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About 2 months ago I had this on YouTube and it was up for about 1.5 weeks before it got blocked.  Here you go! 




this is easily the best anime song I've ever heard. and is pretty connected to the characters as well re: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HKe5rMmCgA0 . Now that @drumrolltony has watched the anime, would be cool the see the react of the full song with connection to the story.


The full song is nuts too with really cool change ups and a funky rap section

Nick K

Had seen this one when you originally put it out but enjoyed rewatching your breakdown, and this group has easily been my favorite new bands to find in the last few years. They were on hiatus for a bit due to some legal issues with their old drummer but thankfully they've been able to move on and are back in full swing. They're a japanese band but are multinational and as you can probably tell mix a lot of different styles. The band name ALI also stands for Alien Liberty International. Oh, and the anime is great too. If you like the action of CSM and characters with strong personalities, but a bit more serious on the plot. Currently at two seasons and a prequel movie so far.

Nick K

He got arrested for some kind of fraud scheme along with other people (who are not in the band) and has since been replaced. In Japan though any kind of scandal can really quickly destroy careers to my understanding, so the band being able to come back from that is fortunate.