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Thank you Ineedhealing for the Patreon request!




This song gives me "You can overcome this" vibes, like when you're on your last legs and need a final push


As a new Patreon subscriber: is it typical for you to listen to the whole song once through before dissecting? Not that it's a bad thing, I'm just so used to the YouTube method of pausing in the middle of the piece to analyze

Alexander123 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-05 09:55:02 I’m glad I’m part of the Patreon Haikyu the Reason I Played Volleyball in High school
2024-05-30 05:59:20 I’m glad I’m part of the Patreon Haikyu the Reason I Played Volleyball in High school

I’m glad I’m part of the Patreon Haikyu the Reason I Played Volleyball in High school

Alexander123 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-05 09:55:02 I just noticed your not a circle your a rectangular 😂😂 Rectangular Tony 💀
2024-05-30 06:03:55 I just noticed your not a circle your a rectangular 😂😂 Rectangular Tony 💀

I just noticed your not a circle your a rectangular 😂😂 Rectangular Tony 💀


One of my all time favorite anime right here. It's unreal good and really speaks to anyone who's ever done anything competitively. Also yeah some of the OPs and EDs for it like this just rock. I think the only thing that I dislike about this song is that the mix is kind of saturated in some parts so it can be kind of hard to pick individual parts out because it all feels so maxed out.


Never thought about how much pressure was on elementrary and middle school music teachers, I couldnt handle trying to teach kids music lol. Plus I love the tangent Tony sections its like a podcast plus reaction <3

Tuny kun

Love this song. (Fun fact, both Japanese Olympic volleyball teams have played parts of these openings during matches.)