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LOL wtf is even going on 😂
One left. We need to start brainstorming about what is next



Jet Man


Lijnaito2021 !

Demon Slayer is my vote for its replacement! Especially since season 4 starts in 5 days

Noisy cow 777

The confusion only continues for the next episodes lol. I had to look up a bunch of stuff myself after the season ended because the information was so quickly delivered at times it didn’t make sense to me, so you’re definitely not alone in being lost at times.


The whole Choso fight wasn’t in the manga, the fight was just about only 2 pages worth. I think his character is so popular they had to extend it lol. I recommend Go Go Loser Ranger (Ranger Reject) and Link Click for the next reaction polls!


Something like TTGL (Tengen Toppa...) would be good to replace Jujutsu Kaisen

Grouch Douglas

Correct me if it's already been watched but Demon Slayer is an obvious amazing option.

Ethan Martin

Re Zero was pretty close in one of the recent past votes and it more than deserves a spot on the patreon. Such an amazing psychological thriller


Yeah I'd vote for Demon Slayer next. Time to introduce you to a new animation studio and imo one of the greats in terms of action. You'll love it

Sebastian Stróż

Fate would be right up your alley. 12/10 animation with 10/10 music and darker themes than most shounen.

Lijnaito2021 !

Choso became one of my favorites and it continued throughout the manga. They definitely made him into a fan favorite character somehow

Klarin Black

I think most confusion comes from people not being familiar with similar power systems (HxH for example) while JJK(the anime especially) just grazes over the things that are common in a lot of battle shonen. Also the anime has the disadvantage of not having unlimited time to explain actually complicated things(which isn’t really a lot despite how it feels), where the manga can just drop a page or two of explanations and examples.

Klarin Black

My personal Vote would be Fate (probably Zero to start, but UBW is also a great start) If It isn’t really important that the Vibe or audience of the show match up Made in abyss or mob psycho 100 are also great shows, probably also a pretty good switch up to what you have seen so far.


I'd recommend Berserk (1997) for some 10/10 dark fantasy, or Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Szayel H

Fate/zero,Made in abyss would be nice to see

Lijnaito2021 !

You say midder? I say why is it one of the most popular animes in the world today? Why does it have so much merch? Why did it break records with its movie? Why is it on season 4 now? If it's so mid it would have been canceled by now. So maybe that's just your opinion


You fell for the bait brotha 😭 I typically ignore these comments or just agree with them to boost their small ego 🫡 Plus tony had said he's a fan of simple stories, and DS is indeed a simple story with great animation. People calling it mid only want anime like Vinland or AOT and can't appreciate the little things

Juan Ramirez

Akudama Drive would be a sweet one . Awesome animation really good ENG dub and it’s 1 season


i dont expect you to know everything i know its allot to take in especially with all of these other animes anyways the comments can always summarize

Diego Castagnetti

u should definitely watch demon slayer: amazing ost, amazing animation, amazing fight, simple story. Just amazing


Next episode is the most confusing shit in the world so good luck with understanding what's going on 👍

Martin Lamaze

I'd say FMAB (Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood) would be a great replacement, although it is maybe on the longer side. Great story and themes (and it's not for nothing that it was considered the best anime of all time for years of MIA) and also great music ! (with some more classical stuff that I'm sure you'd enjoy)

Suhas M

Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood would be a great replacement. But I totally get it if you feel that it's too long


I’d go with FMAB (classic must-see, amazing story) or Demon Slayer (lots of cool fights, beautiful animation, good soundtrack)

Yuval grossman

Probably fmab or demon slayer


Darker than Black

Микита Кривогуб

I don't get why everyone's voting for Demon Slayer. It's pretty mid if you're looking for anything but pretty action. I would support you watching the "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" as some people suggested. And, trust me, it's a great pick. Just google some "top 10 best anime", surely it will be in most of them, higher then Demon Slayer every time. Sorry, no easier and faster way to convey to you that FMAB is just a better pick. Hope it wins!


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood would definitely be a good choice to replace JJK. It’s a phenomenal story, amazing music and the animation is fantastic.


would love to see made in abyss on the vote




Made in Abyss!

Juan Ramirez

Saga of Tanya the Evil is action packed short and great animation . Also really great English dub. !


Definitely Fullmetal Alchemist great story action and an amazing dub

Nick K

Inuyashiki is the show that not enough people have seen for it win a poll the people who have seen it (I think) would agree with me that you and others should see it. It's only 12 episodes for the whole show and it does so many things well. It came out back in 2017, has a very unconventional main character, and pretty much anything else would majorly spoil the first episode.

Jarod S

FMAB, Made in Abyss, One Punch Man are all 10/10 shows.


My votes for FMAB and the English dub is good IMO


fmab is an anime staple and a longime classic for good reason. Highly recommend it.


Mob psycho deserves another shot, incredible show


Honestly all the stuff in the last poll should get another shot it's all pretty good. And of course get Evangelion in there


Has Tony watched One Punch Man, i think he'd like the comedy of that?


Im thinking FMAB or Mob Psycho. Both fully completed and amazing shows in all kinds of ways.

Logan H

let's go for steins;gate

Alin Marin

Made in Abyss, you will love it bro!


Definitely won't win the vote but Land of the Lustrous. The music adds so much to that anime, really beautiful. Plus, cute gem people. On a more realistic note, Evangelion or Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Maybe Steins;Gate too, though I think that definitely depends on what you're into, I know plenty of people that think it's too complicated and got bored.


Mob psycho 100 or bust

Dirt Birb

I think its time to take the plunge into Fate

Unbeknownst Man

As popular/legendary shows, I'd recommend Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. As more "niche" shows, I'd recommend Blood Blockade Battlefront (Kekkai Sensen) or Land of the Lustrous.

aramis alfons

From a soundtrack perspective MiA definitely takes the cake. Kevin Penkin is just something else

Walt D

Yes. Hopefully FMAB Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood gets it's chance to wow Tony with the heavy plot that it holds. Also figuring out the mysteries before they are revealed.

Walt D

💯. I think FMAB held it's all time ranking for good reason.


Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. It's a long one (50ish episodes) but only one season and is one of the most widely appreciated anime to ever come out. You would love it.

Sebastian Stróż

LotL is such an amazing anime. It actually lost anime of the year to Made in Abyss which is an achievement already lol.


Damn these comments are depressing (episode 16 reaction were crazy)😅 I personally feel like JJK is a very involved story; every word and action (and the timing of them) is integral to the development of the plot. The disconnect with some viewers, I feel, comes from the thought “I didn’t really get that, but it’s fine”. Everybody that has trauma from season 2 underestimated the importance of season 1. If you don’t get the events and plot points of season 1, as well as the basics of the power system for that matter, then when everything kicks into high gear and everything is put into practice it’s going to be a bad time. It's like trying to appreciate a foreign poem with 70 percent of the language. It's a poem, dude. JJK isn't really a show/story/whatever-you-wanna-call-it that turns around and says "in case you didn't get that, here's a refresher." It's a story about demons and humans, and the exploration of what those terms mean and what it means to live with them. To really live with them. A lotta people turn off when the curses start to act like curses, which is another thing altogether. I don't know, I hope this rant was a different perspective for ya man. Hope the story isn't ruined for ya yet, and it's fine if you just need rewatches to really grasp it as the crowned "rewind king" lol. Wanted you to know there IS something there as someone who actually LIKES the story (some of these guys don't share that sentiment, evidently).


I suggest One Punch Man. The humor is top-tier bro