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TANGENT TONY in the house 😂😭
This ep had the most real band program stuff in the whole series so far




I kind of disagree that the show feels like the characters only practice a for a few hours for a day and then sound perfect. In fact, especially in this season, it really feels like everyone is practicing every day as hard as they can for multiple hours straight. Even in this episode, Kumiko talks about how they're dedicating the vast majority of their high school life to this. Even in season 1, there was an entire arc dedicated to Kumiko learning a single part of her piece for the performance. She was shown to be struggling for a really long time and dedicating her entire day to practice for multiple weeks.


Unironically loved the tangents btw. Always do. Much love!


Lol Feel free to disagree 👍 I guess you could go back to the episode I'm referring to about the 1st featured parade in here.

Jarod S

Tangents are fun. Its cool to see your insight / opinions on stuff and to hear different perspectives, keep em coming I say.

Parampreet Singh

After three seasons I realized this show is like “u did this wrong, but u gotta figure out how to do it right on ur own”