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Man. You have to have walls up to watch this Anime.



Sebastian Stróż

Hang in there Tony. I'm watching this series for like 5th time and it never failed to make me cry...


...i always cry no matter how many times I rewatch it myself or when watching a reaction vid...


Violet Evergarden is like therapy… it makes you feel things that are uncomfortable but ultimately heals you. What a show

Sebastian Stróż

Oh you already watched it lol. Yeah ep 10 brings out the fucking waterfall guns and doesnt hold back.


Aw ye I was looking forward to today. "what is the point of watching someone suffer so much," asked and then answered by the show lol. Roland remains our side character MVP from first the Special/OVA, and again here. Our main character is learning all of the different forms love can take to understand the major's and her own, and love comes with loss and grief. Those things are unpleasant but ultimately the negative space around them underlines and reaffirms the positives and how much something meant, and I think the show illustrates this beautifully alongside the message of earnestly making connections with people and communicating your feelings--especially when it's hard. Love it and thanks again for sharing


well, it depends… if it can get you to feel to such a degree, especially if it’s for something you maybe haven’t felt in a while… that can also be considered healing. …or maybe that’s just cope lol. But I do genuinely believe this show doesn’t just exist to be emotional pain.

Jackie Miles

Get ready for episode 10.


man I was born in the early 90s so I was kind of the last generation to remember sending mail and not having digital communication. I remember my house didnt have internet until almost 2000 and none of my friends did either. It's so weird talking to people even slightly younger than me because there's a cultural shift there they missed. All they know is a digital world.

Kiryuu Yona

I'm not exactly old enough to remember the letters era but I recently exchanged handwritten letters with my boyfriend and it truly feels special and different.