over it


I agree with the person above. Keep it coming! Don't worry though, there will be plenty of more playing than Bochi! I'm looking forward to your teaching side commentary. I felt there was a richness of details with regard to the actual music playing, but lacking the technical knowledge of the subject myself, I really look forward to you breaking it down as you like to do haha.


I don't why but you pulling out your "new ai app" to save the day was hilarious

Eli L.

Great reaction! The anecdotes and music/education info you insert are a fun addition to the show.

Jarod S

Yeah as another person said, this show definitely has its drama and character building time but there’s a lot more performances and time spent practising than bocchi, so plenty to look forward to on both fronts. Definitely keen to hear more of your insights and comparisons to your time teaching on top of the usual musical analysis stuff.


Oh my god it’s daddy nanami


As a trumpet player, we love having egos 😂


In Japan, the clubs are run by the students and the teachers/adults are brought on as advisors. It's very different than the classroom band setting in the states where it's an official class run by the school which is why Taki gives them the choice of what they want to do.


Are you under the impression that in the states music related groups only rehearse during the school day hours????


(I know this is an old comment, and you probably know this already by now, but I can't resist, and I'm relatively new here - music teacher here, as well!) In Japan, large ensembles like band and orchestra are not taught as classes during the school day. It's a club or extracurricular activity and treated more like we view school sports in the US. (after school rehearsal every day, expected long hours every afternoon and weekend, band camp, lots of students running things, etc). Notice none of the kids are on an athletic team - you usually can't do both, unless you disappear from band for a season. Taki is really a coach for this team (not a teacher for a class), similar to a baseball coach in the US whose primary job is to teach something like Math or Science during the school day. It explains a lot of why Taki treats the group like he does in the first few episodes, and why the series has a lot of parallels with, say, a sports team aiming for the national competition. Also, at many schools, the band may have an advisor who is not a musician themselves, but is just the adult responsible for them - so student conductors are common.