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We are getting very close to the end.
The way things are sitting right now in this episode the mood is ... diminished




back when this first aired there were production issues that caused some delays and the last 2 episodes didn't have a slot to air for months, so we had to sit on this cliffhanger for a full season of anime until we got the last bit


Nahhhhh you can’t leave us with a cliffhanger like that wtf 😂 and raiden man 😭


considering what happens, basically everyone agreed that the wait was worth it tho 😂


First chunk of the episode is so grim, it really gives that final boss vibe with all the allies staying behind to hold off enemies for the strong protagonist. The song with vocals (THE ANSWER) kicking it felt so much like aot, such a Sawano sounding track. The whole sequence with Frederica really gets me, like wow it's just so good. The perspective of human Kiri replacing the Morpho is a great visual, and all the memories with that soundtrack behind it really hit me harder than I remembered. I hope you've had the same experience, but for me going from not liking Frederica and having her grow on me for this episode to hit made it so much more effective. It's already been mentioned, but the next episode is a recap again because of that 3 month delay before the last 2 episodes


Man this episode hurts. Just watching everyone drop one by one and all we're left with is Shin. This episode feels like a summary of the entire show.

matthew bremmer

86 day wait for the full experience. (pls don't)


Damn I forgot that this episode when into a break for the last episodes until now. My body remembered that cliffhanger.


I'm so jealous of the willpower you have to wait a week before watching the next one lmao


This show is so heavy but so good


A bit behind on the reactions but this is definitely one of my favorite episodes. The depth of emotions is done so well. Also, the song with the female singer is called The Answer which is composed by Hiroyuki and features Laco.