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I got worried about money bags for a sec 



Jet Man

Mr. 24 frames per second is Naobito Zenin. He is Maki's uncle and serves as the head of the Zenin clan.


Yes to explain Domain expansions more, back when it was first explained in season 1 when Gojo unleashed his, escaping a domain is possible but very difficult, and then with the fight against Mahito, he unleashed his domain on Nanami, but shortly afterwards Yuji was able to break through as if it were glass. That's because the stronger the domain is inside, the more fragile it is from the outside, hence why Fushiguro was able to enter this domain to assist in this episode and had to use his own domain in order to make an opening big enough to get out

Микита Кривогуб

Toji enters the fight! In his overwhelming intensity! The same guy who once nearly killed Gojo... Now resurrected. Is he on our side? Is he not? Well, one can only guess... And especially our guys. But now he's here... Let's see what happens next. Now, people were telling you it gets better after ep 13. This is true! But exactly this episode 14 is regarded as the one with the worst animation in the season... All due to the company not giving animators enough time to work. I can only sympathize with them. It's still a good episode, though, at the very least thanks to the Frame Guy (head of the Zenin clan where Toji, Megumi and Maki come from and which Maki wants to oppose). I'm very excited for you to see the next few episodes - they are the real deal.


Best domain expansion if you are tired after work and need to relax on the beach



To add on: they're designed to keep ppl trapped in, not to keep ppl from entering to meet their demise lol. Only crazy and ballsy ppl purposefully barge into an enemy domain, as far as the domain user is concerned.


Neutral Non-Critical Observation: It looked like Naobito punched the Cursed Womb in the gut so hard that it threw up all those bones and remains.


There’s an entire new class of gym bros that were birthed from Toji and moneybags

Ethan Martin

Next episode is really good in its own right but is more build up towards the next two after that. Those two episodes are what made every viewer realize just what the animators at Mappa are capable of. And as far as the soundtrack goes? Every episode from here on out has one unique and very memorable track to add to the list.


oh wow💀

freshyjazzy12 .

Dad is hoooomeeee!!! Megumi time to meet your deadbeat father! All I know is whoever Toji wants to fight is getting their ass beat. Literally the only person here I think who could actually give Toji a run for his money is Fake Geto, everyone else here loses in a 1v1.


Goddayum u gotta drop more jjk eps in a week bruh, i cannnoootttt wait for u to watch the next episode 💀 this wait feels longer than when I was watching it weekly 🤣🤣


Megumi opening an exit hole, only for his dead dad who abandoned him to jump out of it is so funny


and he doesnt even know who tf that it hahahahaha